Fear Of Missing Out – My Promise

I’ve been doing a lot of research the past few months about blogging, promoting via social media and all that. I had no idea how many people have so much to say about the subject! I’ve dabbled in blogging in the past but this time around I’m ready to share with the world. Every writing expert has 5 things to make-sure-you-do for this and 7 things to avoid-like-the-plague for that. I learn a lot from these folks and am thankful for them! But the advice has been hard to sort through, and at times it makes me feel like I’m a total slacker for not writing 500 words a day and not utilizing Twitter more effectively and generally falling short.

The great news is that if I just act TODAY and listen to THIS podcast or watch THAT video or take advantage of the deal of the day, I’ll be on my way to reaching the world with my message!

No pressure!

I think my experience online is not unlike my experience comparing schedules and activities and clothing and food. Surely I’m withholding good things from my family! Surely someone is withholding good things from me!  The pressure piles on and begs me grasp at the things I don’t have.

I recently read this advice about writing blog titles: “Play on people’s FOMO by using words like need and must-have or miss-out.” That’s right. If you didn’t know already, FOMO is a thing. But whether you know it or not, marketers* do. They know you have a fear of missing out and they know how to tap into it so you will buy their product, read their post, consume their food, play their game.

So here’s the thing. I promise to do my best to invite you rather than manipulate you. I hope that what I write might be meaningful to you. But I also do not want you to feel compelled to read something because of fear. I long to invite you with love. And you know what? Though I write to provide you the opportunity to think and feel more deeply, I am quite confident you don’t NEED anything I say or do to Live and Love Deeply. Deep Love teaches that.

I just want to give you a taste of it here.

Thanks for reading. It matters a great deal to me that you are here. But if you don’t come back, I’ll send you off with a hug and a wave and a smile. Come back anytime.


Andrea Joy

*I do not think all marketers are manipulative!  🙂 A lot of marketing today is filled with gratitude and respect. I love that.

real me

5 thoughts on “Fear Of Missing Out – My Promise

    • You’re very welcome! And thank you for interacting here. It’s good to hear other voices than my own!

  1. My mom and aunts are always lamenting their FOMO when they miss out on a get-together! I’m glad you’re starting in the right place… a lot of people start blogging and focus on the publicity rather than the things they’re actually trying to publicize — their words! You’re already ahead of the game if you ask me. 🙂

  2. I greatly suffer from FOMO – I think it is the curse of social media and I probably spend way too much time on it. So it is great when someone comes along that knows about it and is prepared to go against the grain and blog not for likes, but for genuine interaction. Thank you so much for that xx

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