Grandparent Magic

Grandparents have a way of making you believe you really are something special. It’s a glorious magic they possess – the power to be utterly delighted with the grandchild in their presence. They don’t wave a magic wand and make you fabulous. They just believe you really are fabulous. And in that moment, you believe it too.

Grandparent Magic Border

I don’t think I realized how powerful Grandparent Magic was until a couple of years ago when my Grandpa was in the hospital. Although he was fully aware, his body was failing him. The Moomey kids and grandkids all made their way to Grandpa’s bedside. My sister sent a video for me to play for Grandpa to let him know she was on her way. I had the privilege of sharing it with him.

“Hi Grandpa! I’ll be there soon!” Her enthusiastic voice called out from my phone.

His whole presence lifted him up in his chair as delight radiated from his weary being. He lifted the oxygen mask off his face so he could talk to her.

“Hi Honey! How are you?!”

For a split second I felt taken aback and a little jealous at how pleased he was to be in my sister’s presence. But as quickly as that feeling came, it was replaced with the most profound concept I may ever realize.

moomey kidsHe delights in every one of us as though we are the only one. His heart has room to believe each one of us is fabulous.

There are no favorites, we are all his favorite.

All of our grandparents and people who have the souls of grandparents (even without grandkids) possess the potential of this magic. They offer it unreservedly and increasingly as the years wear down their own need for approval and build up their capacity to love. It is so strange to be with our grandparents when they use their magic on people who are not family and we realize that they delight in every single person they greet.

There are no favorites, we are all his favorite.

Delight. Love. Magic.

I hear it is discouraging to get older. Retirement can make people feel useless and less valuable than they once were when they were working. Bodies are capable of less. Minds begin to forget. If we continue to measure ourselves by our former productivity, we may not realize that the most impacting years of our lives are upon us.

Dear Soul of a Grandparent, please soak this in. You have the potential to be more powerful and productive and effective in your twilight years than all of your youth and working years combined. We do amazing things when you believe we are fabulous. We live into the vision you have for us. We believe in ourselves when you believe in us.

If we continue to measure ourselves by our former productivity, we may not realize that the most impacting years of our lives are upon us.

That’s why Grandparent Magic is so dynamic. It empowers and inspires and supports. You can change hearts with your magic, making an exponential impact on the world through each person in your presence, simply and profoundly because of your delight.

Dear Soul of a Grandparent, unlock your Magic. You are fabulous.

I invite you to share what your grandparents or what being a grandparent has meant to you in the comments below or on my Facebook page – add a picture if you would like!

This post is dedicated to my Magical Grandparents: Homer & Aileen Rohde and Bill & Doris Moomey.

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Thank you!


Andrea Joy

14 thoughts on “Grandparent Magic

  1. It’s true; every grandchild is special! Thank you for sharing your joy as a grandchild to encourage grandparents in their ministry to the children in their lives. So glad you had such loving grandparents.

    • I care passionately about this message and the Grandparents who read it! Thank you, Karen.

  2. It’s true; every grandchild is special! Thank you for sharing your joy as a grandchild to encourage grandparents in their ministry to the children in their lives. So glad you had such loving grandparents.

    • I care passionately about this message and the Grandparents who read it! Thank you, Karen.

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