I have been waiting for months to take my kids to see Disney Pixar’s Inside Out, and I wasn’t disappointed on opening day. The movie offers a great way to explain the concept that what we feel on the inside has a direct effect on what we do on the outside.
Rather than offer a summary of the movie or comment on its stunning visuals and clever concepts, I want to simply share the #1 deep lesson I hope my kids…well…everyone learns from it and 7 conversation starters for you to use with the special kid in your life.
#1 Lesson:
Emotions can feel confusing, overwhelming and scary at times. But you do not need to be afraid of sadness. Sometimes sadness is the gateway to the deepest joy.
Conversation Starters (not intended to use consecutively or completely):
1. What did Joy think of Sadness through the first part of the movie?
2. Why did Joy change her mind about Sadness?
3. What was good about Sadness in the end of the movie?
4. How did Sadness help Riley and her parents?
5. Sometimes I get frustrated or angry. When that happens I push people away — kind of like what Riley did. But pushing people away never makes me happy. Do you think Riley would have been happy if she stayed on the bus? Does pushing people away ever make you happy?
6. What did Riley’s parents do when she was honest about her sadness? Do you think Riley was glad she told them she was sad?
7. What color were Riley’s memories at the end? Why?
I hope you have a great time discussing Inside Out with those you love. I sure did!