How to Show Up to Old Relationships With Your New Self with Brian Dixon

Episode 111

Brian Dixon is a podcaster, conference speaker, and business coach who is passionate about helping authors, speakers, and aspiring messengers create a sustainable business through growing their platform and creating compelling online courses. Brian has a doctoral degree from the University of San Diego and is the co-founder of Hope Writers, a membership site of over 2,000 working writers. In this episode, Brian talks about the inspiration for his new book, tips for putting people ahead of projects and living a people-first lifestyle, why we need to outgrow our upbringing, the importance of leading with humility as you put yourself out there in increasingly public ways, why he strives to peak when he is sixty-five years old, his advice for becoming a voice of influence, and more!

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Brian Dixon Voice of Influence Podcast Andrea Joy Wenburg


Hey, Hey!  It’s Andrea and welcome to the Voice of Influence podcast, where we explore the intersection of human dynamics, communication, and service.  If you’re interested in growing your own voice of influence or the influence of those on your team, check us out at and connect to us to talk.  We’d love to hear from you.   Today, I have with me Brian Dixon.  He has a podcaster, conference speaker, and business coach.  Brian is passionate about helping authors, speakers, and aspiring messengers create a sustainable business through growing their platform, creating compelling online courses.  He is the co-founder of hope writers, a membership site of over 2000 working writers.  Brian has a doctoral degree from the University of San Diego, and he and his wife Julie live in Charlotte, North Carolina with their three young children.  

Andrea:  Brian, it’s great to have you on the Voice of Influence podcast!  

Brian Dixon:  Andrea, I’m so excited to be here.  Thanks for having me.  

Andrea:  Yes, and congratulations on the recent launch of your book, Start with Your People: The Daily Decision that Changes Everything.  I love that.  

Brian Dixon:  It’s so important.  You know, we’ve got to realize how important people are in our life and in our business.  And that’s really where it all begins, is our relationship with the people that are already in our life.  

Andrea:  Hmm.  Let me start with that.  Let me just start with why did you decide that that was an important thing to discuss?  Why is it that you wrote this particular book?  

Brian Dixon:  Huh, I mean the reality is our message.  The thing that we are struggling with right now, the thing that you’re dealing with in your life right now that I believe you’re going to overcome.  I believe that if you keep listening to podcasts, if you keep signing up for training, if you’re working with a coach, if you have a mastermind group, like the things that we know to do, if we’re doing those things the stuckness that you’re in right now in your life is not going to be there.   And a year from now or two years from now, there’ll be another thing.  But the thing you’re working on right now, you’re going to move through it, you’re going to move past it.  And so for me, that thing was my relationship with, people specifically, I was putting projects and accomplishment over recognition and relationships.  

Andrea:  OK.  Projects and accomplishment.  What did that look like for you?  

Brian Dixon:  You know, it would look like somebody having my full attention.  So, we’re in the middle of a launch.  Part of what I do is I help people get their online thing off the ground.  So, a lot of times that’s a course or that’s a membership site.  I do that through coaching and then all through some building some agency kind of work.  And so I’m all in, right?   So, I’ll work, you know, 21 hours a day on this thing and get it off the ground and like really go hard.  And then after it’s done, I won’t follow up or I wasn’t, like I want to follow up for like six months because I already did finish it.  Like the thing that we did together is good and, you know, for years I wanted to write thank you notes.  I wanted to be the kind of person that continues relationships even after a business arrangement had ended or I completed.  

I don’t know what it is.  I think honestly, I think just think it was a lack of self awareness and it was really seeing people for the value that they can bring to me and the bottom line instead of seeing people for who they really are and just that power of relationships.  And so, I’ve learned so much in the last few years about authenticity, vulnerability, intimacy, and relationships.   I think I’m about that into-me-see, like I love that word.  I want people to see into me, you know.  I want them to be able to say, “Hey Brian, this is what you’re awesome at.”  And also here are a couple of areas that I’ve noticed that, you know, it kind of rubs people the wrong way because when we’re aware of those things, I believe that we deliver better client service.  I believe that we show up in a bigger way and we actually attract our ideal clients even more when we’re really authentic.  

Andrea:  Hmm.  That’s interesting.  I like the authenticity piece of all that for sure.  I’m wondering too about, OK, so projects you get done with a project with somebody and then how much of just busy-ness and the reality of the fact that we just can’t possibly, you know, keep up with, you know, thousands of people or whatever, you know, it might be.  How do you reconcile that with that new found desire to really have that authentic relationship with people that would be ongoing?

Brian Dixon:  It’s a great question and I think it’s really, really hard, right?  Most of us have hundreds, if not thousands of “friends” on social media, like we’re connected to people.  I’m so connected to people I went to elementary school with, you know, like we just keep adding relationships into our life.  And so it’s impossible to stay in touch with everybody and that’s definitely all what I’m saying.   But I do believe that we make an effect like we have an effect on the world around us.  We have an effect on the relationships that are in our lives and we get to choose that effect.  We get to choose if we want to be somebody who says life giving words, somebody who builds others up, somebody who encourages people to reach their highest potential.   And I was doing that like in some ways, I’ve received good feedback but I also recognized that there were areas of my life where all I needed to do, Andrea, was just to like slow down and turn and say, “You know what, I had a blast working with you.  Thank you so much.  Thanks for hiring me.”  Or you know, “Thanks for having me speak at your conference, I never did that before.”  And those little actions don’t take a lot of time, but they make such a big difference.  

Andrea:  It’s almost like a closing a loop or you know, that hole like.  We have this thing, we’ve done it well to come back afterwards and close that loop to be able to say that.  But I really appreciated that.  You’re right, there’s something so powerful and I don’t know like relationship building about that for sure.  

Brian Dixon:  Yeah.  You know, what one practice, just to make it really practical for you guys listening, because you’re probably thinking like how do you do it?  Like, what do you actually do?  So this morning, you know, so I have this morning routine that I go through and part of it, it includes a journal.  So, I have my journal out and you know, I’m a person of faith and so there’s some prayer and some Bible reading, but you don’t have to be a person of faith to use a journal in the morning, right?   And so I’ve taken the journal out and what I do is I pray, but you could just meditate, you could just think.  And what I do is I just, whoever comes to mind, I just write down their name.  And so this morning there were four names that came to mind.  Two of them I realized in that moment that, “Whoa, there’s some brokenness here.”  There are two relationships from way long ago that I just need to reach out to him.  Just say, “Hey, I was thinking about you today.”  That’s where it starts, just, “Hey I was thinking about you today,” and there’s a chance that I might need to say sorry.  There’s a chance that I might need to clean something up that I left broken.  But what I know is that when those names come to mind, I now have a responsibility.  

I was talking to my business coach yesterday and he said, “You know, the thing about a blind spot is once we see it, it’s no longer a blind spot.  It’s now something we’re aware of and we have a choice.  Are we going to address it or we’re going to ignore it?”   So this morning, you know, one guy’s name came to mind.  I wrote it down and as I’m like taking the trash out to the curb, I sent him a text message or a Facebook messenger message and I just said, “Hey man, I was thinking about you, like what’s new in your life?”  He’s going through a divorce.  I didn’t know.  And now he said, “Well, I’m headed on my way to the attorney, and then hopefully that the judge will sign off on the divorce papers.”   And I had no idea.  So I write him back right away and I’m like, “Oh man, I’m so sorry.  I had no idea.”  And I have to believe, you know, that’s not coincidence that his name came to mind today as he is on his way to his attorney’s office.  

And I think that’s the impact that we can have whatever you want to call us, “influencers,” “speakers,” or “messengers.”  I like the word “messengers,” but as people who want to make a difference in the world, when we think about the people that we’ve interacted with, we have an opportunity to build them up or tear them down.   I just realized a few years ago I was doing more tearing than building and I wanted to switch that around.  It’s a lot easier than I thought it would be.  

Andrea:  Oh, that’s really cool.  I think that really applies to even sales.  You know you’re actively out there prospecting or talking to people about something that you have to offer.  When that’s the case, it can tend to lean towards the whole, I need something from you feeling, but when you are in sales and thinking about, “Now, who do I just need to reach out to just to touch base as a human being?”  All of a sudden you become a person to them and that’s really powerful.  

Brian Dixon:  You know, it’s so funny there’s this kind of what you call it like an agency, like a marketing agency online.  And I’ve been following the two guys that own it for awhile.  Their stuff is fun, you know.  I’ll click on their ads because I kind of like their style.  It’s a little aggressive, but it’s funny, you know, and so I reached out to him to say, “Hey, I’d love to work with you guys.  Is there a course, like, do you have a weekend boot camp or something like that?”  And I also kind of wanted to like learn their system, you know, their sales process because I think they’re doing a good job.  

So, as I’m going through the sales process, it went from, you know, a conversation of like, here’s some free content to them trying to sell me a $24,000 six month coaching thing.  And it just felt like such a big leap without a lot of information.  I’m not against investing in my own business but I just wasn’t ready.  It was like I came in for a skateboard and they’re offering a Maserati, you know.  It’s just like, it felt weird.  

And so, I pushed back on the guy and said, “Wait a second, that’s not what I’m looking for.  I’m looking for maybe something a little and more entry level ‘cause I wanna get to know you guys and check out your content.”  And he laid into me like, “You’re not ready to like…”  It was just weird.  So, I thought that was the end of the relationship.  

Well, there’s two things first of all regarding sales, number one, I’m telling the story right now, and I’m not going to say their name, but there’s still a bad taste in my mouth about this guy, you know.   And then number two, one of his team members followed up with me yesterday.  And so I took the call and I said, “Listen, I really like you guys.  I like a lot of what you’re doing, but this call, the way it went, just wasn’t effective.  And I really feel like this is something you guys could work on.  But it doesn’t mean I don’t want to do business with you.  I would love to find a way to do business with you and here’s specifically what I’m looking for.”  

And here’s the thing, Andrea, he heard it, like, he actually heard it.  And I think that we as people of influence, me as messenger have an opportunity to not just serve our clients but to speak truth into the marketplace.  And that’s what I did in this conversation.  I don’t always get it right.  That’s what I did in this conversation, and it’s on them now to fix that brokenness in their process. 

I used to think that giving feedback or giving suggestions to other businesses was like arrogance or was not my place.   But what I’ve realized is I want somebody to do that for me.  You know, if I send an email, and it’s a little too aggressive or too spammy or whatever, especially with my friends hit reply and say, “Hey, Brian, that email was a little off.”  I’m like, “Oh, thank you so much, like, what can I do to make it better because we all want to improve?”  

So, I think starting with your people means, especially in business, means having this openness to feedback.  Now, you don’t change everything you’re doing just because one person said something, right?  But being able to listen to feedback and being able to give feedback makes it all a better industry.  It makes us better marketers, makes us better messengers, and actually improves the client experience.  

Andrea:  Hmm.  All right, Brian, before we started talking, I asked, or before we started recording, I asked you what’s something that you haven’t gotten to talk about a whole lot but think, you know, you’d like to really be able to address this.  And I am so interested in the next part of our conversation.  What do you mean by outgrowing your upbringing?  

Brian Dixon:  We have a choice.  In 2018, we we’re recording this, you know, wherever you happen to grow up.  This is pretty common knowledge, right?  But wherever you happen to grow up, you don’t have to stay there.  So for me, I grew up in this little town in Manitoba, Canada and I’ve actually visited that town this last summer.  And there are people that went to my elementary school and then went to the same high school I went to and even went to the same college that I went to that are now living in that same town, like they’re still there.   Some of them took over their parents’ business, some of them were working, you know, just got normal jobs.  

And there’s a little bit of this, not judging them, but from my conversations, there’s this mindset of, “If if I try to do something outside of my family upbringing, then I’m going to be judged.” Or actually this one person used this shunned.  “I’m gonna be shunned.”  

And I was like, “First of all, I haven’t heard that word.  Has anyone used that word in hundreds of years?”  

And so it caused me, anytime I hear something like that that applies to somebody else, what I first need to do is check myself and go, “Whoa, how does that apply to me?”  And it caused me to realize that as messengers, as people that are trying to launch a book or trying to start a brand or striving to become a speaker or start a podcast, that we’re changing the rules of the relationship.  We’re going from, you know, go to college, get a job, live your life to trying to do something really public.  And there’s this weirdness in that gap of going from a private person to a public person.

Now, you might even argue in social media in 2019, we’re all kind of public people, you know.  But there is a difference when you get intentional about your social and when you get intentional about your website, you know, when you get intentional about your branding that there will be people in your life that are like, “Who does Andrea thinks she is?  Who does she think she is to start her own podcast?  She’s not an expert.  I went to sixth grade with her.”   And there’s a weird feeling that we have in going through that, especially when somebody in your family says something, which I think we’ve all heard or heard from somebody else.  And I think it’s something we don’t talk about, but it’s so important to process so that we can move forward in boldness and in truth and in grace.  

Andrea:  All right.  So how have you processed to this in your own life, in your own experience?  What does that process look like for you?  

Brian Dixon:  You know, you have to lead with humility and I messed this one up every day, like every day.  But that’s where it starts, you know?  So for example, like really tangible because I’m a visual person, the cover of my book Start with Your People, there’s these like little avatar pictures, these little cartoon pictures on the front.  And the idea was that we start with the people at home and then it moves to our friends and our team.  And then eventually it gets to the larger industry, to the influencers and the people that can really make a difference in your career.   And the first version of the cover was just a bunch of like random drawings, you know, just like they didn’t represent anybody, just this basic idea.  

And as we worked on it, I hired a graphic designer to customize all these avatars.  So, every single person on the cover of my book is a real person.  And I’m looking at the cover right now.  The fifth person is my 93-year-old grandmother.  She’s a little avatar on the cover of my book.  And the reason I’m mentioning this is because like, she knows me, you know, I’m her grandson.  My kids are her great-grandchildren, like she knows me.  She’s my 93-year-old grandmother, and I want to be authentic.  

Here’s the challenge.  We don’t have two lives.  You don’t have an online life and an offline life.  We don’t have a work life and a home life.  We have one life.  We are one person, and the Brian Dixon that launches the book, the Brian Dixon that’s on your podcast right now, like the Brian Dickson that shows up on a Facebook ad is the same Brian Dixon who calls his grandmother, you know.  I want to be the same person.  And that’s where it gets a little weird is when somebody expects you to be, you know, just working in a job and now you’re on social all the time, you know, they see your stuff everywhere.  

So what I learned to do is to lead with humility, which is to say, “Hey guys,” like literally an email and a text message to my family this summer before the book came out in September, so like in July and said “Hey guys, just want to let you know, you’re gonna see a lot of me over the next few months.  So, I just apologize.  You have to know that’s just part of launching a book.  It’s not that I’ve changed.  It’s not that I’m like suddenly full of myself.  It’s just that people don’t pay attention.  They need to hear seven to 10 times that there’s a book before they even realize there’s the book.  And then they have to see it another seven to 10 times before they even know to buy the book.  So you’re going to see a lot of my stuff online.  But I want you to know I’m still Brian, I’m still here.”   And so that was a message I sent to a few people in my life. 

We continue doing things that we would normally do in our life.  So, you know, we host a few families that come over every couple of weeks just to build that social connection.  So just like, what can we do to keep showing up for the people in our life, even when our career accelerates, even when we get really busy?  

And I think that’s the real challenge right there because I’ve seen, Andrea, I’ve seen the inverse. That’s the point, right?  I’ve seen people go from, nobody knows them and they’re attending a conference to now they’re the keynote speaker and they don’t have the time, you know, time in their day to just say hello to you, you know?  And it’s just like so off-putting, and that’s the big challenge is like as we’re growing in our career how do we maintain authenticity and maintain some of those connections and it can be a big challenge.  

Andrea:  When you do maintain those connections, how much of your professional life is discussed or is brought in or whether you’re the one that’s bringing it in or not, you know.  I mean, do you talk about it?  

Brian Dixon:  I had to adjust my expectations and I’ve talked to many friends and colleagues you that really doing well online and we have to adjust their expectations.  Like my dad, I mean, just to get real personal, like my dad is an author and he hasn’t had a big book like my book was a pretty sizable book.  You know, the print, however you measure it, the number of stores it’s in, the number of sales, the advance on the royalties, the number of people on the book launch team, like however you measure it, it was a big book.  He hasn’t had one like that.   And so that gets a little weird.  You know, we both kind of do the same thing.  He writes books and launches books.  I write books and launch books, and now how do we deal with this thing?  And so I think that there’s grace.  I think that there’s being polite, you know, so he’ll ask “How’s it going?”  But I also don’t have to rub it in his face either, you know.  One thing I would just to be totally transparent, I really had to learn that my family is not my audience.  You get what I’m saying?  

Andrea:  Yes!  

Brian Dixon:  My family is not my audience.  And so if I post something online that rubs them the wrong way, first of all, they’re not my audience.  I want to honor them, but they’re not my audience.  But second of all, I’m not writing for them either, so I’m not writing to impress them, but I’m also not writing to slander them.  And that is a weird, weird balance.  You want to talk about that?  

Andrea:  Not writing to impress them, but not writing to slander them either.  What do you mean?  

Brian Dixon:  Yeah.  You know, especially writing a book about people, you know, writing a book about relationships like you want to use examples from your life and no matter what you’ve been through and how long you’ve lived, there’s been positive and negative examples.  You know, it’s really easy to say, look at what these people have done wrong or look at what I’ve done right.  And you want to connect to a reader, but you need to honor the people that are in your life in the way that you do it.  And I’m not saying that I did do it right a 100 percent of the time.  

I think the books are helpful because you have an editorial process, you know, so your editor can work with you.  But especially when you’re posting on social, you know, you’re posting on social and talking about how you had to do this thing that required you to be braver than you normally are.  OK, that’s a great post.  People want to read that post that’s encouraging.  That’s like, “Yeah, way to go.”  Like, “Thanks for posting that.”  

But what I had to realize in the process is when I use this example from my life, the person in my life might be reading that post and have opinions about it, you know. And what I’ve been learning to do, and I again, I don’t do it well all the time, is learning to check in, you know, so the real tangible.  So my wife Julie, before I post something that has anything to do with her, I just say, “Hey, I’m thinking about posting this thing.”  

Actually, you know, this happened just before we got on the call.  I’m going to send a Facebook messenger broadcast to our messenger list for one of our brands and one of my partners in that I want to use a picture of her face in this message.  And I would have just sent it a few years ago because that’s a project over a person just like get the project done.   But what I did today, like again, I don’t do it well all the time, but what I did today is I took a screenshot of the message, the preview message and I sent her a Voxer message over to my business partner, I said, “Hey, are you cool with me sending this?”  I haven’t heard back from her yet. 

So, first of all, I’m like delayed getting this message out, which sucks.  But number two is I know this because we’ve been working together for awhile.  She feels honored by me taking the time to make sure she’s cool so that I can send that message.  Because if I sent it and I didn’t ask her, she’d probably be OK.  But maybe, just maybe there’s a little part of her that would say, “Oh, I wish he asked me,” you know.   And that’s what it means to Start with Your People, it’s just slowing down, checking in, “Harry, cool, if I post this?”  “Are you cool if I tell this story?  Are you cool if I share that detail?”  Because those are the people that matter even more than your audience, even more than your clients is the people at home, the people that you’re closer to.  And we’ve got to do that because it’s so easy to want to over share, you know, and try to build a connection with a real audience, but like burn all the relationships around us.  

Andrea:  You know, I mean, it’s almost like opening a loop without even telling them.  

Brian Dixon:  Yes.  

Andrea:  If you post something or if you’re thinking you’re going to post something or you think you’re going to change something in somebody’s life that’s going to impact somebody else.  And to not close that loop and say, “Hey, by the way, is this okay with you?”  Or “By the way, this is what’s happening.”  It’s being mindful of others and it definitely impacts the way that people perceive how much you respect them.  

Brian Dixon:  You know, the feedback I’ve gotten on this book is like these are all the things I know like I should be doing with people but like I know it but I don’t do it, you know?  And I think that’s a good book, like a good book is a reminder of the things we already believe and maybe some practical examples of like why it matters.  And to start with people to see the value of people in your life, to put people first isn’t rocket science.  It’s not a brand new concept, but it’s so important because that is right there.  That is the difference, and I’m convinced of this, that’s the difference between somebody who’s in this for the long run and somebody who’s there, you know, 18 months and gone.  

You know, I’ve been full time online as a messenger, as a marketing guy for six years now.  There’s not a lot of people I know that started around the same time as me that are still doing it.  And there’s this great book called The Slight Edge and he’s got this graph in the book where basically like “for years you’re at the same level as the people that you like grew up with and then somewhere around your 40’s you start to see this slow divide, you know.  And it grows and grows and grows over time.”   And that happens in industries too, you know, you see all these people that got into their Instagram messaging or you know, whatever TikTok consulting or like whatever the new thing is, and you give it six months, you give it 12 months, you give it 18 months and people start to burn out and they’re not around anymore.  And I don’t want to not be around, you know, I want to be somebody who’s continuing to serve people in 10 years from the future.  

I love Don Miller, you know, the author of StoryBrand, he says, “Peak at 65” and I just love that I’m 41 right now.  Like, imagine if this isn’t my peak, if my peak is in 24 years from now, like how can I show up for Andrea in such a way that you can’t wait to have me back in a year from now and I’m just a recurring guest on your show, right?  And I serve you well and we know each other for the next 24 years.  That’s the kind of way I want to treat people in my industry.  That’s the way I want to treat my team.  And I think that’s what it means to live with people first lifestyle.  

Andrea:  So good.  Brian, what last piece of advice would you like to give the listener on how they can really be a voice of influence?  

Brian Dixon:  I love that.  I love that question.  You know, I was skeptical for years, but I become a big believer in these personality tests.  You know, the one that opened my eyes was the Enneagram, but there’s Enneagram, Strength Finder, Love Languages, the Kolbe Index.  I love the Fascination Advantage.  You know, Sally is fascinating.  

Andrea:  Oh yeah.  We know that one well here.  

Brian Dixon:  You know well.  OK, so me knowing that I’m the Victor, like that’s my archetype that tells me how I show up.  It tells me how I get filled up.  It tells me how I come across to people.  And I think one of the best things that you can do if you want to have influence is to understand and read your own manual, understand how the machine works, you know. 

How do I get when I’m tired?  How do I get when I’m feeling stressed?  What do I do when I’m feeling filled up?  And to recognize the way that I come across the people, like where’s my zone of genius and where do I totally fail?  And knowing that and then being able to surround myself with a team who I’m authentic with, I’m vulnerable with.  

They know me; they know what I’m really good at, like what’s my lane.  But they also know like, “Don’t ever let Brian touch that thing.  You know that one thing.  Let him do this, but don’t let him do that.”  

That’s how I think you have the greatest influence because you’re in your zone or whatever you want to call it, you’re in flow.   And to do that, I believe that right there when you’re living in that sweet spot, that’s where you can make the biggest impact and, here’s the fun part, the biggest income.  So for me, I think strategy and I think about the future and what I’m thinking strategy in the future, our company makes a lot more money.  But when I’m in the details and the minutiae, I’m slowing everybody down.  

So, for you guys to understand, what’s my Enneagram type, what’s my Strength Finder, what’s my Fascination Advantage, Love Language is a big one.  Like how do I hear people when they say “Good job,” that doesn’t mean anything, but then they bring me a gift, I’m like “Oh, that meant the world.”  Like I need to know those things about myself so that I can speak life into other people.  

Andrea:  Awesome!  Coming from a, like a fellow personality test junky, I echo what you just said.  So, Brian, how can people find you and find your book?  

Brian Dixon:  Oh, I love it.  Thanks so much for asking.  Well, the books available on Amazon or wherever you buy books and there’s an audio version.  It’s on Audible.  So the book is called Start with Your People.  And I love you guys to pick it up and then, you know, just let’s be people, right?  Just connect to me as a person.  So I love Instagram.  You can send me a message on Instagram.  I’m Brian J. Dixon on Instagram, but there’s nothing more fun than you hearing this show and then send me a messenger just tell me, “Hey Brian, this is what I got out of it, or here’s a question that I have.  I’d love to continue that conversation with you.  

Andrea:  Awesome!  And if you need any of that, again, we will definitely have that in the show notes on our website.  So Brian, thank you so much for sharing your voice of influence with our listeners.  

Brian Dixon:  Andrea, thanks so much, I appreciate it!

Creating Emotional Connections with Your Brand with Kerri Konik

Episode 110

Kerri Konik is a leading expert, consultant, and speaker on how to catalyze the emotional bonds between customers, brands, and companies to increase revenue, value retention, and advocacy. Kerri has launched and managed six businesses and is currently the CEO of Inspire Fire, a woman-owned brand marketing advisory firm. She is also the CEO of Equality Communications Group. In this episode, Kerri discusses why she chose her field, the importance of understanding the emotional driver of your customer and what emotions you want them to experience when they use your product or service, the four experience stages she helps her clients create a roadmap for, the value of bringing your potential customers to a state of possibility, the most powerful question she asks her clients, and more!

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Kerri Konik Voice of Influence Podcast Andrea Joy Wenburg


Hey, hey!  It’s Andrea and welcome to the Voice of Influence podcast.  Today, I have with me Kerri Konik who is a leading expert in maximizing the ROI of emotional connection and customer experiences.  I’m super excited to talk to Kerri today.  She is a consultant and speaker on how to catalyze the emotional bonds between customers, brands, and companies to increase revenue, value retention, and advocacy.  Kerri has launched and managed six businesses and is currently the CEO of Inspire Fire, a woman-owned brand marketing advisory firm as well as the CEO of Equality Communications Group.

Andrea:  Kerri, it is great to have you here today on the Voice of Influence podcast.

Kerri Konik:  Hello, hello.  Thank you so much.  It’s a pleasure to be with you.

Andrea:  All right.  I love emotional connection.  Love this idea.  Why does this topic of emotional connection?  Why did you choose this topic?  How did you get started here?

Kerri Konik:  Uhh, well, I started working with brands and products, consumer products, and groups back when I was in New York, and I worked with the New York Times and I worked with Campbell Soup and services as well as products.  The most valuable component beyond having an item of value, an item of quality is how people feel about it, which became branding, right?  What is the brand relationship between your customer and your product or your service? And yeah, it does a thing, you know; let’s say you bought a shoe polisher.  Yes, a polisher or shoes.  It’s a quality product.  It does what it’s supposed to do, but the relationship actually lives in how they feel about what you enable them to be able to do because of what you did, if that makes sense. So, I start to notice of the most important piece to a brand or a brand’s growth, and this is true for startup brand or a very small solopreneur type brand is the customer connection.  And that connection is an emotional connection.  Like after it’s all said and done, how did they feel now?  Are they like totally in love with that experience?  Do they refer you?  You know the quote by Maya Angelou, “People won’t remember what you said, but they’ll remember how you made them feel.”

Andrea:  Absolutely.

Kerri Konik:  Yeah, so it’s like, “Yeah, yeah, I got the shoe polish and it was great in it polished my shoes.  But what it did was it enabled me to look awesome on that stage and I felt like one million bucks.  So what it did was it raised my courage and my confidence so I could go full out.”  So that’s an emotional _____ what we call the emotional solution you really provide.

Andrea:  I love that.   It seems like it is not the easiest thing to achieve though.  How do you help or what do you suggest or how do you approach this whole idea when somebody calls you and says, “Kerri, we need help connecting with our customers so that they actually feel like whatever we want them to feel like.”  Or do they even know what they want them to feel like when they contact you?

Kerri Konik:  Usually not.  That’s a great, great question.  And actually it’s really, really easy to unpack and get at it once you know what you’re looking for.  Like if you’re going fishing and you know exactly what fish you’re looking for and how they like to swim and if you know the behavior of the fish. So, what happens when we do get those phone calls where they know that their brand or the experience was transactional and one thing, you know, they bought it and they were satisfied.  It was like, “Yeah, that’s great.”  “Yeah, it was fine.  Thanks.”  But there’s no emotional connection like, “Oh my God, I have to tell my friend Andrea about this.”  There’s no like emotional experience.  

So, one thing I say is there’s always an emotional transaction before there’s a commercial transaction. So, what we do is we _____ with the brand and we get at the core of the brand identity.  And there’s four components to that, so we help them look at in what problem do you solve to your product, to your service, and who’s your audience.  Who do you solve it for, and that’s the most important piece.  And then why do you do what you do and that’s more for the business owner or the brand purpose.  And then we look at the why, which is why do you do that, but we look at the _____ behind it and that really helps fuel the brand. But we look at the emotional solutions like, so what’s possible?  And I just demo that a little bit with you, Andrea, with the shoe shine.  It’s like, “Yeah, I bought shoe polish.”  There’s nothing very emotionally connected about that, right?  It’s transactional.  It’s like “My shoes are scruffy.  I wanna look good on stage.  I have to buy this, you know, $6 item.  

But, oh my God, the packaging was incredible.  The customer service was great.  They helped me match my shoes.  And when I got on that stage, I knew I looked like one million bucks from head to toe and I love Kiwi,” or whatever the brand might be.  And so that love figuring out in the core four of the identity, the who, what is your customer emotionally motivated by? So there are two sides to that, a little bit of education here, right?  So, on the one side is what’s the emotional driver like your customer, you know, what do they want?  How do they want to feel?  They should buy a shoe polish.  I don’t want a shoe polish today, but here we are.  Well, she wants to feel confident.  She wants to feel like she’s buttoned up and looks great, right?  

So, she wants to feel confident, let’s just say.  OK, so that’s her motivator.  Nobody wants to spend 6 bucks on shoe polish if they don’t have to.  Nobody wants braces either, you know. So, when you get clear about the driver then when you craft the sales experience, the purchase experience, the product unboxing experience, that I just kind of mentioned, and it’s lovely.  Or it is in alignment with her or his or their emotional driver and you satisfy that driver, you design the moment what we call the touch point in that experience of buying shoe polish where you design what is the emotional goal of that moment.

And so if you know who he, she, or they are and what they’re after and it’s pretty true across the board why anybody would buy a shoe polish, that’s actually a good example for today.  And then when you actually deliver personality or experience or messaging that then resonates and aligns to that, so you’re creating an emotional connection moment that they receive and now there’s a bond and there’s an emotional reaction and an emoting. So, this is where you’re going to say, “Oh my gosh.”  You couldn’t see it, but once you see it, you can’t unsee it.  We’re humans, right?  We’re human beings and we’re actually programmed.  

We’re emotional beings.  We respond emotionally, first and foremost every time, from the moment we were pre-verbal, inside the womb, inside being a baby, we didn’t have words.  We didn’t have language.  We had emotion.  So we’re hardwired for this. And so once we work with our clients and we work with small businesses and growing businesses, but once we figured out, OK, who are they, what’s the emotional driver and then let’s architect experience to create experiences with the right emotion at the right time then the customer is like in love.  They’re so loyal, they’re “Oh my gosh, I would never go anywhere else.”  We all have these experiences and I can give you a couple of questions and like boom, I could get you emoting about your favorite brands.

Andrea:  Love it.  OK, so let’s go back to this example that you’re using with a shoe polish and confidence.  So, if in general that is what the customer’s wanting, they’re wanting to feel confident, but you’re saying that there are different touch points at which there might be different emotions that you’re trying to evoke.  What other different emotions you might be touching on when the overall emotion is confidence?

Kerri Konik:  Uhh, great!  OK, so the confidence is what they want for why they’re buying or shopping the category of shoe polish anyway, right?  So, they have an event.  Usually, there’s a reason they’re buying it, right?  Their shoes are scruffy.  Their boots are scruffy.  They have an event.  I used the example of being on a stage.  So, maybe someone, and we can shift genders here, maybe he is going for his big job interview up in New York City and he’s taking a train and everything like just came out of MBA or just came out of undergrad, right? Everything’s riding on this moment, right?  Think of that anticipation.  

Think about the emotions involved with, “Huh, this has to go right.  I’m gonna do everything I can.  I’m gonna iron my shirt.  I’m gonna polish my shoes.  I’m gonna press my jacket.  I’m gonna dry clean.”  So, if you know who the audience is, why would you buy a shoe polish or all these scenarios, but it’s because you want to be spiffy.  You don’t want to be scruffy.  And so confidence might be one and that’s a really nice broad emotional goal, right? So, that’s the shopping experience.  That’s the overall arch, like why would anybody buy that?  I’d rather buy an ice cream sundae.  Nobody wants to spend 6 bucks or 10 bucks on shoe polish.  

So, the question of backing up when you’re a brand and you are a manufacturer of the best shoe polish in the world and when we look at the emotional connection, there are different emotions because they’re not ready to buy when they first find out about you. So, we actually help our clients create a roadmap, you know, you’ve heard the term, the customer journey, where we do emotional customer journeys.  We do an ECX roadmap where we start a stage of marketing and we go into the sales process, because they’re not a customer yet, and I’ll walk you through slower.  And then the delivery, what’s it like to get it, to buy it, to use it.  You know, “What if I’ve never done it before?  Are you gonna send me videos of how to do it well from doing it myself?”  

And then the loyalty of what we call the retention stage. So the four stages we help with; we look at marketing, sales experience, the delivery experience, and then the loyalty or retention experience.  So, for example, I have this big gig in New York City.  I have a big important meeting, my shoes, I pull them out, “Oh my gosh, they’re scruffy.  I need shoe polish.”  So, maybe I’ll take to Google, right?  Or I’ll ask my friend, “Hey, where do you buy shoe Polish?”  So you’re going to ask and then they become aware of you. And so the marketing stage is they don’t know about you before.  They didn’t need you before, now they need you.  

So, now they become aware.  The different emotions of that journey where if you look at the marketing, if they Google and they find your website or they find your product in Target or they find your product on Amazon, they just became aware you can’t sell them confidence.  And we’re not going to look directly at confidence; we create the atmosphere of confidence but they’re not there yet.

Andrea:  Can you hold on just a second, because you just said you do not talk directly about confidence, you create the atmosphere of confidence.  I just want to pause on that for just a second because I think that’s a really an important thing for people to hear.

Kerri Konik:  If it’s OK to switch metaphors, I have a really great example.

Andrea:  Go for it.

Kerri Konik:  All right and we do this all the time.  You have a great keen ear, Andrea, for that because when you’re playing with somebody’s emotions, you don’t go straight at the emotions, especially if it’s a pain point.  And the reality is it’s always a pain point because we’re trying to solve a problem when we’re buying something.  So, you have scruffy shoes.  So, we wouldn’t say if we went head on and we went after the shame that would be a bad idea.

Andrea:  Right.

Kerri Konik:  So, we said, “Are your shoes scruffy?  That’s not very confident, is it?”  What you’re doing is you’re shaming, right?  We don’t go after the confidence straight.  The other example I’m going to give you is we’ve worked with professional organizing brands before where people who hire a professional organizer have kind of lost control of the calm and organization and the peace in their home. And that can be anywhere in the continuum of being just a little bit messy because let’s say their in-law has moved in and their lives have been disrupted or they have toddlers or they added a dog. 

That’s one level of being disorganized or having to like reevaluate flow in your home all the way across the continuum to someone who might be a hoarder, right? Well, you wouldn’t go right after somebody who is embarrassed to have anybody come over to their home, doesn’t have dinner parties anymore, doesn’t go out, or doesn’t invite anybody in because they don’t want anybody to see the state of chaos in their home.  So, you wouldn’t go right after that shame.  What you would do instead is create an atmosphere or you would normalize the problem and say, “We all get disorganized.”  This is really sort of an advance, I’m sorry to go there.

Andrea:  No, I think this is great.

Kerri Konik:  OK.  So, and I have a more severe example as well in which everybody can relate to, but you wouldn’t say “Hi, are you embarrassed?  Are you ashamed of the state of your house?”  So, you wouldn’t do that because someone’s going to run for the hills, right?  They’re not going to resonate and they’re not going to feel OK and they’re certainly not going to invite you in to help.  But if you say, “Hey, all of us have times when our house gets beyond us, we can help.”

Andrea:  Yes!

Kerri Konik:  So, you’re talking to the shame, you’re talking to that part of human being who feels really embarrassed, you’re talking to it, but you’re not adding fire or gasoline to the issue.  You’re adding calm and relaxation and you’re normalizing the problem.  And a more obvious place, let’s say somebody was on a bridge and look like they might want to jump.  If you were going to try to help that person, you wouldn’t say, “Are you going to jump?”  Say “Hey, hey, what’s going on?  Come here, talk to me.  Come here, come here.”  Like you would kind of try to talk them off the ledge.

Andrea:  Yeah.

Kerri Konik:  That’s what we do emotionally at different stages of the connection between two people or two parties, in this case, the brand and the consumer.

Andrea:  Yes.  This is really, really good and it’s really, really important, especially in light of what we’ve tried to accomplish at Voice of Influence.  When people want to have influence, they should not be speaking directly to the shame to make it worse.  But they should be speaking to the shame to calm it down to say, “This happens to everybody, it’s OK,” kind of helping them.

I mean, I think everybody who’s listening right now can feel how, you know, the difference between the tension that you feel when somebody calls you out on something that’s bad versus saying, “OK, look, we all go through this.  This is hard for everybody.  I totally understand and here’s a way out.”  I mean there is so much more.  It’s such an easier path.  Like you said, when people feel better, they feel more emotionally connected to you because you’ve made them feel good like you said.

Kerri Konik:  Yeah.  Like I said, it’s human nature, right?  Now that we’ve planned that out, it’s like, “Oh, it’s OK, I get it.  I’ve been there too,” if that’s true.  But it’s like, “Yeah, no worries.  Hey, we help people with this.  It’s a temporary situation, so we’ll fix it.”

Andrea:  Exactly.  Yes, yes not catastrophizing it.

Kerri Konik:  Yeah.

Andrea:  Not making it like you are this bad person or you are the person who always has scruffy shoes.

Kerri Konik:  So, now that we’ve handled that one, the piece about the marketing, when they first discover you, they try literally tripped onto your brand, your website, or your product and they know nothing about you.  So, what needs to happen is there needs to be a little bit of, they’re not even curious or interested quite yet.  So, the messaging and the connection goal is maybe moving them into a state of curiosity or a state of possibility.

Andrea:   Possibility, I love that.

Kerri Konik:  Yeah and then moving them into being inspired or excited by buying shoe polish and then you can be like be your confidence self, right?  You see this on advertising, a 30 second spot every day, every day.  It can be done very quickly, but it’s the right emotional goal at the right time.  But the overarching, you know, nobody needs or wants to spend money in that category.  And that’s true for most of the stuff we buy, actually.  It’s what we want from the thing we’re buying.

Andrea:  Oh yeah, absolutely that was so powerful.  You just shared so much that applies absolutely directly to the customer experience, but also to our experience of life with people.  So that’s fantastic.  Why do you care about this topic?

Kerri Konik:  Uhh.  Well, I’m really, really most passionate.  I mean, we can brand or we can do marketing and emotional CX for anything, but I’ve chosen to help small businesses in particular.  I used to be a chief creative officer for food, drug, cosmetic, luxury brands, and worked with some of the most emotional icon brands you would all know and aspire to have in your home or in your closet.  But that doesn’t really change the world for me. So, when we were working with, you know, really huge iconic brands that are amazing, that doesn’t really change the world or make progress in the world and we can move the needle, we can sell more volume, but where my heart, my passion, and my purpose lives is leveling the playing field for business owners, right?  

So people who have the courage to set out on their own and do something that they’re looking to accomplish. So, I shifted and bring all my chief creative officer knowledge from big agency strategies and packaged it up and bring it to the smaller underdog, if you will.  And the reason is because I want to level the playing field between the small business owner competing with the really giant marketer.  Let’s say you did shoe and shoe polish and you’re going up against Nike, right?  That’s like a David and Goliath thing. So, I’m not always for the underdog.  But what I’m for is leveling the playing field, so small business owners can not only survive but grow and make the positive impact in the world that they came into make through their business.  That’s my why.

Andrea:  Yeah.  I love that.  So when you’re going through and helping people or helping brands to be able to kind of identify what their why is, or maybe they already know what their why is, how does that connect to the way that you helped them with the customer experience?

Kerri Konik:  I just had a conversation yesterday with a really fast growing brand in the southern hemisphere.  And they’re growing so fast and as you know, at the end of the day, you have to evolve your brand message, your marketing because your purpose needs to be obvious.  And that entrepreneur, the owner said, “Well, my purpose is crystal clear.  This is what it is.”  And I’m like, “Great that you know but the world doesn’t know that, it’s not in your brand messaging.” And so chances are, if a brand has started and they’ve got some sea legs and proof of concept is there and they’re surviving, the purpose is now known.  But it’s not in their appearance.  

So let’s take a big brand like Apple or Virgin Records, right? You can name the founder of both of those organizations and you can then pretty quickly dial right into what they stand for, right?  So what does Steve stands for?  What is Richard stands for? That’s the purpose that as the brand grows, it doesn’t become like the core messaging of like trying to sell the sneakers or sell the iPod or sell the computer.  But it becomes what you stand for and what you’re about and the possibility that you’re creating.  

With Steve, it was about changing the way people relate to each other through technology.  And for Richard, it’s in his book the cover, “Screw it, Let’s do it.”  It’s about empowering going for it and creating something that never existed before.  The pure meaning of creativity, which is creating something that doesn’t exist yet. So, that purpose fuels the brand.  And you know, Apple is 45 years old, and I don’t know how old Richard when he started, about 40 years old also, right?  So that why becomes bigger than the entrepreneur, it becomes the vision of the brand.  So, one of the most powerful questions we ask a brand, and we just put this on Instagram yesterday, is “What are you trying to accomplish?  You know, what would you like to accomplish through your company?”  Which cuts right to the core of the heart and soul of purpose?  “I want to create a lot of computers.”  “Why?”  “So that people everywhere have a voice and can express themselves, you know.”  Boom!

And then as a brand becomes more and more successful, they talk less about product marketing, product promotion, and they talk more about brand marketing.  That’s what we really specialize in is elevating the brand, not necessarily the product.  So, we don’t do product marketing.  We don’t do, you know, the latest sneakers, the latest jeans, or fashion apparel, we elevate the brand.  And not the brand story and storytelling, but more about the brand’s purpose and how it changes you and your life.  That’s how brands grow, really.

Andrea:  Hmm, love it.  OK, Kerri, so how do you work or what are some things that you offer?  I know that you’ve got a podcast that you’re launching.  Tell me a little bit about where people can find you and how they can work with you.

Kerri Konik: Oh, thanks.  Well, Inspire Fire is the name of our core brand and we are launching a podcast hopefully in Q4, yes, yes, yes and it’s going to be about customer experience.  It’s really going to be about inspiring fire and emotional connection that ROI.  What does that mean?  How do you do it specifically for small brands so that they can grow and change more lives, make a greater impact, whether it’s just for your own family, your community, or changing the world, you know, however broad or your ripple effect is. So Inspire Fire, you can Google us.  You’ll find us on Instagram and our websites and I’m on all of the social platforms as well.  And we love talking to small business owners who are really looking to leverage that big, big, big throttle called emotional connection so that they can like propel their brand forward farther, farther, faster we say.

Andrea:  And you mentioned before we started recording that you even have some, it’s not just a matter of we need to do this really big consulting with you, but you’ve also got for small brands, you have something for them to, is that right?

Kerri Konik:  Yeah, definitely.  The big shift from moving from big iconic brands with huge budgets to small brands with modest budgets is we productize, packaged up our services in what we call Lego modules.  And the two we talked about earlier what I mentioned to you is called Calibrate, which is a CX customer journey auditing discovery, strategic initiative that’s really affordable to any small business including a startup.  Although there’s nothing to look at it with a startup, right?  Not yet. And the other service we do is we architect that Resonance Roadmap where it’s a strategic engagement, but really looking at what is the experience end to end. 

And then we can help them with system.  They identify systems and processes and automation and digital tools that they need to build.  We don’t build those, but we identify those and then we reconstruct or add touch points into what they’re currently doing to really advance the emotional connection.  And you know, pricing, it’s not expensive stuff.  It’s just adding a moment that’s meaningful and memorable into key stages. So, we always add a stage in the shift between marketing and sales.  Because what happens is your prospect or your visitor, their identity changes with you.  Your relationship changes in every stage, so we help you look at them.  In the Resonance Roadmap, when there’s just a browser, they’re just checking out and they shift into being a prospect.  

That’s a different relationship.  And what can you do?  What should you do there?  And then in the delivery, they’ve become a customer.  It’s a brand new relationship, right?  They decided to marry you or get engaged at least and that needs to be memorialized through meaningful moments.  So that’s also a service that even the small businesses can afford to invest in. We’re doing several of these right now and if the brand is up and running, we highly recommend that people do this because it changes who they hire or don’t hire.  It puts in systems.  It puts in technology, what my friend Paul Sokol calls the Digital Plumbing. 

So those services are really affordable.  So it’s not branding.  And people say, “Well, I know you’re a brand expert.  You know, we don’t want to change our brand.  We just want to grow our company.”  That’s what I’m talking about. The other thing, we also really fix is we laser fix the messaging in the marketing state so that positioning statement lands emotionally.  It makes sense to the target audience, phone rings.  That is always upside down.  We literally flip people’s messaging literally upside down.  We focus on making it customer centric and not you, not what we call narcissistic.  It’s never about you in all of the communications throughout the entire journey.  But how do you say what you’re trying to say in a way that’s about them? So we have a messaging offer as well called the Messaging Matrix where we solve for nine distinct verbal marketing messaging assets, and boom, they run with it and they grow more and then they come back and we’ll do some more things with them. 

We try to make really our services are strangely affordable and it’s because like I get it. You know, I’ve started six businesses, and investing in your own brand growth is expensive.  You don’t have a line item for that usually, not yet, you need to.  We make it affordable and we make it modular so you can _____ then you get the ROI.  You know, you sell one or two client engagements, boom, that’s paid for, now let’s do the next one. I just had a meeting before talking to you, Andrea, where they said, “OK, that’s nice to have.  You know what we have to do now and we’ll come back and get that in Q1.”  I’m like “Perfect.”  So you know, we can make it bite-sized or we can take on three-year engagement also.

Andrea:  That sounds awesome.  OK, so you’ve just shared so much with our audience.  I’m so grateful.  Thank you so much, Kerri.  But I’m going to ask you one more thing.  If you could leave this Voice of Influence audience with one tip to help them to grow their voice of influence, what would you say?

Kerri Konik:  Getting crystal clear, clarity on who you serve.  Who’s your client, it’s not everybody.  I know you could probably do something for everybody, like let’s say you work with women.  That’s a really way too big.  Getting clear on exactly what kind of person, what kind of woman or man, who do you work with?  What problem do you solve for them?  Once you know who they are then identifying what drives them emotionally. And we have tried actually, I don’t know if you want to offer this to your group.  There was a great article in HBR that talked about the 10 emotional motivator drivers and I’d be happy to make that available to you, Andrea, and you could share it with your folks.

Andrea:  Sure.

Kerri Konik:  But once we know that, you have a lot more insight to grow, because once you’re clear, “Oh, OK, and I sell shoe polish to anybody who has scruffy shoes and wants more confidence.”  Boom, that alone, that alone would change and move the needle in sales if you knew that and started messaging and marketing around that, around what you say and who you say it to.  And I’m talking psychographically, demographically, where you put that message, where you don’t put that message, who your customer is not, “Come on, stop marketing, stop wasting money,” doing that sort of thing. So that kind of clarity and then you identify their emotional driver and then you look at your own experience and you can architect like what’s it like to call us, what’s it like to buy their thing from us?  What’s the sales process look like?  Do they come through a register and give you a $10 piece of cash and you give them a thing in a bag and say, buy, you know, what is going on?  And then what should go on, right?  And then change it, just little steps. 

If the devil is in the details, the profit and the gold mine is in the… Every detail sends a signal.  If you think it doesn’t matter, you’re killing your brand or you’re killing your sales, everything matters.  And you can consciously decide not to handle something, I get it.  But everything does send a signal because we are sponges, we are emotionally connected and we’re taking in and creating meaning out of everything. That’s a whole other conversation about what happens with the messages that are going into the brain of your client, but they’re noticing everything, not necessarily consciously.  But if you just change one or two things, and every time you get a moment, up-level the next little thing, you’ll see your sales go up.  You can add a zero to your revenue, guaranteed.  It’s what we do every day.  It’s amazing.  That’s what I love to do.

Andrea:  Awesome!  Thank you so much, Kerri!  Thank you for sharing your voice of influence with our listeners.

Kerri Konik: Thank you.  Thanks for having me.

Find Joy in Choosing to Miss Out with Tonya Dalton

Episode 109

Tonya Dalton is a productivity expert, speaker, the author of The Joy of Missing Out, and the CEO and Founder of Inkwell Press; a company that’s centered around productivity tools and training. She has been featured in Real Simple, Entrepreneur INC., Apartment Therapy, and several other places.

In this episode, Tonya shares how she came up with the perspective and title for her book, why she refers to herself as a “recovering perfectionist” and how she accomplished that, the difference between actually wanting something and only wanting it because you think you’re supposed to, the importance of finding a balance between doing something well and letting perfection stop you from moving forward, her advice for making decisions with your ultimate mission for your business in mind, the negative impacts of overwhelm, why she wants you to throw away your to-do list, the main thing she wants people to understand after reading her book, and more!

Mentioned in this episode:

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Tonya Dalton Voice of Influence Podcast Andrea Joy Wenburg


Hey, hey!  It’s Andrea and welcome to the Voice of Influence podcast.  Today, I have with me Tonya Dalton.  She is the CEO and founder of inkWELL Press and the author of; get this, The Joy of Missing Out.  I’m so excited to talk with her about her book today.  Tonya is a productivity expert, writer, speaker, and as we previously mentioned, the founder of inkWELL Press.  It’s a company that centered around productivity tools and training.  She has been featured on Real Simple, Entrepreneur, Inc., Apartment Therapy, and bunch of other places.


Andrea:  So, excited to talk with you, Tonya, about your book today, The Joy of Missing Out.

Tonya Dalton:  I am excited to be here.  I can’t wait.

Andrea:  So first of all, I want to start with the title because it is such a great reframe of that familiar FOMO kind of a feeling that people have all of the time.  We’re always worried about missing out on things.  And at the very beginning of your book you define it as JOMO.  I love that.  And you say “It is about intentionally choosing to live in the present moment by embracing open spaces of unrushed time.”  Tell me about how you first of all came up with The Joy of Missing out as the title of your book and why you think it matters to people?  Why this reframe?

Tonya Dalton:  Well, I think you’re so right when you say so many people have this fear of missing out, and I feel like I see again and again where people are overwhelmed.  They’re stretching themselves so incredibly thin because every single time that opportunity knocks, they feel like “I got to answer that door,” right?  “Opportunity only knocks once, so I got to answer it.”

And so, here they are opening that door again and again and again not even necessarily the things that are meaningful to them or things that feel good.  We just opened that door to opportunity because we think we’re supposed to and we fear missing out that if we let this go by that it’s never going to come back again.

And so, really, for me as an entrepreneur, as a mom, as a wife, as a CEO, and as a former perfectionist; I like to call myself a recovering perfectionist because it is something I struggle with as well, I found myself in that same situation where I was saying yes to too many things.  I was not really actively choosing how I spent my days because I was in this fear of missing out.  So, when I really started to reframe my life and make it so I was living more intentionally, both in my business and in my personal space, I found that I was so much happier.

I was doing less, but I was feeling so much happier.  And I was actually achieving more because I was able to give my time, my energy, and my focus to these fewer tasks that were more meaningful and were really more important driving me closer to that North Star.  And so when it was time to name this book, I was thinking about, you know, we obviously went through a lot of different titles and what could this be called.  I thought about playing on that word overwhelmed because I hear that so much from so many people.

But really when it came down to it and I thought about it, it really is about the joy of missing out.  That when we think of our ideal day, when we daydream while we’re in the shower or we’re standing in line at Starbucks waiting for our coffee, we think about this ideal day and there’s a lot of amazing things in it.  But there’s also some key things that are missing, stress, overwhelm, feeling stretched too thin, saying yes out of obligation and guilt instead of saying yes out of, you know, happiness and excitement.

So, to me, there is joy in those missing pieces, in those things being gone.  So, let’s really structure our life so we can actively choose to miss out and then focus our life on what we really want to do and what’s truly important to us.

Andrea:  Oh, I love that.  One of the tools that you use is this idea of, is it clear, is that what it’s called?

Tonya Dalton:  Yes, the clear framework?

Andrea:  The clear framework.  I mean, it’s connected to your North Star, linked to a goal, having been essential, advantageous and reality-based.  And I’ll let the listener actually read your books to find out most of that.  But I lived the last one, in particular I wanted to pull this out, you talked about asking yourself if it’s really reality-based and you say on page 98, “Oftentimes we feel something is important because we believe it’s something we are supposed to do even if it’s not something we really want.”

Tonya Dalton:  Yes.

Andrea:  That is so true.  OK, why do we do this?  Why do we think that we are supposed to want things?

Tonya Dalton:  Well, I think there’s this whole obligation.  If you pay attention and you look around you and you check out the social media, it feels like everybody’s doing it all and doing it extraordinarily well, right?  I mean that #allthethings that’s on a lot of posts and then we see this glorification of busy.

You know, I’ve seen posters and bags and I’ve seen notebooks that say “I am very busy.”  Like, that’s a badge of honor, because I feel that when we are not busy, we somehow worry that we are failing, that we’re not doing enough, that we should be filling our days running from things to things.

And so in order to do that, we just cram our day full without really paying attention to what we really truly want to do.  So, we have all of this, you know, pressure from society and from these stories that we tell ourselves.  You know, a lot of us have these stories about what a good mom always does.  A good is always there when her kids get off the bus or a good boss always stays later than their team.  A good entrepreneur never stops working.

So, it’s these ideas that are so unrealistic, but they become this truth to us.  There are these stories that we tell ourselves that often are not really stepped in our own values, but things that other people have kind of pushed onto us.  And because of this, we lean into a lot of our perfectionism tendencies.  And that’s what I question, is this reality based comes in because when that clear framework is designed to help you really discern whether something is important or unimportant.

Because that line becomes really blurred and it’s easy when it’s black or white, you know, good or bad.  It’s harder when it’s good, better and best, when that area becomes gray.  So, this question of is it reality based is really are you telling yourself a story that you are supposed to do this even though it’s not really tied to the life you want?

I feel like we go through life and we see these pictures and these images in magazines and on Pinterest.  And we scroll through Facebook and we see these people with these exquisitely designed desks, you know, and these office spaces and we think, “Oh my gosh, I cannot start a podcast until I have this beautiful space to do my podcast because that’s what everybody else has.”  I’m going to be honest with you, those people who have those pictures of those beautiful spaces probably cleared out a lot of stuff.

Andrea:  They definitely are not looking at me right now in my husband’s closet.

Tonya Dalton:  Well, you know, I have a podcast with over a million downloads and I still record it in my closet.  You know why, because _____ are so good and it’s readily available.

Andrea:  Exactly.

Tonya Dalton:  So, yeah, it’s not Instagram worthy but it is working and that’s really what’s important.  So, the reality I could tell myself is “Oh, I can’t podcast because I don’t have this beautiful space or I don’t have like a studio or having a studio,” when really I just drag a table and a chair and I go down in my closet just like you do.  And you’re able to create something amazing because you didn’t wait, because you didn’t get caught up in that story of what you were supposed to have it look like or what we really want in life when really what you really wanted was to have a podcast.

Andrea:  Absolutely.

Tonya Dalton:  You know it’s not about the fancy office; it’s really about what are we creating and putting forth into the world.

Andrea:  I think that that you’ve brought up another really important point that’s almost like an extension of this idea of what do you really want, and that is that we put things in between ourselves and what we really want in the pursuit of perfection, in the pursuit of doing it really well.  There are times when we need to be careful.  I’ve noticed, I was just listening this week and I tweeted something out, I was like, “There are a lot of podcasts out there put together by people who are selling really high end programs who don’t edit their podcasts and it just absolutely drives me crazy.”

Tonya Dalton:  Yeah.

Andrea:  So, there is a sense of like “But we need to do what we’re doing well.”  Where do you see the harmony or the balance of wanting to make sure that we actually, you know, pursue the goal and actually execute on it versus putting something in between ourselves and that whole idea of not doing it well enough?  Where should we find our balance there?

Tonya Dalton:  Right.  You know, I’m not going to start to, “I have to have it perfect.”  Where is that middle ground of where it’s good enough, yeah?  I love this question because you’re right, I mean, yes, it’s OK to do the podcast in your closet but take the time and the care to really edit it.  And I think probably what ends up happening for a lot of these people who are not really editing their podcasts is there’s not that care behind it.

To me, taking the time to edit your podcast presented in a way that’s professional that represents you and your brand that shows a lot of meaning.  It shows a lot of thoughts and intention behind it.  And I think that’s where we really need to draw the line is what is your intention with whatever it is you’re putting forth.  If your intention that it’d be absolutely positively flawless, because if that’s your intention, I’m sorry, but that’s not going to happen because perfection does not exist.

So, we don’t want to get stymied by this idea that it has to be perfect, but what’s in that middle ground?  What’s really acceptable?  And to me, all of this comes down to this idea of your North Star, which we talked about in the first section of the book, but it’s essentially your mission, your vision, and your core values.  So, everything that I do, everything that I present, everything; whether it’s writing a book or a course or it’s a podcast or whatever it is, does this work with my North Star?  I use that as my filter.

And so, if it really does filter through this North Star, if it’s why I do what I do, which is my mission, where I want to go with my business, which is my vision and how I want to get there, which is one of my core values, that’s really what helps me make those decisions.  So, for example, one of the parts of the North Star for the inkWELL Press brand is our core value is excellence.  That I’m not going to put something out there unless I feel like this is a benefit to my customers and it’s presented in a way that’ll be meaningful to them.

So, perfection is not one of my core values.  Having things to be absolutely, you know, flawless or with no mistakes.  That’s not really part of my brand because there needs to be an element of authenticity there that we are humans and it’s OK to show some softer sides of ourselves.  But two, because everything is filtered through your North Star, you’re not trying to do so much that you don’t have time to edit the podcast.

If you want to do a podcast, do the best podcast you can.  That doesn’t mean being perfect but what’s the best vision of what that could look like for you and sit down and map that out.  Does it mean that you have to have, you know, some fancy editor editing your podcast?  Probably not.  You can use GarageBand on your Mac and edit your podcast.  It doesn’t take a lot of work to really, you know, take the time to Google up a couple of, you know, YouTube videos on how to edit your podcast.  So again, if it’s meaningful, you’re going to do it right.  And I think that’s really where this comes into play this idea of whether you want it to be perfect or just start finding that middle ground of what’s acceptable for you and your North Star.

Andrea:   Mission, vision, values, this North Star, this is something that we don’t necessarily call it North Star but we talk about this a lot.  And so, I am so curious when you talk about actually applying it, how does this work when you are making decisions?  Do you have it like put up someplace on some board on your wall and you go to that and say, OK, does that fit this, this and this?  Or is it just now ingrained in your head?  Or how do you recommend that people who are really just starting out trying to make sure that everything fits their North Star?  How do you recommend that they do this, like what is the practical application of that?

Tonya Dalton:  Yes, so what I would say is when you’re first starting with your North Star to write it out because you want to put it in a place where it becomes really easy to integrate into your everyday life.  Now, what you know, one of the things that’s really key I think with your mission and your vision statement especially is that they’re short.  They should be concise.  They should be kind of to the point.  You don’t want these long fancy words that don’t really have any meaning.  You want that to be meaningful to you.

So, really making sure that it’s concise and short enough that you could memorize it so that when an opportunity comes up you can say, “OK does this really fit why I do what I do?”  Your mission statement, “Does this really fit what I’m wanting our company to do?”  Then you look at the vision of “Is this going to get me closer to my vision of where we need to go?”  So, having that written out to start really does help because you can actually literally ask yourself the question that’s written out on the page.

You know, for example, the inkWELL Press North Star is to provide productivity tools and trainings that empower you to achieve your goals and dreams.  So, when an opportunity comes up, I ask myself, “Is this really going to help people empower them to get closer to their goals?”  If this is not going to get them closer to their goals and this is just in some way to elevate myself or something that’s, you know, extra then that doesn’t really fit that mission statement.  So, you just turn it around and make it work for you.  But eventually that mission statement, that vision statement of your core values become just so internalized that those questions become a little more natural.

But here’s the thing that I think is important too is those things are always evolving.  Your mission statement that you had two years ago may not apply now.  So, I think it’s really important to make sure that you are revisiting that mission and the vision and the core values to see if it really does still fit with where you want to go and how you want to get there.

Andrea:  OK, I totally agree, re-evaluating is so important; question though, what about the person who is saying to themselves “Yeah, but this would still really help people.”  They see something that would be good for them to do and even though it doesn’t quite fit the mission, it still would really help people and I feel this obligation to help people.  What do you say to them?

Tonya Dalton:  Well, here’s where we get into that thing with opportunity knocking, “Oh but this would somehow be good because of…”  We can always make up excuses why something is good.  Here’s what I would say to you, every time you say yes to an opportunity, to a project, to a task, you are saying no to something else.

Andrea:  Bingo!

Tonya Dalton:  So, yes, this opportunity that comes up that may help other people, but could I help people better if I was not spending my time on this and instead spending it on what is truly part of my mission, my vision, and my core values.  So, really thinking that through every time you say yes you’re saying no to something else.  Take that time to really pour your time, energy, and focus into that North Star because that’s really when you will help people the most.

Andrea:  I think that it’s really a muscle that people have to kind of build up because it’s often people who are really creative and caring who have the hardest time with this, like they want to do so many things.  They want to help in so many ways and it’s hard for them to recognize that; wait a second, I need to stop for a second and ask that question that you just, you know, presented which would help people more.  And it’s a hard question to ask.  It’s a hard question to answer, but it’s so important and I’m really glad that you are helping people with that.

Again, I encourage people to get the book to be able to really help themselves think through these things.

All right, let’s shift gears just slightly.  So on page 111, I want to go to that as well.  You talked about overwhelm and you kind of give this example from a Stanford University study.  Can you tell us a little bit about that and how overwhelm really affects us?

Tonya Dalton:  Well, you know that feeling when you get to the end of your day and it’s time to eat dinner and you think, “All right, what do we want for dinner?”  And then you can’t think of a single thing.

Andrea:  Oh yes!

Tonya Dalton:  You can’t even think of a single restaurant or anything that you make out of the pantry.  Like there’s just no thought in your mind and you feel just literally brain dead.  That feeling is a reality.  That’s a real feeling.  It’s actually called decision fatigue.  And what happens is our brain is burning all of its calories, making all these little minute decisions in our day.

You see, our brain is literally 2% of our body and yet it burns 20% of our calories every single day.  Your brain is this calorie burning machine.  So, every time we make a decision, whether it’s a big decision or a small decision, we’re burning calories.

So, when you get to the end of the day, when you’ve made all these like little minute decisions where you’re spreading yourself really thin, making all these choices instead of using habits and routines and automations to your advantage, we end up burning through all those calories.  And your brain is like, “Nope, I’m done.  I’m not making any more decisions.”  And it quite frankly can’t.  This is why, you know, even though we’ve eaten healthy all day, we’ll eat that cookie that’s been sitting in the break room for two days at the end of the day, right?

Or when we’ve gone on a shopping trip why we would buy three pairs of shoes at the very end of the shopping trip instead of at the beginning because we’ve ran out of calories for our brain to make decisions.  And this is when that feeling of overwhelm really does start to settle in over us because we cannot make good choices if we’re spending our day all day on lots of menial things, on lots of things that are insignificant.

We really want to focus our brainpower on those big things, on the goals, on the passion project, on the things that do drive you towards that North Star.  And there’s so many great ways to do that.  And we walked through that in the book through habits and routines and automations and different processes that you can do so that those things happen seamlessly without a lot of thinking.  I like to say you can bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan, but if the kitchen is burning down around you, it does you no good.

So, we want to make sure all those things are still happening in the background.  You know, laundry still needs to happen, bills need to be paid.  You need to do, you know, yard work.  You need to, you know, make sure you call your mom.  All those things need to still happen, but we don’t want to spend all of our brain energy and all of our calories on that.  We really want to spend our brain focus on the things that are most important.

So, that’s really where this study comes in where you know, these researchers found that when people had to memorize a number and they had two groups, one had a two digit number and the other group had, I think it was a seven digit number, after they had to memorize that number, they walked down the hall and they were offered a snack.  The people who had the two digit number most often chose the healthy snack.

The people with seven digits, only five numbers more that they have to memorize yet they shows the unhealthy snack like I think it was, you know, a piece of cake or something like that.  They chose the unhealthy snack more often because their brain was tired of making decisions.  It was too busy thinking about these numbers, these seven digits, it ran out of calories.  Even something as small as that really they can make a difference in how your brain works.  That’s why we want to do less and that way we achieve more.  When we focus on fewer things, more important things, we really can achieve bigger things in the long run.

Andrea:  Love it.  OK, what about when someone is kind of prioritized a project, they know that it’s important.  They’ve decided that it’s more important than a lot of the immediate things around them, but they continuously do not execute on that project.

Tonya Dalton:  Uh-hmm yes.

Andrea:  What is getting in the way?

Tonya Dalton:  I would tell you honestly, my first thought would be, it’s probably the to-do-list because I think you have to throw away that to-do-list.  A to-do-list really just takes you everywhere but where you truly want to go.  So, what I really encourage people to do is not to make it to-do-list, but instead make a priority list.

Because what happens is when we have a long list of things that need to happen, even if you know that task is important and it’s just there on that to do list, you know, amongst going to the grocery store or running to Target, you know, picking up the flea medication for the dog and everything else, it gets lost there.  And we will naturally go for the easiest win because our brain loves dopamine.  We get a little dopamine hit every time we scratch a line through something on our to-do-list.  And your brain doesn’t care whether it’s a big task, an important task, or a small task.

So, our brain naturally navigates towards “Hey, let’s get that flea medication for the dog” instead of working on the presentation that really will drive you forward.  So, when we make a priority list, we start with our list at the top and we work our way down based on priority, based on whether something is important, whether it’s urgent and we work our way down.  And again, we go through that whole system of how a priority list works.  But the best part to me is a priority list takes the exact same amount of time as a to-do-list.  It’s just a to-do-list with intention.

So, when you start your day at the top and you work your way down that to-do-lists or down that priority list going from top priority down to your lowest priority, that’s when you make sure that you make time for those big things that truly are important.  It’s no longer a jumbled mess of, you know, unorganized tasks that are written on a sheet of paper.  It’s now organized and intentional making sure that you carve out time for those things that do matter the most.

Andrea:  If your readers could make one shift in their lives from reading your book, what shift do you hope that they make?

Tonya Dalton:  I want them to understand that they have choices.  You know, a lot of times we believe that we don’t have ownership over our calendar.  The number of times that people say to me, “Oh, I wish I could do that, but I just don’t own my day.”  Or “Oh, I’ve got an overbearing boss and they take over my calendar.”  I want to remind people that you do have choices and we talk about choices throughout the entire book.

Truly choices are what helps us discern and stop being busy and move towards being productive.  Understanding that even in situations where you don’t think you have a choice, there are still choices there.  But we just have to dig for them.  We have to use what I call squirrel strategy to approach it at different angles and try to, you know, think outside the box to make this happen, but we have choices.  We just have learned helplessness that tells us that we don’t.

Andrea:  Oh yes.

Tonya Dalton:  So, we go into that quite a bit in the book, but when you understand that you have choices and how you spend your day and where you focus your time and your energy, that’s when opportunities, the true opportunity to move towards that North Star.  That’s when that begins to open up and that’s really when you can step into that greatness that you really want in your life and what you deserve in your life.

We all deserve to end our days feeling happy, feeling satisfied, feeling successful, and far too many people right now because we don’t feel like we have ownership because we’re running around trying to check a thousand things off our list, slip into bed at night and think “I didn’t get enough done.  Why didn’t I work harder?  Why did I do this?  Why did I do that?”  And we don’t feel satisfied.  That’s what I want most for people is to finish their days and to really feel like, “You know what, today felt good and there is a lot to be said for feeling good, feeling happy,” and being productive really does make that happen.

Andrea:  That is a incredibly empowering and I think we have a voice of influence and you have a lot of synergy here because we really want to see people realizing their own agency in their lives and being able to realize that they have choices like you’re talking about is such a huge piece of that.  And so, I am sincerely grateful that you took time to come be on our podcast and share this message with our listeners and I hope that they get your books.  So, tell us about how they can get your book.

Tonya Dalton:  Yes.  So, if you go to, there’s information about where you can buy.  It’s available really anywhere that books are sold.  And then really if they’d purchase before October 1st, I have some really amazing pre-bonuses including a discover your North Star course, which is a $247 value which you get for purchasing the book before October 1st and you can redeem that at

But we dive deep into how do you decide what your mission is.  Well, how do you decide what your purpose is and your passion and your priorities and we get into that.  We peel back the layers of the onion and dive into who you truly are.

So, I’m really excited about that preorder bonus because I think that’s one of the things that people really struggle with is who am I and what do I really want out of this life?  So, that is one of the preorder bonuses, but you can get the book at any time at  Get on Amazon or Barnes & Noble or Target.  But is the best place to get all the information.

Andrea:  And if they want to learn more from you from your podcast, what’s your podcast called again?

Tonya Dalton:  Productivity Paradox.  You can find information on me at, so Tonya with an O and a Y.

Andrea:  All right.  Thank you so much again for sharing your voice of influence with our listeners, Tonya.

Tonya Dalton:  Thank you so much for having me.

Creating Memorable Experiences with Manuel Christoffel of Woom Bikes

Episode 108

Manuel Christoffel is the (Interim) Chief Customer Officer at Woom Bikes where he manages marketing in customer service for all North America.  Prior to joining Woom, Manuel has held global cross-functional customer success, program, marketing and brand strategy roles at ADP, Dell, American Express, Bazaarvoice, Hearsay Social, and his own consultancy business.

In this episode, Manuel explains what he means when he says huis declared goal is to deliver the best possible internal and external customer experience by combining EQ with IQ while cutting the red tape, the importance of realizing that the one purchasing your product isn’t always your true customer, why he believes there’s no such thing as “finding the right person” for your customer service team, why he doesn’t have penalties for team members who make mistakes, how he helps his CEO share their voice of influence, and more!

Mentioned in this episode:

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Manuel Christoffel Voice of Influence Andrea Joy Wenburg


Hey, hey!  It’s Andrea and welcome to the Voice of Influence podcast.  Today, I have with me Manuel Christoffel from Woom Bikes USA.  He is the (Interim) Chief Customer Officer at Woom Bikes, managing marketing in customer service for all of North America.  Prior to joining Woom, Manuel has held global cross-functional customer success, program, marketing and brand strategy roles at ADP, Dell, American Express, Bazaarvoice, Hearsay Social, and his own consultancy business.

His declared goal is to deliver the best possible internal and external customer experience by combining EQ with IQ while cutting the red tape.  Now, we discussed ahead of time Manuel.  I gave you a fair warning.  I would like to know what in the world you mean by that.  Please, please do tell us.  Thank you for being here.

Manuel Christoffel:  Well, of course, thank you for having me, Andrea.  And yes, you did warn me with one minute heads up but as you said, I wrote it.  So what do I mean by that?  Really, to me there’s a difference.  IQ to me does not necessarily mean that you went to an Ivy League school and they gave you a 4.0 GPA.  It doesn’t mean people who go to an Ivy League and have a 4.0 are not highly intelligent.

But to me what comes down to is where’s your passion and are you intelligent about articulating that passion or pursuing that passion.  Then taking the EQ to it where it’s not just about you and how you get the most out of this passion, but how do you really bond with your customers, whether internal or external, and how do you really make it a win-win along the way, right?

So, for us at Woom, I’ve basically and I’m the third iteration of our team here for customer service.  I believe this is the winning team; phenomenal people, very driven, very passionate people, which is challenging for me because I come in and I’m just a little grumpy.  I have a 4 year old and a 4 month old, so I’m not getting sleep.  And my head of customer service, Sherry is just there.  I’m not kidding you; she’s dancing at 8 o’clock in the morning with biggest smile ever and she’s like 20 miles one way to work before I even get there, right?

So, super, super passionate that will be done with the customer service team.  I deliberately hired a mix of parents and non-parents and bike people, non bike people because to me it’s very important.

Andrea:  Interesting.

Manuel Christoffel:  I don’t want a bike specialist.  My ultimate customer or consumer is a child.  The people buying our product are parents; at least most of them are not hardcore cyclists.  They might be bike enthusiasts.  They might enjoy family bike rides.

Andrea:  Can you just say that again?

Manuel Christoffel:  I apologize.  Yeah, what I was saying is a lot of our parents are, you know, they’re bike enthusiasts but they’re not hardcore cyclists, right?  I live in Austin.  Obviously, Lance Armstrong is here.  There’s a lot of people that are a very hardcore, you know, race bike community, triathlon community, mountain bike community.  So, we have all that.

But then there’s all these other parents, the normal people, and normal parents like myself that say “I have certain fond memories of my childhood riding a bike.”  Falling on my face a couple of times until I learned is not one of them.  But you know, all said and done, they were certain bonding moments with your parents when you achieved this monumental feet of balancing and propelling yourself forward.  So bringing that passion to our brand is phenomenal.

And that’s why I said I don’t want, you know, semi-professional athletes only on my customer service team.  I want people who are parents who have gone through some of these anxieties finding the right size, finding the right weight, even the right color, because the color makes a difference.  You can buy the best, the nicest bike if it’s not the color the child wants _____.  So there are all these aspects.

And so for me, it’s very important that I have an ecosystem of mutually, and I say, complimentary traits and skill sets and personalities.  You know, when you start realizing, this is a very emotional purchase or there’s some anxiety around some inquiries around the bike, “Are they more technical in nature?”  “Hey, maybe you should talk to my colleague.”  “Are they, you know, more emotional in nature?”  “You know what; you should talk to my colleague.  He has three children.”

He literally started working here.  He harassed us so much that I had to hire him you know.  He’s phenomenal because almost every question we get in that regard he will say, “Well, you know, when I faced this decision, here’s what I thought about this.  Here’s my decision making process.  Does this sound anything like yours?”  And you know, you have this bond that you can’t script it.  You can’t pre anticipate of what is somebody going to ask and how do you, you know, maybe soothe this anxiety.

How do you justify the purchase price of our bikes, which in all fairness are not, you know, the most affordable in the market?  They’re a little bit in the upscale side of things, but at the same time, what we hear time and time again from everybody across the board, our bikes are designed for children.  They do make a difference.

The reason your 6-year-old girl does not really know how to brake is not because she’s not coordinated.  She may not be able to reach the brake lever because she has a kid’s bike but these all shrunken down parts from a grownup bike.  They’re not custom designed for a child’s hand at that age, right?

So, some of these attention to details that we put into bikes that ultimately turn people from, let’s say, potentially curious about the product in what they’ve heard into people that will take to social media and share their experiences that will send us pictures, videos, testimonials, you know, and triggered saying, “This is so phenomenal.”  “We’re so happy.”  “Thank you so much for putting the smile on our child’s face.”  “Thank you so much for this experience.”  And that, you know, it’s just a validation of what we’re doing and how we’re doing it is the right thing.

Andrea:  Hmm.  So, you mentioned that you get a variety of people who participate on your customer service team and that they readily refer each other for different causes or different problems that come up.  I love that.  How do you start the process where they begin to get to know each other well enough to know that this is the person that should handle this call or talk to this person about this particular problem?  How do you develop that atmosphere besides, you know, finding the right people, like what’s the other process when it comes to getting to know each other?

Manuel Christoffel:  Oh, absolutely.  I mean, there is no such thing as finding the right person, right?  You find somebody that I would say fits the mold about 80% and then 20% is you hope for the best, you pray for the best.  And at the same time, you also hope that this person will take to your atmosphere, your style of management, and your company philosophy, right?  And if all this works out, it’s great.

For us, when I started this entire team, it pretty much came on at the same time.  I made it very clear, “Look, here’s X amount of _____ discretionary budget that you have to make a customer whole.”  I do not want to nickel and dime somebody if a bell breaks or you know, if maybe a grip gets worn or whatever.  If they take the time to call us, let us give them a new one, right?”  And our people feel empowered doing that.  And on the flip side, internally, what I keep preaching is essentially I want us to be reflective, not reflexive.

And by really hearing what a customer is saying, and this is something that’s very hard, our founder here, you know, Mathias, will tell you, he’s been in customer service.  He’s meant the phones and he has a deep appreciation for what our people do because he self-admitted he said, “I can’t do it anymore because three seconds in, I know exactly what their problem is.  But I also know they will talk for another two minutes and obviously it’s rude to not hear them out.”

So, just listening factually what are they saying and how are they saying it?  The more rational person will say, “OK, rationally, I can answer this, but I’m sensing there’s some emotional triggers in this.  There’s some anxiety about this.”  And then it’s all about probing questions.  So, we role play a little bit, but much of what we do, even after a call, you know, see they were transferred or end it, it’s the, “Hey, I heard you say this and that.  Can you tell me more about this?”

It’s not necessarily that we police each other, but I want to foster this level of curiosity the way I hear something that “Hmm, I would’ve maybe said something different.  Why did you do it this way?”  “Oh,” because you know, you only hear the customer service side of things in the office.  You don’t hear what the customer’s saying.  And like, “Oh, OK, I understand.  I’ve been through three bikes and weight is the most important feature.”  Not necessarily the custom designed handles, not a different feature that we’re very proud of.  It might really be the weight.

So, the entire conversation is around the weight or lack thereof with our product and our bike.  And as we kind of have this, our knowledge base expands, and we have huddles every week where we say, “OK what was the best and the worst call you’ve had this week and why?”

Andrea:  Love it.

Manuel Christoffel:  So, this is sort of what we kind of, I don’t want to say we celebrate our losses because now we have some escalations, we have some unhappy customers.  We cannot make all of them happy.  And at times we feel it’s our fault, absolutely.  But in kind of talking about that, what I see that the point we’re getting to is the team self regulates.  I rarely have to step in and say, “Well, maybe you should try this or you should try this.”  Because everybody feels comfortable enough to sort of admit their mistakes.  They know I’m not going to, you know, publicly demean them or not really a penalty for making a mistake.  My big ask is let’s learn from them and more importantly, do you now understand how this mistake came about?

Andrea:  OK that is really, really important.  I’m not sure how long have you been at Woom and was that already the way that it was?

Manuel Christoffel:  So, I’ve been consulting to the CEO for about three and a half years and I’ve been here full time for this year.  On the philosophy piece, it definitely always has been that way, but you know, we are essentially still as someone in startup mode.  You know, a four and a half year old company started in a garage and moved to the third office, if we count the garage as an office, you know, in Austin growing nicely.

But it is very challenging because our CEO, a collegiate athlete, very, very passionate about the bike, about the product but really more, I’m going to say, from the bike geek point of view.  So his passion doesn’t necessarily translates.  So has the passion always existed?  Absolutely; and our CEO will be the first person that will tell you, “If I’m not been passionate, I can only plead insanity as to why we are still here and why I didn’t give up along the way.”  Because there’s definitely been some moments where you’re new to a market, you’re more expensive, nobody knows your brand and it’s difficult.

So, no matter how passionate you are about it, kind of seeing that basically your baby not being appreciated for what it is or being misunderstood, you know, it’s going to be very challenging.  So, the passion has always been there.  My job sort of is to say, “OK, how do we translate this?”  Very similar to, you know, _____.

When I joined Amex early in 2007, I was a very hardcore visa credit card user.  And I did not understand why people would pay for a charge card, because in my mind, the message that Amex had at a time was very much, “If you can’t afford this fee, maybe you just don’t make enough money.”  That was my perception of the company because their brand messaging, their value messaging was not tailored to a personality like mine.

And going in and having some opportunity to speak with some marketing leaders and getting some feedback, they’ve heard some of that.  But we’ve also gotten better as a company just educating and supporting our customers in understanding the value around some of these products.

So, fast forward, what I’ve seen is, it’s not about trying to hit your CEO over the head and saying you’re doing everything wrong, it’s about what matters and what is getting lost in translation and how do we add these pieces back in in a way that it resonates not just with the bicycle community.

And they are very passionate and they’re incredibly supportive.  They spread the word.  We would not be where we are without the bicycle community, no doubt.  But you know, there are also other parents out there who don’t know the single pieces of a bike and why it matters that this is manufactured one way on machine the different way.

So, how do I translate this into a broad set of audience in a way where you understand there’s passion and there’s pride but you don’t feel necessarily like you walk into this high-end boutique and the salesperson will just never leave your aside.  I don’t want that impression either.  I want you to be able to form your own opinion.  That is why we have the up-cycle program where you can return your bike when you buy a bigger one, or you’re a part of our up-cycle membership basically you get 40% of the initial purchase price credited towards the new purchase, the bigger bike that you’re buying.

It’s something where we say, “We do appreciate your initial purchase.  We do understand we’re a little bit more expensive than some of these other brands out there.  And we want to give you an incentive to stay with us.  You know, we do want to acknowledge that that is why we rarely ever ask how did something break.”

But of course, if somebody you know, bought a bike a day ago and says this thing is totaled,” we will ask and say “You ran over it with your truck.  I’m sorry.  There’s not much I can do.  I may send you a shirt just to cheer you up, absolutely but I can’t send you a new bike.”  But generally, _____, like what does this mean functionally?  This means, you know, we’re not going to nickel and dime our customers.  This means now we will really hear them out and if we need to transfer them, not because we’re tired of them, but because we sense that somebody else can support them in a more meaningful way.

Andrea:  OK, so you have so much here that we can dive into and I have some questions based on what you were just talking about because there’s so much here.  And one of the things that came up here kind of more towards the end of what you were saying was that you really help the CEO kind of apply and act on their vision as it applies to customer service.

Manuel Christoffel:  Right.

Andrea:  Our company is called Voice of Influence, the podcast that we’re on right now is called Voice of Influence and what you said was that, you know, there are times when you have to be a voice of influence with the CEO in order to help them to translate their vision into something that’s going to make a difference for the customer.  So, do you have any specific ideas about what is one of the best ways to communicate that to the CEO themselves?

Manuel Christoffel:  It really depends on the personality of the CEO and the relationship that you’re able to establish and the authority that you kind of bring to the table.  In my case, the company is extremely fortunate; our CEO does not have what I call “founder syndrome.”  He does not have an ego.  You could be an intern on your first day and literally radically change an aspect of the business just by asking one question because it just doesn’t make sense to you.  In some companies I’ve worked at, you would have probably been scolded for even daring to speak up on day one, let alone talk to the CEO.

Andrea:  Right, right.  So people have a voice?

Manuel Christoffel:  People have a voice, and because he’s always sort of known that it takes a village to build a brand, right?  And it takes a community to grow a brand and really, you know, become a brand even in the first place.  So, for him, it’s all about how do all these individual pieces, all these things he wants to accomplish, how do we kind of prioritize them?  And also, you know, we’re growing quite a bit.

So, we get inundated or he gets inundated with so many increases, so many proposals, so many suggestions, so many tools, and so many partnerships.  I’ll say “OK, let’s ignore all that for a second, either you will read through all this tonight or I will do this or somebody else will do it.  What matters to you?  What are we doing this quarter or this year?  Or what’s the single biggest thing you just wish we could change?  Then let’s see who can help us on this journey whether that’s internally like hiring the right people, growing the right people.”

It’s important to me that when somebody comes and works at this company, especially on my teams, since I have the most influence over them, that they are more marketable and more knowledgeable than they were before they came to us.  Obviously, I don’t want people to leave, but I understand, you know, opportunities are out there and some people, you know, may just want to move to a different city.  They want to live by the beach.  So, I never want to stop anybody, but I will make sure that we’ve also made your career more noteworthy and meaningful while you were here.

Andrea:  So that’s connected to your purpose, it sounds like.  You feel that you can make a difference in their lives and so that’s something that’s going to come out in the way that you lead.

Manuel Christoffel:  Definitely, I do feel that way, but I have almost unlimited patience and support in pursuing that from our CEO because he does it for you.

Andrea:  Yes.  That is awesome.

Manuel Christoffel:  He understands.  You know, as I said he’s a very intelligent person.  He’s a very accomplished person.  He understands that not everybody is here for the same reason he is here, but it’s his baby.  It’s his company, right?  So he can’t expect it.  So what he’s saying is how can we make this meaningful and at the same time, how can we make this, for lack of better term, how we can make this as a partnership.  It’s not an employment.

There are two or three very, very hard rules that I pursue.  Aside from that, and these are predominantly related to like, you know, HR and just don’t do silly things.  Let’s be PC here, right?  But aside from that, you can revamp on almost everything.  If there is potential, there’s promise.  And we do not want to be that boss that hindered your career, that CEO that just did not even give you a voice.

We want to be, at times, that people that kind of save you from yourself internally.  I’ve had that in my career many times when a boss said, “You know, I know you’re really angry, just go take a walk.  Don’t say what you want to say right now, just go take a walk.”  And it takes some time to realize you just saved me from myself.

Andrea:  Yes.  That’s awesome.

Manuel Christoffel:  So, I kind of want to be that and, you know, some people are very receptive to this, obviously others are not.  But what’s just really important for us, we know if we jive, we’ll work well together.  We support each other, you know, no matter really what that takes.  Our customer service team, at times, comes and helps build bikes.  At times, some of our technicians on the up-cycle program come and help mend the phone lines if we have incredible demand.

And there is not really like this, “Oh, I have to go out there and it’s kind of warm and I have to build the bike” and “Uh, I just really want to answer phones.”  It’s the “OK, maybe there’s a suboptimal,” if they even think that.  But it’s much more, “Hey, you know, let’s just get this going what needs to happen.  What do we need to do?”

So that’s what I look for in people.  I don’t want people who want a job.  I’m looking for people that want a career.  I think that’s already a big distinction.  And then I very much ask them, “Hey, look, what can I expect from you and what are some things I should look out for?”  And some of that stuff I’m hearing, at times, I have heard of people that we have hired, I didn’t love so much, but you got to appreciate the honesty.

Andrea:  Yeah, they admitted it.

Manuel Christoffel:  Exactly.  You’d have to admit it.  I mean, you know, I know right before a job interview, “I’m gonna Google this company.  I’m gonna Google all the answers.  I’m gonna go at Glassdoor.  I’m gonna know how I’m gonna be 85% perfect in all my answers.”  So, somebody really breaking script and being honest, like this is a phenomenal starting point because that means I can be honest with you and you’re going to tell me whether this resonates or not.

Andrea:  And…

Manuel Christoffel:  Sorry, go ahead.

Andrea:  No, I apologize.  Keep going.

Manuel Christoffel:  No, no, by all means.

Andrea:  Well, I was just going to say, and they’re not going to feel shame.  You have created a culture where it’s not about shame.  There’s not this penalty for making mistakes, like you mentioned before, and so people can more freely share their voice.  They can more freely be authentic and make mistakes but go for it more too.

Manuel Christoffel:  Absolutely.  You’ll pursue your passion and if you work something, you know, this is an ongoing thing that we’re still working on, at times, especially when you go in like chat on social media.  When you get into like, you know, comments you want to respond, you try to be somewhat brief.  You don’t want to write a book because, you know, people will just not read a book but you do want to address the comment.  So, as you kind of track it that down, at times we some, I want to say, less fortunate phrasings and whatnot.

So, I know, we’ve come across and like “hey” and usually it’s like, “Oh, that last thing.  Yeah, I was struggling with this too.  I really wanted to say this but you know, we’re trying to keep this below X amount of lines, so that’s why I chose this.”  “You know what, make it two lines longer.  It’s OK, it’s just really is the better thing.”  But we’re getting into such a groove to where it’s not this, “Oh my God, you’re just tearing me down and I can’t do anything perfectly.”

We’re almost in sync already but we’re still kind of, you know, feeling each other out a little bit.  Where is that perfect balance of what you said, keep it below X sentences.  I’m trying to do that.  In my mind though, it would have taken another sentence or two.  So we’re compromising, “You know what, use what I’m saying as a guideline.”  It means don’t triple the amount of sentences, but if in doubt, if it’s between potentially unfortunate phrasing or really saying what you want to say, say what you really want to say.

Andrea:  Hmm that’s really empowering for them too.

Manuel Christoffel:  Honestly, it helps me because it helps me understand how they take what they are good at.  Some people, on our customer service team, are phenomenal with local customers and walk ins.  They’re passionate about it.  They really love it and others say rightfully.  We know you have a local sales department, but I really was helping our people predominantly under phone or email, like more traditional customer service supports type of role.

So, “OK, where are our personalities?”  What do you prefer doing?”  I want everybody to be well versed, but it doesn’t mean we can’t try to specialize down a little bit and say, “OK, do we have the bandwidth for, you know, my person who really loves talking with customers and interact with children and share his story about his children and all these other things?”  Yeah.  If in doubt, I want that person.  I want him to speak to our customers.  I want him to spend some time with them.  And even if they don’t buy a bike, he’s just had a really good time at work giving thoughts about what he’s passionate about, sharing things about his family life, and about his children in our customers. 

Even if they don’t buy anything, you know.  Again, they don’t have this boutique experience, they’ll come in “What bike do you want?  What size?  What’s your credit card?  Oh, you want to try, what do you mean you undecided?  Why?  You didn’t do your research?”  And that’s the experience that some customers have with some other brands, or you know, just generally when it comes to that type of purchase.

So, we really want to make sure that we do a very good job educating our customers upfront, sharing some of the pride and the passion that we have and being really empathetic and listening to their needs and then kind of making that decision, “OK, you very clearly know your way around bikes and you have a concern about this and that.”  We may not even have the right person in customer service, “You know what I have a bike technician that you would really love talking to.  Do you mind holding, either you mind holding for a minute or can he call you back within the next five minutes?”

Andrea:  That’s got to be like really impactful.

Manuel Christoffel:  It makes a difference and this was, you know, my philosophy.  I personally would rather exchange 15 emails than pick up the phone once and call customer service.  So then the worst thing you can do to me is put me on hold for 10 minutes.  So, if you tell me I’m going to call you back within 10 minutes and you call me back into three, by default, there’s almost nothing you can do to upset me at this point.

Andrea:  Right?  And _____ somebody else and you’re like breaking scripts I can tell.  You’re breaking script with the customer.

Manuel Christoffel:  It’s the red tape, right?  We’re a call center; rep just does not have the authority.  I mean they may want to say, “You know what, Pete over there knows so much more about the ins and outs of your fiber line, but unfortunately I can either transfer you to a supervisor if you really want to escalate or you have to hang up and call back.”  So, a lot of people in his industry, in customer service don’t have the freedom to kind of say, you know, “May I please transfer you to one of my peers who can help you a lot more.”  Or you know, “Hey, you seems really, really unhappy.”  And then you got up, “Hey, look, this person is really unhappy.  I honestly think they wanna feel heard, you have a good title; if you want to talk to them.”  And, you know, it tends to work.

Again, we can’t make everybody happy.  We make mistakes, we learn from them, myself included.  But to me, what’s important fundamentally is the attitude and really just reiterating, “It’s OK to not be perfect, but let’s be honest along the way.”  That to me is important and when we hear, “Hey look, now there’s still some more red tape, or I still don’t have this.  I don’t have this.”  “Hey, we don’t really know what’s going on in the company.”  Our CEO went to the extreme, he set up 15 minute one-on-one every single month with every employee at his company.

And I can tell you, he doesn’t really have all that much free time.  He said “If they really don’t know, I could do a town hall, but guess what, some people can’t make it.  Some people are stuck on the phone.  I will talk to every single person and we’re gonna do this, you know, every month.”  For the time being, _____ because it’s not sustainable, right?  But it’s the “You’ve spoken, I’ve heard you.”  It’s not that “Well, let’s send it to an assistant who then tries to schedule a calendar.”  And “Who are you, you have been here two months and you want to FaceTime with the boss?”

Now, we have all this in companies that are a lot smaller than us.  And you know, we’re not all that big word, you know, on a good day we’re 50 people in the US.  So, it’s not that we’re all that big, but I’ve been at smaller companies and you just did not get FaceTime with, you know, you skip-level, let alone the CEO.  So that to me is just very important that really everybody here feels like they have a voice and more importantly they have an opinion, we hear it.

Sometimes it’s, you know, this would be perfect.  I have a wish list of tools and infrastructure and people for that matter, “Hey, if I do my job right in three to four years, I’m gonna get all of that.  For the time being, well, here’s why you can’t have it, but this is what you can have.  What can you do with this?”  And that to me, again, is more powerful than just saying no.

Andrea:  Yeah. Wow, that’s really, really great.  I love this.  I love that you and your company are focused so much on helping people to have a voice and utilizing their voice to really make your company better and make your customer service better.  And that is a clearly making a difference in the way that your customers experience your brand, so congratulations on that because that’s a huge feat.

Manuel Christoffel:  Thank you. I appreciate that.

Andrea:  So, Manuel, if people are interested in Woom Bikes or interested in you at all, where should they connect with you or could they?

Manuel Christoffel:  Well, absolutely.  I mean, you know, I’m a really, really big fan of LinkedIn, although I will say, I sadly do not know every single person in my LinkedIn profile.  But you know, that’s Manuel Christoffel on LinkedIn.  My Twitter is a little bit harder because that’s manuel_c, apparently there’s another manuel_c out there.

Andrea:  We will link to those on the show notes so that people can find you.  Go ahead.

Manuel Christoffel:  No, thank you.  But, absolutely, I mean it’s been a phenomenal journey.  It’s a great company.  I love talking to people.  I like learning from people because what we’re seeing, you know, a lot of the best bits of, you know, I’m going to say food for thought we’ve received from some people, not necessarily in the marketing industry or the customer service industry or even the bike industry.  It’s just people who, you know, have lived a life who say, “Well, you know, when I have to scale something or when I had this problem or when I manage people, here’s kind of what I do.”

Those kinds of tips that’s what I’m saying networking is so incredibly underrated.  A lot of people only network when they need a new job or they need a reference or an introduction or something.  To me, it’s kind of like you kind of pay it forward its service leadership and the networking space in a sense, because one of these days you hope karma is a real thing and somebody else will return the favor.  But for the time being at the very least, let me meet some interesting people.  And even if we have some opposing views or, you know, tell me really why you think everything we do is so fundamentally wrong.

I’m not saying I’m going to convince you, but at the very least it’s going to potentially help me maybe reevaluate some of the things we do and say maybe we should fine tune this because we will grow and we might hit this particular problem down the road, how can we kind of preempt?  And that that to me is very important.

And networking is great.  Meeting new people is phenomenal, you know, going to conferences kind of speaking, hearing opposing views.  And hopefully, in the process getting some more people to come visit the website, take a look at our bikes and become part of our journey.

Andrea:  Hmm.  That’s great.  Well, thank you so much Manuel.  Thank you for sharing your voice of influence with our listeners.

Manuel Christoffel:  Thank you, Andrea.  I look forward to seeing you in Chicago.

Andrea:  Yes!

Guiding a Team to Take Your Customer’s Perspective with Tim Bay

Episode 107

Tim Bay is the Head of Digital Marketing at Fellowes Brands where he is responsible for building comprehensive strategies and programs to drive greater brand awareness, increased engagement, and profitable growth via digital channels. Before joining Fellowes, Tim had accumulated 20+ years of B2C and B2B digital marketing leadership experiences in roles such as Vice President of Digital Marketing at Wilton Brands and Co-Founder of Shay Digital, an internet marketing consultancy where he developed and executed online strategies for a wide breadth of organizations. In this episode, Tim discusses what he does in his current role, the common challenges he sees between digital marketing agencies and their clients, the balance between automation and utilizing actual people, the role empathy plays in how you market to your consumers, how to integrate empathy in all aspects of your business, and more!

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Tim Bay Voice of Influence Podcast Andrea Joy Wenburg


Hey, hey!  It’s Andrea and welcome to the Voice of Influence podcast.  Today, I have with Tim Bay.  Tim is currently Head of Digital Marketing at Fellowes Brands, which he’ll explain in a minute, where he is responsible for building comprehensive strategies and programs to drive greater brand awareness, increased engagement and profitable growth via digital channels. Before joining Fellowes, he had accumulated 20+ years of B2C and B2B digital marketing leadership experiences in roles such as vice president of Digital Marketing at Wilton Brands and co-founder of Shay Digital, an internet marketing consultancy where he developed and executed online strategies for a wide breadth of organizations, Gatorade, Ty, etc.

Andrea:  So, Tim, we’re thrilled to have you here today on the Voice of Influence podcast.

Tim Bay:  I’m excited to be here.  Thank you.

Andrea:  Well, Tim is also speaking at a conference that I’m also speaking at the end of September, the Digital Experience Summit in Chicago.  So, Tim, let’s start with what do you do as head of digital marketing at Fellowes Brands?

Tim Bay:  So, I would say at the highest level, it’s looking at how we can leverage digi-channels.  That could be website.  It could be social.  It could be email to achieve our business objectives.  You know, these objectives are how do we enhance brand awareness, how do we drive product awareness, and ultimately how do we convert to sales?  So, that’s sort of from the business side. You know, thinking about it from a consumer first perspective is what can we do to help people along their journey?  And we sell products, everything from shredders to storage boxes, to sit stand desks, to chairs, or to laminators.  How can we help people find what they want to find?  How can we make it easiest for them to get what they need, to get when they want to get it, and how they want to get it?

Andrea:  Great!  So, when it comes to digital marketing, you know, you being the head of it, how did you get to that point, like what was sort of the journey that you’ve taken because you mentioned in your bio that you also had a consultancy for awhile?  So, we were talking beforehand that it was really interesting that you have been on both sides of agency and client in terms of, you know, this relationship between agency and clients.  So, I guess I’m just wondering what has been that path for you?

Tim Bay:  So, I actually started out when I was an undergraduate as finance major and accounting minor, and I thought I was going to be a stock analyst or stock researcher at some point.  I went back to get my masters and I took my first marketing class for my masters and just fell in love with marketing.  And then what led me to digital was I think a little bit of the right brain and left brain and the ability to get the immediate feedback and analyze, you know, what’s working, what’s not working given that sort of real time feedback in terms of what we can do to be more effective. And then from a digital marketing perspective, you know, as you mentioned over the course of my career, I have been on both the client side and the agency side.  And largely that depends on where I saw some great opportunities and the ability to learn.  And so I like having been on both sides because I think it made me better on the agency side to be able to empathize with the plight of the client and to understand what it’s like to work in an organization.  And sometimes there are challenges that you face. And then on the client side, understanding sort of how agencies work and how I can be a better partner from my client perspective, but also understand a little bit of the nuances of agency and helping me in terms of the clients I get the most out of that relationship.  I can always feel like, you know, the best relationship, the best partnership is one where it’s mutually beneficial.  So, I do feel like being on both sides sort of gives a perspective that allows you to get not only more out of it from your side, but also help be a better partner.

Andrea:  Do you think that there are any common mistakes that you’ve noticed, maybe you’ve helped mitigate them so that they don’t happen that when it comes to that relationship between client and agency, when they’re trying to figure out plans and execute plans and all that sort of thing, have you noticed any particular mistakes that kind of pop up quite frequently?

Tim Bay:  Yeah.  I think the biggest challenge from the client side is believing that you can just offload strategy to an agency and the fact it’s the best relationships and I feel like this from the agency side as well.  The best relationships are our partnership and you have to give the right amount of time, you have to be fully vested, you have to be transparent.  The more information, the more time that you can spend with your agency, the better ultimately they will be able to be. And I think the other thing too is, and this goes from both sides, is really being honest about what you need in a relationship and what you need in a partnership and what success looks like.  Because I think too often you get a few months in and you just realize that things are operating as effectively as you’d like and that comes back sometimes to expectations in terms of how much time, from the agency perspective, they have to spend to manage the account, some of the challenges they might be facing in terms of gaining information or deadlines or things like that. And so I think, you know, going in understanding what is needed from both sides and being committed to doing that and having those conversations up front really helps.

Andrea:  So, making sure that the relationship is structured in a way that is going to allow for the time and the energy that needs to be spent in order to establish your goals and get everything in place before you even begin so that you can keep referring back to it?

Tim Bay:  Exactly, exactly.  And I think part of it too is, you know, you mentioned strategy.  Another challenge is if I as the brand can’t communicate a strategy, I can’t expect my agency to actually execute against that strategy effectively.  And I think sometimes recognizing that there needs to be some work done first from a strategy perspective before you can engage in agency and in a very effective way.  And again, that goes back to just really understanding what you need to do from your perspective to partner successfully with an agency.

Andrea:  OK, so at the conference we’re talking about managing and optimizing digital customer experience to drive greater loyalty and profit, and one of the things that I feel like is super important in the managing and optimizing of the experience is the digital piece of, you know, automation and that sort of thing, but then also the people side of things.  So, for you, when you’re working at Fellowes or when you’ve worked with other clients in the past, how much energy and effort goes into each side of that equation, the people side versus the automated side?

Tim Bay:  I still think the greatest asset that any organization can have is its people.  As much as I get excited as a marketer about things like Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, you know, there’s nothing that replaces a great team of people.  And that’s not just from a customer service perspective but it’s also from sort of thinking proactively about how to create that best customer journey.  You have to think about the customer first.  You have to be proactive in terms of understanding what is it they want and meet their needs before you can sort of, you know, get them to give you what you want in a way. And so, I think the technology has to work hand in hand with people.  I don’t think you can certainly, not anytime soon, I imagine a situation where you feel like whatever technology solution you have is going to be as effective in a lot of areas as just our ability to communicate, interact, engage, and strategically think through issues. Now, there are things that obviously technology can do better than us as humans, right?  Things like, you know, quick computing and things like, I think personalization.  But at the end of the day, you know, I think people want to feel from a customer service perspective, people want to feel like there’s somebody there on the other end that is helping them out and listen to them and understand the nuances of human language. And I think on the forefront it’s being able to, you know, people want to feel like that experience that we’re providing to them via a website, for example, was created with an understanding of what their challenges are.  And that is something that, right now, the best way to do that is with really creative and smart people.

Andrea:  Hmm.  So, when it comes to giving them a good experience from the outset and would you say, it generally starts out with the website and that sort of thing, right?

Tim Bay:  Right.

Andrea:  So, you’re going to make sure that the websites optimal for people and then they’re going to encounter people.  And so, how do you decide as a company?  What is the line that kind of crosses into the actual human experience?  So what needs to be automated and what needs to be human to human?

Tim Bay:  Well, I think that is always a bit of a challenge, because you want to provide the best experience possible, right?  Almost like a customized, you know, white glove treatment, but then you have the realities of just staffing and maybe 24 hours and things like that.  So, for us, yeah, I think, we’ve always tried to think about is how do we find that right balance.  And also recognizing that in today’s world, there are some times that people, you know, they’d rather chat versus call a phone, and sometimes, they want to sort of do self service. And so, I think for us, it’s looking at the situation.  It’s looking at what the product or service is and saying based on that, what are the types of help that people are going to need.  If it’s, you know, something very basic, they may want to know dimensions or they may want to know a specific product feature.  If it’s something that’s maybe more complex or even more expensive, they may want to be able to talk to somebody and be able to ask that person questions. So, in some cases a really good FAQ, a really good _____ on the page, a chatbot, or even a chat that connects to a human might be we think good enough to provide that direct level of service.  But sometimes it’s more than that and that’s part of where I think we have to look at the situation and think about it from the perspective of the consumer, you know, what is that thought process, what is that decision tree looked like for her?  And at what point might she get stuck and do we feel like no matter what tactic is we’re doing enough to help her get unstuck from a situation that she’s at?

Andrea:  So, I love how much you’re talking about getting her perspective and coming from her perspective.  What are some of the best ways to actually figure out what her perspective is?  How do you actually take her perspective?  Do you ask, do you imagine, or do you use a committee to talk about it?   What is the process that you guys go through?

Tim Bay:  I think to start off with, there’s got to be a mindset.  It’s a mindset, and one of my favorite words in marketing beyond that is empathy.  And you have to put yourself in a situation of who that consumer is, so one is understanding who is the consumer.  And then, you know, we’ve done a lot throughout my career in lots of places, we’re doing this at Fellowes about building a persona, because the danger is you always look at your customer as yourself.  I think, especially in organizations, you know, let’s take for example an engineer talking about the product is very different than a consumer buying the product, right? And so, we very much look at who is our consumer and let’s put ourselves in her situation, understand what’s driving her motivations, what is she looking and what concerns does she have.  And part of that is just if you build that persona out and you put yourself in that perspective, you can go very far in terms of understanding that person, but then we supplement that with things like focus groups. It could be any type of research that you can do, maybe it’s first party, maybe it’s third party to sort of build out that understanding.  And then of course you have an idea, you build something out, you feel like you’ve done everything you can but you need to test that out.  And then you continue to listen after you roll something out to see, are they experiencing what we expect them to be? So, I think it, ultimately, has to be a commitment too.  You’re always thinking about that consumer and always thinking about who that person is.  It’s not necessarily you, in most cases it’s not thinking about everything through that lens of her.  And I think if you do that, it’s always keeping you on the right path in terms of whatever you need to do to make sure that you’re providing the best experience for her.

Andrea:  Do you find that the people that do this with you, that work together with you to build this empathy and build the persona, does this translate into better relationships in general with them because they’re able to do that?  Because this is not something that people do well in general.

Tim Bay:  You know, one of the things that I think that’s really important and whether if you’re talking about ecommerce, digital marketing, management, personal relationships, empathy and trust.  So, from a team perspective, one of the things that has always been challenging in terms of building a team is building that level of trust, especially as you’re bringing new people together or asking people to do things that they haven’t done before. And so, one of the byproducts of what you just said is that even from a team perspective, you’re sort of learning to put yourself in somebody else’s position.  And that works whether or not you’re talking about website visitor or you’re having a conversation with a teammate about creative or a wire frame, a copy or content.  And so, I do think that overtime it does help not just in terms of what you’re trying to do with that particular customer journey but overall.

Andrea:  Yeah, I would think so.  It’s interesting to me this connection between what we’re trying to accomplish in business and selling and having actual relationships, because we’re sort of taking the idea of having a relationship and taking it to a completely different level when it comes to business.  And I think businesses are getting more and more aware and becoming more and more aware and more attuned to the idea of, “No, this really needs to be a relationship with the customer not just, you know, a transaction.”

Tim Bay:  Absolutely.  You know, I love and I’m passionate about and most of my times thinking about the digital world, from a digital marketing perspective.  But when we talk about a customer journey, I always think about that website like a store, if somebody were to walk into a store, what would you want that experience?  How would you greet that?  What would be the first thing that you say to them?  How would you help them navigate the store?  If they wanted to talk to you then how would enable that?  If they wanted to browse and if they’re a tech person and want to do a little bit of researching, exploring on their own, how would you make that really efficient for them? And I think the other point that you talked about is, again, even though it’s a digital relationship, it’s still relationship.  And I think any business, whether you’re selling shredders or you’re selling consulting services, you really do want that to be a long-term relationship.  And just from a practical perspective, much easier, much more efficient to engage with your current community of folks that already know you and believe in you and like you than going out and finding new people. So, thinking about anything that we can think about from a digital perspective as a relationship and something that we’re trying to, and this is important for our brand at Fellowes because of what our brand stands for, we want that to translate into the digital world.  And so even though it’s a digital relationship or a part of it maybe, we always still think about it as you’re still connecting.  It’s just the medium that you’re doing it is different than if you were in person.

Andrea:  Yeah.  I love the analogy of the website being like a store and how you’d welcome them and all that sort of thing.  I think that’s really good.  So, when you said that Fellowes has, how did you put that, what you’re trying to be about or what you’re trying to communicate as a brand, what is the communication that you’re trying to communicate as a brand?

Timothy Bay:  Well, I think part of our DNA, and so Fellowes has been around for 101 years.  It is a family owned and run business.  John Fellowes who is our current CEO is a fourth generation.  And, you know, one of the things that John has mentioned and he has said this in a couple of different settings is he was told by his dad who’s third generation that they are there to serve the business, not the business or the family and part of our DNA is helping people.  We’re very much about workplace wellness, how can we make people feel better?  How can we make them work better?  It’s really part of sort of our tagline.  And so that can’t just be, you know, tagline or slogan but that you have to live it. So, going back to that sort of relationship part, we have to think about “Are we providing value to the consumer?”  “Are we giving her the right information?”  I mean, obviously from a product perspective, we’re thinking about that in terms of “Are we making it easier for her to do better?”  “Are we ultimately make her feel better as part of that experience?” And if that’s part of your DNA, you think about that in every single thing that you do, whether it’s part of your feature set or product, it’s building a website, it’s an email communication, or it’s something on social.  And so again, going back to, you know, as a company, when you have this notion of what your values are and what’s your purpose is, it needs to permeate every single thing that you do, including digital marketing.

Andrea:  Oh yeah, that’s really, really seems to be important.  And I’m curious as to how that plays out.  So, when you’re talking about your DNA, the values, the purpose and all that, when you’re needing to build out these different things whether it be product, the service, the website or whatever, like practically speaking, do you look at your DNA first and say, “OK, how can we make sure it does that?”  Or is it just something that’s sort of in the back of your mind all the time?  Practically speaking, how does that workout for how to integrate that?

Tim Bay:  So I think, it’s a bit of both.  It is always present at the back of our mind, but we can’t forget to explicitly remind yourself of that.  I just walked through with the team recently, a playbook that I call on, you know, how we’re thinking about email marketing.  And playbook is basically, here’s the things that we think we need to be doing to do the best that we can in a particular channel or particular tactic. That playbook starts with a reminder of the things that we need to be thinking about from that sort of DNA perspective, thinking about the customer first, thinking about how we’re communicating that in everything that we do, whether it’s a LinkedIn post or an email campaign or a banner. And of course there’s always some sort of spectrum in terms of how much you can do that.  You can do a lot more with a blog post than you can with a web banner.  But I think, again, you want to always be there to remind yourself consistently that you got to be thinking about _____ that’s always in the back of your mind.

Andrea:  Hmm, so you integrate that into the playbook itself too.

Tim Bay:  Absolutely.  You know, one of the things I’ve learned throughout my career is that it’s really difficult to over communicate something.  You know, 99 percent of the time, it’s the under communication that takes a lot of time and a lot of enforcement and reinforcement of something before it becomes part of our sort of daily nature and habit.  And in a way, you want to always have a top of mind.  It takes a lot to do that and it’s really difficult to over communicate.

Andrea:  Yeah, yeah.  That’s so good.  Tim, I can’t believe it’s already about time to wrap up.  But when, you know, people are looking to be a voice of influence and when it comes to either on a team, whether that be on an agency or an a client side, whether it be because we’re thinking about our client or our particular customer or our relationships, do you have something that you would like to leave with the listener in terms of a tip or a strategy or one last thought?

Tim Bay:  I think that all of us have something to offer and have a unique perspective.  And, you know, I think as managers, as leaders, we want to empower folks, we should also feel just a natural empowerment to give our point of view, you know, to recognize that everybody has a different perspectives.  And when we talk about diversity of opinion, you know, it’s so important.  And so, I think when you talk about voice of influence is, you know, I think we have to on one hand, you know, _____ sometimes and trust a little bit that our opinion matters. And then, I think, again, as leaders we have to enforce and reinforce that we want to have folks voice.  We want to have that level of trust and comfort there because, you know, two smart people are always going to come up with a better solution than one person.  And we have to create that environment that facilitates folks having comfort and talking about bringing their perspective and bringing different ideas.  And that’s something that has to be nurtured.  You just can’t say it’s going to happen.  It’s something that you have to continually tend to like you would, a flower garden.  If you don’t, it runs over with weeds and eventually the flowers die.  I can’t overemphasize how important that to me in terms of building good teams and making sure that people feel comfortable with those works of different ideas and opinions.

Andrea:  So good, so good.  Thank you, Tim.  How can people find Fellowes or find you?

Tim Bay:  They can find Fellowes at and then, you know, you can see our social channels from there and they can find me on LinkedIn and Twitter.  So, I’m happy to talk to anybody at any point in time.  I always love talking to folks who are interested in talking about anything from customer journeys to culture, to digital marketing.  I love talking to people.

Andrea:  Awesome!  Thank you so much for doing that and for sharing your voice of influence with our listeners, and we’ll be sure to link all of the things that you mentioned here in the show notes.

Tim Bay:  Great!  Thank you very much.  I really enjoyed it, Andrea!

Become the Person You Want To Be with David Neagle

Episode 106

David Neagle is the founder of the multimillion-dollar global coaching company, Life Is Now, Inc. David helps thousands of entrepreneurs, experts, and self-employed professionals gain confidence and find the right mindset to increase their revenue, turning their endeavors into seven and eight-figure ventures.  He is also the author of Millions Within and the host of the Successful Mind podcast. In this episode, David talks about the near-death experience that inspired the name of his company, why having a successful mind should matter to someone who wants to have a voice of influence, how a person can change things when they feel stuck, the power of deciding you’re no longer going to tolerate what your mind tells you about things you don’t want to change or do, why people find it difficult to have conversations about money, why it’s important to pursue making more money on their own, his unconventional perspective of sales, the two main things people need to be clear on in order to make big changes, and more!

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David Neagle Voice of Influence Podcast Andrea Joy Wenburg


Hey, hey!  It’s Andrea and welcome to the Voice of Influence podcast.  Today, we have David Neagle on the line with us, and I’m really looking forward to this.  He is the founder of the multimillion-dollar global coaching company, Life Is Now, Inc.  Life is now, not later apparently.  Maybe you can tell us a little about that in a second, David. He helps thousands of entrepreneurs, experts and self-employed professionals gain the confidence, find the right mindset to increase their revenue, turning their endeavors into seven- and eight- figure ventures.  He is the author of Millions Within and the host of the Successful Mind podcast.

Andrea:  David, welcome to the Voice of Influence podcast.

David Neagle:  Thank you Andrea.  Thank you for having me.  It’s my pleasure to be here.

Andrea:  And so just real quick, what does it mean Life Is Now?  What’s the meaning of this?

David Neagle:  Life Is Now came out of an experience that I had in 1989, I had a near-death experience.  I had a pretty bad accident.  I was water skiing and I got separated from the boat and I was sucked through a dam and I was one of only two people to survive going through it.  And during that time of my life, I was not in a good place.  I was having real trouble in my life, but I wasn’t doing anything to fix it and I didn’t know how to fix it.  

The experience kind of woke me up to the idea that we don’t know how long we’re going to be here.  If we’re going to do something or change something, we really need to do it now. So, fast forward to 1999, when I started to put my business together, I was thinking about what do I want to call this?  And, you know, I was thinking everything really is about making decisions now, whether we’re creating something for the future, we’re changing something right now, it’s about what we do right now.  So, that was where the name came from.

Andrea:  Hmm, and I have listened to your story before about going through the dam and just that whole thing.  We’re going to make sure that we link to your story from your podcast here on the show notes so that the listener can go find it there because it’s quite a story.

David Neagle:  Yeah and that it is.

Andrea:  Do you find that people who have gone through near-death experiences or really intense crises that they tend to be more ready for big changes in their lives?

David Neagle:  Not only that, but what’s even kind of sad about it is that very often it takes something like that to precipitate a major change in a person’s life.  I went out in my career trying to help people make that change before they hit that kind of a wall or a problem or a catastrophe in their life. But, yeah, I mean very often when you go through something like that, you start to question things.  

It’s really fascinating, I think, Andrea, when you go through any kind of a crisis in your life, it shakes up what you know about your world.  You know, you start thinking to yourself, “Is any of this true?”  “Is it real?”  “What’s important?”  “What can I count on?”  “What do I trust it?”  It rattles the foundation of the illusion of safety that most people live in and it causes people to really think about what is true and real and important in their life from a very different place because it rattles their sets of security.

Andrea:  Yeah.

David Neagle:  And most people walk around in this illusion that we’re safe, everything’s going to be okay, just keep moving forward, not really taking things literally, too seriously.  And then something happens to shift that and it could be a death.  It could be an illness, it could be a partner has an affair on you that sometimes those things like that are the worst because you’ve trusted certain situations or people to be a specific way. And then you find out that they’re not that or you find out that the business or the job you have is it what you thought it was. 

And you start to really question what can I trust in my life?  What is actually real?  It really shakes the core foundation of a person when they go through that.  So, in that questioning, if they’re questioning intelligently and they’re actually really looking for answers, they usually come up with some pretty significant shifts over time for their life.

Andrea:  Hmm.  I’ve also found that people that have gone through that sort of pain.  People who have really experienced pain seemed to be more willing to think about the things that they want to change and actually do something about it.  And it does seem like just super significant when it comes to wanting to make a difference, to get out of the status quo and move out of a comfort zone.

David Neagle:  Yeah, I agree.  I absolutely agree with you.

Andrea:  So, what does having a successful mind, your Successful Mind podcast, I guess I’m really fascinated by the titles that I have to work with what you do.  Why does having a successful mind matter to someone who wants to have a voice of influence?

David Neagle:  Well, I think the reason is this, we’re not taught how to think when we’re growing up, most people weren’t, anyway.  And the inability to do so, I mean, we just take mental activity is the idea of thought and I guess clinically it’s thought but really being able to think productively for one’s life is something very, very different.  And being able to observe the world in situations that we’re in, evaluate it well and then make solid concrete decisions, plans, and goals for how we’re going to navigate that is extremely important in a person’s life.

But we don’t learn it as children. So, very often we find people making decisions, choices, plans, and setting goals and they’re not aware of the consequences.  They’re coming from a place where they’ve never really evaluated the cause and effect of different things in their life.  And avoidance is also a decision and that’s a big one because there’s a lot of things like pain that you just mentioned in a person’s life that they will avoid because they don’t want to have to experience what that’s actually like to go through any kind of a significant change.  I mean, I think the idea is that if we can learn to think better, we can then make better choices and have better outcomes and live richer and more fulfilling lives.

Andrea:  And I know that you see a connection between the way that people think and what they feel and then how they act.  How do those three things sort of interplay?  Which one should somebody work on first, you know, do they take an action first?  Should they work on their mindset first if they’re wanting to get out of a spot where they feel stuck?

David Neagle:  Well, if a person is stuck, the first thing to understand is they’re resisting changing something.  There’s something in their life they’re resisting because the universe is actually pretty clear for each person.  But if we’re stuck, we’re resisting something.  And if we’re in confusion, something that we’re evaluating in our thought processes is not true.  Otherwise, we wouldn’t be in confusion. So, the idea would be that a person gets clear on what they want or what they don’t want.  It could be one of the other, because very often a person’s in their life and you’ll ask them, “What do you want?”  They’d be like, “I don’t know.”  “Well, what don’t you want currently in your life?”  

Well, that they can pretty much tell you.  The things that are making them miserable or sad or they’re just not happy with. So, what I was saying was that the thoughts that we think correlate with emotional patterns in our life and that’s generally based on past experience.  So, what’s really interesting about this is that the first seven years of our life, we don’t have the ability to critically think.  We’re basically coming all from our subconscious mind.  

Our conscious mind is not developed yet and that’s the part that gives us the ability to think critically. The subconscious mind doesn’t have the ability to reject anything that’s going around it.  It just totally accepts everything in it.  And then it creates patterns to navigate through life, to hopefully to keep us safe.  In the process of this, we have an emotional correlation with how we see other people experiencing life.  What is their emotional state around what they’re experiencing and then we go into kind of a mimicking pattern around our parental figures and people of authority.  So, that’s really how most people set up their emotional base through life.

Now, once we get past the age of seven, what’s even more fascinating is that everything that we’re experiencing in life, our subconscious mind it’s already been preprogrammed with how to respond, tells our conscious mind what to do with what we’re experiencing on some level.  And because we haven’t had all that many experiences yet by the age of seven, most of it is an emotional response first to what we’re experiencing.  And then we tried to make some kind of intellectual sense over it. So, if we’re going to make a change, one of the things that we need to do is to make, create an intellectual truth around what it is that we want to create and then determine how do we create the supporting emotion that goes with that.  

So that now we start to really link up a really good thought or idea and a really good positive emotion to go with it that correlates with it well.  And then we take the action that we need to take to create the change in our life.  When we get the feedback of that, we can either make corrections because it’s not quite right or it’s a good reaction.  It’s positive.  So we accept that reaction and then we begin to reprogram our subconscious mind for the success that we’re looking for.

Andrea:  Could we take that to a practical level of, OK, so somebody wants to make a change in their health.  I know that’s something that you’ve been talking about a lot more recently.  If somebody is wanting to make that big shift, they know they want to make a change here, but they’re struggling because they may be start and then they end up failing or they start and they fail and that sort of thing.  They get into that sort of rhythm of feeling like they can’t take it all the way to the finish line.  How do you put what you just said about beliefs, emotion, and action, how do you put all that into play in that kind of a scenario?

David Neagle:  So, here’s the reason why people do this, why they’ll say “I’m gonna do this in my life.”  And then either they start doing it and fail or they procrastinate, they don’t do it, or they forget to do it.  Nothing ever actually changes.  The idea is that we have to go through a transformation of who we are.  If we just take part of our behavior and say we’re just going to change that one part without changing all the parts that support the thing that we don’t want to be doing or don’t want to be experiencing, we’re pretty much doomed to going back to the old behavior. So, it requires a transformation on all levels in order for us to be able to do that.  

So like if a person, if they want to get in better health, they have to look at how do they view health, like what is their belief around health.  They have to look at how do they view the things that make them healthy and the things that don’t make them healthy.  And then what are the emotions that go with those things? So, very often when a person is not healthy, it’s because they’re doing things to numb out or escape from the world in some way.  Some people do exercise in a way that dumps them out for the world, but a lot of people don’t.  

And they’ll do things like they’ll watch TV, they will eat things that are not good for them, they will drink too much, they become a couch potato, or they’re doing things to escape in some way. So, it’s not just about changing the behavior but changing kind of the substructure under it of what’s causing that behavior.  Like why are we actually doing that when we do know better?  So, the ideas that we really take a look at who we are overall and create a person that wants to embody wellbeing.  

And so, it’s looking at all of the things that support health and all of the things that don’t support it.  Removing the things that don’t support it and completely embodying it from a place of “I’m no longer going to associate with what doesn’t.  I’m going to be this new person.” And then you have to be doing an act like that person every day.

Andrea:  That is so significant.  I just want to pause there for a second because becoming that person is such a huge piece of what I’ve heard you talk about that I think is so important.  Can you just reiterate what it means to, you know, think that way?

David Neagle:  Well, what it means is that you’re no longer going to tolerate the conversation in your mind about doing something that you don’t want to do.  So, when we set a new goal or we decide that we’re going to be something different in our life, having a new experience, or live a different way, then most people start to make that change but they’re battling that voice in their head that says, “You can’t do this.”  “Go eat the pizza.”  “Go eat the ice cream.”  “Don’t work out today,” or whatever.  So, they’re always having this argument between the old self and the new self that they want to be. When we transform, we have to go to a place where that we will no longer tolerate the conversation at all. 

So it’s much different level.  It’s where we sit down and consciously say, “OK, here’s all the things that I want to do to make the change.  But what I need to eliminate is this idea that I have this conversation in my head.”  And we have the ability to stop that conversation, we just don’t engage.  It would be like engaging somebody in your life who’s constantly all they want to do is argue. Well, after awhile you find out that’s all they want to do.  They don’t want to be productive.  So, you stop engaging that person and if the person doesn’t stop, you remove that person from your life. 

So, it’s the same thing with the voice in your head.  You stop engaging that argument and you don’t leave things around that will allow you to, in a moment of weakness or being tired, go back to the way that you did things before. So, if you’re going to be healthy, like you don’t keep ice cream in the house so that when you’re tired at 2:00 a.m. and you can’t sleep, you don’t reach for the ice cream.  You put something positive that’s going to support the direction that you want to go as a resource to help you get there.

Andrea:  Hmm, so good, so good!  OK, let’s move this conversation toward money.  This is not a comfortable subject for me historically.  I’m much more comfortable with it now than I used to be.  But what are some of the reasons why people are uncomfortable talking about money, thinking about finding success around their financial success.

David Neagle:  One of the reasons is because we have a lot of shame around it.  We have a love-hate relationship with money in our society, and very often money is a representative of how we value ourselves, or let’s take this back a little bit.  It’s a representative how our parents valued themselves.  So, the amount of money that they made or didn’t make really kind of set up their social status in the world.  

And you will find that if you have a money problem that there was some kind of judgment that your parents had either around people that had much more money than them or people that didn’t have as much money, in many cases both. So, we have to go in and really tackle what is in our internal money story and how is that connected to the love, the security, the appreciation, and the acceptance that we got from our parents.  Because very often people will hit this point in their lives where they struggle with actually making more money than their mom or their dad and I’m not talking about a little bit more.  I’m talking about significantly more.  And they lose that relationship because they actually saw their parents have the idea that making too much money was not good and they don’t want to be labeled that. So, what’s true is that if you start to make a lot more money than you’re currently making now, people are going to notice that. 

They’re going to see you and some people are going to judge you for it.  And we instinctively know this, so we move away from it, plus all the things that we have to do to make money cause us to combat the value system that we have, especially if we were raised middle class and not entrepreneurial.

Andrea:  So,  I’m tracking with you and I totally see this.  What do you think is the importance of, I mean, why would somebody choose to pursue making more money?  I could tell you my story, but I’m curious about the stories that you’ve heard over the years.  Why is it important?

David Neagle:  Yeah.  I think the number one important reason from a value proposition is this.  It teaches a person how to become financially independent.  So, if I learn how to earn money and I can do it regardless of whatever situation comes down in my life, I’m free.

Andrea:  Yes!

David Neagle:  If I’m totally reliant upon other people for money, I’m not free.  And then I have to make decisions based on the idea of acceptance or performance, which are not good because they keep me in a creative prison, so to speak, and I don’t get to live my life the way that I want.  We all know that more money will give us better vacations and jobs and colleges for our kids and all that kind of, cars, you know, all the material stuff, which is fine in and of itself.  If that’s what you want, there’s nothing wrong with those things.

But fundamentally, it’s to set ourselves free so that we don’t become slaves to not understanding how to bring money into our lives.  And that’s what I teach people. And it’s not just an interesting idea.  I don’t just teach it from the intellect.  We actually help people create multi-seven figure businesses and lifestyles and they can replicate it on their own over and over and over again throughout their entire lifetime.

Andrea:  I really do think that is just so significant.  You know, I even look at our kids, we have a 10 and 12 year old kids.  And one of the things that I’ve realized that they’ve begun to do is they’ve begun to think in terms of, “OK, I need money in order to pursue this thing.”  “OK, how am I going to do that?”  “What business do I want to create?”  “What do I want to sell, or what do I want to do that’s gonna…”  And I’m seeing them live in more freedom in that regard than I ever did when I was a kid for sure, because just what you said, they know how to bring money into their lives.  And I’m like, “Wow, that’s so significant for the rest of their lives.”

David Neagle:  It absolutely is.  I mean, either we develop the mindset and the skill set to be able to create whatever amount of money that we need whenever we need it, or we live a life in trade and a life where we come up with a perfect reason why we can’t be better or do better or contribute better in the world.

Andrea:  Yeah.  You know, when you talk about sales and transactions and all that sort of thing, I don’t want to get it wrong, but it seems like what you’re saying is that if I am dependent upon this next sale in order to be okay, then this is going to feel like a transaction, I’m going to be pushy and that sort of thing.  But if I know how to bring money into my life in that sense then I can offer what I have as a sale if somebody’s interested without it being as pushy and it’s an opportunity instead.  I mean, is that an okay way to describe what you are talking about when you talk about sales?

David Neagle:  Absolutely.  I mean, most people think that sales is something that you do to someone and for an unethical person or a person that’s under a lot of pressure from an employer to meet a monthly quota or something that would be accurate.  But really and truly sales is something you do for someone else.  Meaning that if you have someone, like when you make a sale, what we’re really doing is solving a problem for another person.  So, it’s important to be influential, not manipulative. And if we’re influential and we meet the other person’s needs and we get them to clarity about their decision, they’re either going to say yes or no.  And that’s all sales should be, is that we get them to be clear about their yes and their no.  If we do that properly and we understand how to do that, we will never have an issue with sales in our given businesses or employment.

Andrea:  Great!  So, if somebody is being influential in the sales process, from what I understand you just said, that’s means you’re bringing clarity to their situation so they can see the options in front of them basically.

David Neagle:  Correct.

Andrea:  Yeah.  That makes so much sense.

David Neagle:  And that they can make a decision, so that they can make a decision based on what’s best for them.

Andrea:  So the influence is in bringing clarity not in pushing them towards a particular answer.

David Neagle:  Absolutely not.  That’s extremely unethical because that’s all about you…

Andrea:  You said because that’s all about you and…

David Neagle:  It’s all about you and your agenda and it has nothing to do with them.  And sales should not be about you and your agenda, even though you have one, it is about developing your skill set in a way that allows you to communicate with another human being where they have trust and they want to buy from you and you’re looking for the right people to buy your product or your service and you’re helping them become clear about what the benefits are and if it’s something that they want or will help them.

If you look at every salesperson that does something unethical, what’s you say, pushy, right?  And let’s not even go unethical, let’s just say they’re pushy.  It’s all fear-based.  It’s based on, they don’t have enough.  It’s based on, they won’t sell enough or it’s based on, they don’t want to talk to as many people as they need to talk to or do the marketing that’s required or do the travel that’s required.  It’s all based on what they don’t want to do. If a person’s really coming from embracing that position and skill set in their life for what it is, and salespeople are the highest paid people in the world, they will do whatever is necessary from an ethical perspective to make sure that they’re hitting their numbers, which may mean that they have to see more people.  They have to talk to more people.  They have to do more instead of pushing people that aren’t sure whether they want your product or service into a decision that they’re not ready for.

Andrea:  So when it comes to making changes, and kind of circle back around, so whether that these changes be changes in your life around health or changes in your life around money, money mindset, money success, sales that sort of thing; what are the first steps for somebody who is really wanting to make a quantum leap, like you talked about, what are the very first things that they should be thinking about or doing or feeling in order to really start moving in that direction in making a really big change?

David Neagle:  There are two very important things.  One is that they’re very clear on what they want.  And the second one is what they’re prepared to sacrifice to get it.

Andrea:  Hmm.

David Neagle:  You have to bring in that part because if you don’t sit down and really consider what the sacrifices, you won’t accept it.  And then when you hit the first stumbling block or something that you have to change, it’s going to be the perfect excuse for you not to do it.  I think another thing is that one of the things that we do with our coaching clients is we help them unravel their stopping strategy or their failure strategy because it is a strategy for every person. Like how do you stop in life?  What causes you to stop?  

And what’s important to know about that is that when a person does that, when a person stops, they set a goal, they’re going to go after the goal and then somewhere along that journey, they quit.  They’ve actually come into agreement with some situation or circumstance in their life that is in that moment more important than the goal. So, we’re either setting weak or impotent goals that are not strong enough to help pull us through the difficult stages of moving through a goal or we’re letting other things sabotage that because they’d become more important because we haven’t dealt with some internal issue, we’re never going to move forward in our life.

Andrea:  Hmm, so good.  Alright, David so what are the different offerings that you have through Life Is Now, Inc.?

David Neagle:  Well, I mean, there’s a lot of different things.  Generally, we work with a business owners and high-end employees to better their life in various different ways, whether that is through coaching or through strategic, business building or a specific skill set.  But what people can do is they can go to our website  There’s a free download there called You Were Born to be a Success, they should read that.  They should really take a look at it and see how it resonates with them and where they want to go in their life.

Andrea:  Thank you so much for being here and we will make sure to link all of that in the show notes.  So, David, one last thing, what would be the parting words that you’d like to leave with people who really do want to have a voice of influence?

David Neagle:  Make a decision to embrace the opportunity that’s in front of you currently.  That’s the whole Life Is Now concept, like the universe doesn’t hold anything back and there’s something in front of every person right now that would give them the opportunity to do that and have that change in their life, but they have to make a decision to do it.

Andrea:  Alright.  Thank you for calling us to action for calling us to have a successful mind and to actually move forward in our lives.  David, appreciate you sharing your voice of influence with our listeners.

David Neagle:  Thank you so much, Andrea!  It was great being here!

Creating Moments of Delight for Customers with Fred Skoler

Episode 105

Fred Skoler is an award-winning digital innovator, product manager and user experience executive who thrives at the intersection of business results and fun, and I really think this conversation is going to be fun. Since founding MGM Interactive in 1994, Fred has produced hit video games, designed simulations for the US Department of Defense, consulted on user-facing UX for digital advertising, wellness, health insurance, and delivered social games for social good.

In this episode, Fred discusses what he did at Sears in terms of gamification, why you need to have empathy for your customers, how he transitioned from a career in performing arts to what he does now, the main tool he uses to help his potential clients see the need for his services, the importance of setting varied goals, doing smaller tests, and getting feedback along the way, how to determine when to set feedback aside, how gamification helps companies meet their customers where they’re at, and so much more!

Mentioned in this episode:

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Fred Skoler Voice of Influence Podcast Andrea Joy Wenburg


Hey, hey!  It’s Andrea, and welcome to the Voice of Influence podcast.  Today, we have Fred Skoler with us.  He is an award-winning digital innovator, product manager and user experience executive who thrives at the intersection of business results and fun, and I really think this conversation is going to be fun.  Since founding MGM Interactive in 1994, Fred has produced hit video games designed simulations for the US Department of Defense, consulted on user-facing UX for digital advertising, wellness, health insurance, and delivered social games for social good.

Andrea:  I’m so excited to have you here on the Voice of Influence podcast, Fred.

Fred Skoler:  Hey, hey, I’m Fred.  Hey, I know, I’m very excited to be here too.  Thank you for inviting me.

Andrea:  Fred, let’s start with what did you do with Sears, because I think that might give us an idea of what exactly you do with gamification?

Fred Skoler:  OK, sounds great.  I think a lot of people wondered when I was at Sears, what I did for Sears.  I think there’s a lot of head-scratching like, “OK, well what is that guy doing?”  And then ultimately the results spoke for themselves because there were a lot of leaders who didn’t really follow it.  

The great news is I worked in collaboration with the chairman to execute the vision for the gamification of kind of the loyalty program called Shop Your Way. And that involved leveraging all of the resources of this, at the time, very large company with multiple marketing groups, 13 business units, a lot of excitement, a lot of engagement around e-commerce, but a deep need to better understand our customers.  So, I was brought on to start to work out some of the gamification of the experience. So, if you are earning points for activities, if you are playing games with your friends, if you’re interacting with product and you are sharing your joy, your love, and your happiness around whatever it is that you bought, all of those things kind of played into the role.  And it was my job to kind of take that soup and focus it in ways where we would see the results that the business was looking for. And my initial projects were under a group called Integrated Retail Labs and I worked with them to develop something called Sweeps, which was the gamification of the Shop Your Way e-commerce website.  I created 50 behavioral kind of little modules that you could combine in groups and have people do these things so that they could be entered into sweepstakes. And sweepstakes, as we may know is a federally regulated thing.  It’s not just something you can just run out there and do.  So, there are all kinds of elements to that that have to be tuned and assured that they are compliant with what’s going on in the environment that you’re serving.  So, I put that together and the tools to drive the engagement. And in the first year, you know, we had 10,000 different sweepstakes that came out.  This came, you know, prior.  It was costing them like 30,000 sweepstakes and they could do five or six of them a year, 10,000.  That was what we got out there.  We had 33 million users.  We did our job and that was really exciting.

Andrea:  Wow, that’s amazing!  So is that kind of what you’re doing now with DigiSnax?

Fred Skoler:  You know what, in DigiSnax, I’m the chief product officer.  So, I work with clients to help them find more value from their customer interactions by leveraging different types of digital experiences.  And digital in this context can be apps, web, smart devices, sensors, and things like that and combining that with physical space to feed data models to produce the business results.  And the area where I excel is in finding ways to assure that we don’t lose the empathy for our customers in their journey and that we respect them as much as we gain from having them interact with us.

Andrea:  OK, so what does that mean to have empathy for the customer in their experience when you’re talking about a digital experience?  How do you have empathy?  How do you put yourself in their place or what do you mean by that?

Fred Skoler:  That’s a great question.  You know, a long time ago, I worked with a company called Whatif Productions and the reason for that company was to let someone walk a mile in someone else’s shoes.  And that was a totally digital experience.  Today, now, you know, 20 years later, we actually have the tools with augmented reality, virtual reality to give someone an experience that isn’t only screen in front of their eyes, but something that’s entirely immersive. But even in that experience where I’m walking and I’m holding on to my phone, there are lots of things that we need to think about.  If my primary user is someone who is a woman who has a baby, then I’ve got to consider she’s holding that phone with one hand she need, because she might have the baby in her other arm or a caregiver.  Let’s say I’m a father, I’m going to focus on a female user because of some of the size differentiation, of some of the newer phones and where you might need to put buttons depending on the actions that you want her to accomplish. So, the empathy there is understanding that she is hurried  or she is dealing with a million things at once.  She doesn’t want a lot of noise and she also wants to be respected.  She doesn’t want to feel like you’re using her to get something.  She wants to feel like it is a symbiotic relationship.  So the way that you do design the user interaction, the way that you create that digital experience needs to take these things into account. And my background is in the arts.  I come from performing, writing, and directing and that stuff really matters to me and I think it really matters to our customers.  And that’s why we see a lot of, well, you know, we get good results when we put good things out there in front of our customers and we truly listen.

Andrea:  Hmm.  So, how does your background with the arts, writing, directing, performing have a connection with what you’re doing now?  I love it.  I come from some of a performing background as well.  So, I’m really curious to hear about some of that experience or how did you get into this?  How did you get here from there?

Fred Skoler:   Oh, that’s a good one.  You know, it’s interesting because I started off talking about context.  I think context is really everything.  I was living in LA and I was working sometimes as an actor, but mostly I was working in, actually, digital engagement.  I was a founder of MGM Interactive and that came to me because of the work I’ve done with a group called Synapse Technologies where I was their director of operations, but then became a kind of a producer of little digital experiences. And in talking with their strategy and development lead at MGM, there’s a real opportunity to take the licenses, the movies, and turn them into things that people could relate to in an interactive environment.  And that was the primary focus there.  So, we started making video games based on movie licenses, things like Golden Eye for the Nintendo 64 and other things. And for me, the moment of truth was I was there.  We had a little talk earlier, I had some kids and I was actually in the delivery room when a script came to me for an audition the next day for a major movie with a director I really admired.  And it was a moment of reckoning, you know, it was your big break and it was.  It was the breakthrough for me where I realized I had to prepare and focus on my family. And it also made kind of that, “How do you bridge the gap between digital and human?”  You know, that connection with me, my daughter, my wife and my family and OK, now I’m going to double down on how do we do that.  And I started to work with a company where our objective was to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes.  You know, what might it feel like to, gosh, I have a diabetes and I have colorblindness associated with that or losing some feeling on your legs or whatever it might be, giving someone that opportunity to have that experience so that they could create for themselves a different context rather than judging, understanding. And so from that perspective, I think the arts are critical.  I think the idea of having empathy for the user is critical to being able to drive true experience and something where people just aren’t doing it.  They’re doing something because they actually want to because they see value in it and then they see more value in your brand and your services.

Andrea:  Do you find that it is difficult for companies to really take that perspective to really empathize to be able to really imagine the other person, that sort of thing?  I know that we have to be seeking out big business results.  But at the same time, it sounds like you’re saying we have to meet the customer where they are and communicate with them in a way that is going to be helpful for them and possible for them to really interact seamlessly.  But yet, is it difficult for companies to really bridge that gap in their own way of thinking?

Fred Skoler:  I think that you point out something really powerful.  I would say yes, but no, because right now that’s kind of murky.  The reality is that there may not be the talent that understands this side of human behavior and action and interaction.  There’s a lot of data, but there needs to be context for that data.  And because companies are starting to realize and truly understand that they need to know their customers, they’re starting to see the value in this.  And I think this is where a really exceptional product manager comes in, and it’s part of what makes a great product manager is being able to be the advocate of all these sides. So, being able to share in terms that leadership understands that value and benefit of doing these things is kind of the bigger role, I think of people like me.  I can say, “Look, I got a 47 percent increase in sales from people who are playing these silly games.”  “Why is that?”  “Well, because I had them in the palm of my hand.  I knew exactly what they wanted.”  I figured out ways to innovate on basic concepts like sweepstakes in such a way so that we could tune the experience to tell us exactly what someone wanted.  Not just, “Hey, here’s something really shiny and cool, do you want it?”  “What do you want?”  “And if you win that’s what you’re gonna get.”  And then take that information and use it in context to then help someone through their journey.

Andrea:  So, when you’re having these conversations with the executives or the companies who are wanting this, but they’re having a hard time actually getting there or maybe they’re not sure what they want or they’re not sure how, you know, why it’s important, that sort of thing, what kinds of things do you call upon to help them to understand?  So, statistics, you just shared statistics, I mean, in terms of your voice of influence with a company and helping people them to understand it, what kind of things do you employ to do that?

Fred Skoler:  One of the big tools that I use is agile, and the agile framework and a lot of different approaches to driving kind of creative discovery, business discovery, and of course production and product management, all can be driven through some of these similar tools.  These tools provide a framework by which you can truly focus teams on what’s most important. Because the reality is, you know, if you don’t know what you want and why you want it and what the outcome specific you’re looking for, it’s going to be quite difficult to hone in on what it is that I’m delivering.  But those tools help focus these clients so that they know what they’re looking for. And then we have something that’s measurable.  So, we have those statistics.  We can drive those measurements.  We can assure that they’re being tallied from the beginning and we can also do this in an iterative way.  We don’t come in and say, “Boom, we got to blow this.”  You know, we can do all kinds of little tests.

Andrea:  So, iterative changes, not taking on the whole big thing all at once and trying to say that this is the answer, but to have these little tests and say, OK, this one works, this didn’t and that sort of thing, right?  Is that what you mean by that?

Fred Skoler:  That is, you know, with a lot of experience in road mapping development, you can have goals that are years out.  You can have aspirational goals and you can have near term, what are the pieces that you need.  One of the ways I like to look at it is, you know, if you’re going to get in a car, you need a few things.  Meaning, I need a steer.  I need the wheels and I need to be able to sit in this thing, probably I need a motor unless where I’m going is, you know, gravity is going to pull me down that kind of thing. But if it’s four things that I need then I work on those four things first and make sure that those are the things that are going to lead to the outcome that I’m looking for.  So, you do a lot of prototyping.  You use different types of tools to assure that everyone understands what it is that we’re doing and then you’re able to test it and iterate. I think that whole idea of getting stuff done, sometimes we change stuff to the expletive.  You know, that GSD, being able to know what it is that you want and move forward on it rather than trying to do the perfect everything.  Get some feedback, get it out there, do it in certain iterative ways and have a genuine discussion with your community at the same time so that you’re not only working from your feedback on what you’re saying, you’re starting to get feedback from real people who really use your product.

Andrea:  Hmm.  How do you know when the feedback that you’re getting is going to be helpful for the spectrum of folks or if it’s feedback that needs to be kind of put to the side?  Or do you ever say, “OK, this particular piece of feedback doesn’t seem to be helpful for where we’re headed.”  How do you know when to pay attention to it and when to set it aside?

Fred Skoler: That’s another great one.  I think a lot of this comes from experience, but it’s driven by kind of a ruthless prioritization.  You know, always looking toward what is it that we really need and going back to, you know, why and some of those specifics.  And what we do in product development is we create these user stories.  Tell the specifics of what it is we’re trying to do and what the outcome that is expected and what it might be. And so what we do is we leverage that piece of data and we go back to it again and again, “Hey, are we hitting that or is this something new?”  And it’s a management challenge as well.  But that’s part of why I guess that product manager role is such an important one and that the product manager has the skill set to be able to drive the product forward and make sure that it’s communicated correctly among all of the stakeholders.

Andrea:  Hmm.  And it sounds like keeping the focus where you want the focus to be, because it’s so easy to get distracted by other things.  But if you keep coming back to what you originally set out as what you want and what you’re trying to accomplish, you know, all that clarity that you gained at the beginning.  I’m thinking about the entire Voice of Influence audience here who may not necessarily into like gamification but they might be thinking about some of this stuff. And I’m thinking that, you know, it’s easy to get distracted.  It’s easy to get distracted by the things, but if you keep coming back to where you started and keep coming back to what you’ve set out to do and accomplish at the beginning, I mean, you have to almost be ruthless with that.

Fred Skoler:  You do, you do.  And that’s providing the context for what we’re doing.  We have to know.  And if we don’t know then we haven’t done enough homework, and to jump in without done that homework is inefficient.  It wastes, you know, everybody’s time and money, and that’s like the gem.  So, coming back to leadership, you say, “Look, do you really want me to waste your time and money on that or do you want to do what you set out to do?” And if they want it in the weeds and you know, micromanaging then they can but they need to know and you need to have the answers as to “Look, this is gonna add number of days to your project.”  And in so doing, we are going to be removing these resources that would, otherwise, be working on what you really want and it’s going to be much further down the line or we’re going to add more people to the team and it’s going to cost so much more. But those are kind of logical responses to what sometimes are kind of emotional needs, you know, “Oh, we saw this and we really want that.”  “Why do you want that?”  “Because we saw it and it looks really cool.”  “Well, will it drive your initial need?”  “We don’t even have a car yet.  We don’t have four wheels.  We don’t have a steering wheel.”  OK, what we’ll do is we’ll put that on our list of wishes and then we’ll assess it as far as the value it provides to meet our goals, as far as how many resources we need to achieve that goal. And then we’ll look at that in that context and determine whether or not it’s something we want to put effort into, because it may be that the way to achieve that is by doing 10 little things, and each of those things has a cost, but there may be something else that brings more value that only has one or two steps that we can achieve very quickly with the resources we have on board right now.  That seems to be from my perspective where we would want to focus.  What do you think leadership?

Andrea:  That is so helpful and applicable to anybody?  I want to get back now before we close this conversation; I want to go back to gamification.  What are some reasons why people or companies should use gamification?  I know that you care about connecting with a customer?  You care about that empathy and actually meeting them where they’re at that sort of thing.  How do games do that?

Fred Skoler:  Well, I think a lot of it is our understanding of what games are.  Marketing is games.  It is at its core.  It’s finding the triggers that drive your customer forward.  Now, if that trigger is an overt activity that has an outcome that is understood then maybe we go, “OK, that’s a little game.”  But there are other ways of using these tactics without it being a game. Meaning, as you are going through certain types of content, if I highlight elements in that content, let’s say in a website, so that your eye goes to it and those are the most important features of my product that I want you to know about.  I’m leading you.  I am using the context of your experience to drive you forward. Now, if I do things there that you start to learn that when you do that, like if you were to click on one of those things, you always get a coupon or you always get a piece of additional insight that I’m teaching you that by clicking on the stuff that I put in front of you, there’s value in it.  And by doing that often enough, you’ll start clicking on this stuff that I put in front of you because you know you’re getting value from it, and that’s gamification. This is my perspective because there are gamification platforms that have, you know, ribbons and badges and all sorts of things.  There are a limited number of customers who are going to be driven by those pieces.  There is value in that and the reality is there’s a very high percentage of us who are considered gamers because of the amount of time that we might touch a game in our day, so many more than we probably thought. My mom was a hardcore gamer.  All she did was, you know, she played spider solitaire, but when she had some downtime, that’s what she would do.  She was probably playing an hour a day.  And some of those factors are part of what we call a hardcore gamer.  She’s not the, you know, 70, 80-year-old woman.  It might not be what we think of immediately when we think hardcore gamer.  But the reason she did that wasn’t because she’s like “Oh, I gotta play a game.”  She’s just like, “Oh, I could do better.” In that game there were some very clever tactics, including the sound which would drive activity and the need almost this compulsion to want to come back.  Now, those same principles can be used in pretty much any customer journey, whether it’d be delightful colors, whether it be a loading screen, whether it be the way that something sounds or feels.  These moments of delight if used to reward at the right time is what I would call gamification. The specific use of games to drive data, which could then be leveraged to kind of increased sales, that sort of thing that’s clear and strong and good stuff.  That’s the big part of what I implemented at Sear’s Holdings, but these more subtle elements that we may call, you know, marketing that’s a use of gamification as well.

Andrea:  I love the definition that you used or even the phrase that you used, moments of delight.  Offering those is what helps people to know to take the next step, to want to take the next step, which does seem very empathetic.  At the same time I wonder, could you also help us to know when do we take that too far?  When does it become manipulation?  How do you navigate that desire to offer something beautiful, delightful, or gratifying?  And how can that go too far?  Have you seen it go too far?

Fred Skoler:  Well, I think it has to do with your customer and your brand identity.  So, it would be wrapped up in kind of that and even using technologies like machine learning to drive certain types of information.  Some of it, if it’s overused may seem creepy.  Some of it may seem fun.  That is more about that empathy.  That is more about bringing people to the team who has this unique insight because it’s not necessarily something that’s teachable. So, one of the teams that I’ve been on in a large company, they ran a survey and they were basically talking about the archetypes on a team, and one of the things that was missing through their executive team consistently was empathy.  And without that, you can’t be driving, in my opinion, a customer focused experience.  You can talk the talk, but unless you feel what it’s like, you don’t know.  And you know, you can research your butt off, but at the same time, you do need to truly kind of consume yourself with that experience. In my background, that’s what I used to do.  You know, that’s part of what it is in comedy and doing improvisational comedy, coming up with characters quickly that sort of thing, that’s the activity.  And leveraging that rich experience and bringing it to something that could be seen as just, you know, ones and zeros is what for me is really joyful and why I really liked doing what I do.

Andrea:  Love it.  I love that so much.  I’m glad that you’re out there doing it.  I’m glad that somebody with empathy is able to go out there and help companies do this well and bring with you integrity and a desire to truly help the customer.  So thank you.  Thank you for doing that.  Thank you for your voice of influence. Fred, so you are going to be speaking at the Digital Experience Summit for the Strategy Institute in Chicago in September.  We’ll link to that in the show notes.  I’m also speaking there.  What are you going to be talking about?

Fred Skoler:  Oh, I’ll be talking about gamification kind of integrating the seamless digital and physical experiences for your customers, why that experience has been kind of a game changer for companies like Sears, where the rich data and that rich intent truly knowing what someone wants has become, you know, super meaningful.  And part of, you know, what it really takes to do something to create that loyalty program, something that’s really going to work today. I start going and wanted to talk about it.  It’s exciting stuff for me and so I’m talking about those sorts of things.

Andrea:   It’ll be great.  So, if you are in Chicago, if you’re headed to Chicago, if you’re interested in that conference, it’s going to be a really, really good one.  You can come to our show notes and check it out at Fred, how can people get in touch with you if they’re interested in working with you or what do you do with other companies?

Fred Skoler:  Well, I’ve been working in a word of mouth capacity in my consulting and I’m very happy to engage with the listeners in any way that might be helpful.  I’m always happy to lend a hand where I can.  You know, you can find me on LinkedIn.  Right now, I think I’m using my full name Frederick Skoler, but you can call me Fred with an f, not a ph.  And there’s supposed to be a laugh there.

Andrea:  I was holding it back.  I’m not going to lie.  I don’t know if I’m supposed to laugh or not but that was funny.

Fred Skoler:  You know, it’s a very quiet room and you can hear the crickets, right?  So if you’re interested in bringing a little more fun and joy to your products and if you are looking for someone who can help you do that from a very pragmatic standpoint and someone who understands the kind of the business side in building teams, I’m your guy.  You can reach me at fskoler, so F as in Fred, byte-size pieces, got it?  Byte size, this is a digital goodness.

Andrea:  Nice.

Fred Skoler:  You know, I can help you do that.

Andrea:  That’s fantastic!  OK, again, we will have links to all of what Fred just mentioned in the show notes just to make it easy to connect with him if you’d like to.  Thank you so much for sharing your voice of influence with our listeners today, Fred.

Fred Skoler:  Oh thank you, Andrea, and thank you, listeners, for letting me take a little bit of your time today.

How to Not Be Weird When Selling with Liz Dederer

Episode 104

Liz Dederer is disrupting sales for good. As founder and CEO of Selling With Service and the creator of Sales School for Entrepreneurs, Liz and her team have helped clients increase close rates from zero percent to 80 percent in 30 days, and ended the year 50 percent over their plan and have turned around an underperforming sales team from under $300,000 to over $1.2 million in six months. In other words, this woman gets things done! Liz has been featured on the International Women and Money Summit and is currently on her second speaking tour on the Currency of Conversation, empowering women sales teams and business owners to close clients quickly.

In this episode, Liz explains what she means when she says, “How you do money is how you do everything,” the four currencies that impact our money conversations, the quick and easy way she can tell if her potential clients are a “hard or soft currency” person and how that changes her interaction with them, the difference between having a sales energy and a service energy, the true difference between an amateur and an expert and how to know when it’s time to own your expertise, and more!

Mentioned in this episode:

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Liz Dederer Voice of Influence Podcast Andrea Joy Wenburg


Hey, hey!  It’s Andrea and welcome to the Voice of Influence podcast.  I’m really thrilled to have Liz Dederer here today because she is distracting sales for good.  As founder and CEO of Selling With Service and the creator of the Sales School for Entrepreneurs, Liz and her team have helped clients increase close rates from zero percent to 80 percent in 30 days, and end of the year 50 percent over their plan and have turned around an underperforming sales team from under $300,000 to over $1.2 million in six months.  In other words, this woman gets things done. Liz has been featured on the International Women and Money Summit and is currently on her second speaking tour on the Currency of Conversation, empowering women sales teams and business owners to close clients quickly.

Andrea:  Liz, it is great to have you here today with me on the Voice of Influence podcast.

Liz Dederer:  Thank you.  I’m so excited that we get to have this fun conversation together.

Andrea:  I am too.  Every conversation with you is fun.

Liz Dederer:  Yay!

Andrea:  It totally is.  Yes, I’m thrilled to share you with our listeners.  So, Liz, why don’t you kind of give us a little bit more context for what you do with Selling With Service?

Liz Dederer:  The way I explained it to my 7-year-old daughter is that I help mommies make a lot of money.

Andrea:  There you go.

Liz Dederer:  That’s the simplest, mommies and daddies or nonparents, or grownups, right?  So, Selling With Service is really just about helping people be normal in sales conversations and giving them the tools, the talk, and the tech to be able to use their voice in a more empowered way as the expert that they are in sales conversations by shifting their sales mindset and looking at sales for what it actually is, which is really healthy service-based conversation and process.

Andrea:  Now that sounds really appealing.

Liz Dederer:  Yeah.

Andrea:  Yeah, yeah, it sounds really appealing.  OK. We’re going to make sales normal, sound normally.  I mean, in general, how do you do that?

Liz Dederer:  Magic!  It’s shifting your sales mindset.  We look at things in Sales School for Entrepreneurs and in Selling With Service in general, we look at first, what is your relationship with money because how you do money is how you do everything. And to be honest, the reason and the point and the sales process or conversation when people start getting weird is around the money stuff, because we’ve never been taught to speak confidently or competently around about money.  In fact, we’re like totally conditioned on the opposite, “Don’t talk about money.”  “It’s rude to ask people how much they make.”  “They can afford it.  You can’t afford it.” 

All of those things come up. So, we come right out of the gate and we use a proprietary assessment, the eight languages of money so that you understand what your money language is and we talk about the currency of conversation.  So, we just come at it right out of the gate talking about money and the softer side of money.  And then we look at what is sales, so let’s unpack it?  What do you think it is versus what is it really?

You know, there’s a reason I named the company Selling With Service because it’s all about being in service and of service to other people.  And then the results of a healthy relationship or understanding of your relationship with money, understanding and being able to identify it in others as well and having the tools, talk, and tech to be able to navigate a conversation.  The healthy outcome of that is that you’re working with more people because you’re not weird in conversations.

Andrea:  Oh man, I love it!  Yeah, I mean, I had a really hard time with this and have made it over a pretty darn big hump in my own life and my own business on this.  And so I am really excited about what you’re doing because I know that it changes everything.  So, you said this, you said “How you do money is how you do everything.”  What do you mean by that?

Liz Dederer:  So, we look at your relationship with money, and money is one of the four currencies.  And the four currencies, I use the acronym TEMP like temperature; it’s Time, Energy, Money, and People and how you operate with money shows up in the other categories of currency.  If you’re really, really possibly stingy with money, we’ll just use these two kinds of _____ as an example.  If you’re really, really stingy with money that’s likely going to show up in other areas of your life and your business and how you’re approaching conversations and the extent of information you’re willing to give away because you have a hold, a lack mentality on time, energy, money and people;  a fear scarcity based.

Andrea:  OK, so stingy with money could translate into stingy in your conversations and how much you’re willing to offer of yourself or be vulnerable and all those sorts of things.

Liz Dederer:  Exactly.  Yeah, so it can look like, and it’s not an absolute, right?  But it can look like and it does look like and this is what we teach people how to listen and look for.  It can start to show up in the sales process where they say, “Well, I already gave them a free sample.”  “I already explained it to them.”  “I already, you know, did this.”  “They already have what they need.”

But sometimes people just need a little bit more information, and someone who is more on the fear scarcity side is not going to be as willing to maybe get on another phone call, you know, build the relationship a little bit more, give a little bit more energy and put a little bit more into the people bank and the relationship bank because they’re operating through the lens of fear and scarcity, which is not wrong.  It’s not wrong.

In my presentations, I have this diagram.  I’ve got it off the internet where it’s two people looking at the number six and one is saying six and one is saying nine.  And neither is wrong, but it’s your perspective and it’s just about understanding others, you know.  So, the other side of that is if someone is overly generous and overly nurturing and overly giving, me, all soft currency, I’m kind of boundary-less and limitless. And you know, I lose track of time with clients and if someone needs another conversation before they decide if sales was right for them, myself and my team, we’re all ready to jump in.  And yeah, we have to keep track of the time because you know, we have other things going on but I’m not going to say “Nope, gotta go, your time’s up.”  Like if someone needs more coaching, if they need more help or support, we’re very, very flexible and willing and giving because that’s how we are with all of our currencies.

So, two extremes, one is not right, one is not wrong, it just it’s important to notice because when you’re in a “sales” conversation, and I’m using air quotes with sales because any conversation where you know there’s a desired outcome or you want to move an initiative forward.  Getting your kids to pick up their room is a sales conversation, right?  Let’s just be honest.

Andrea:  Totally.

Liz Dederer:  You need to understand what’s most important in those conversations is understanding and speaking the language of the other person.  So, when we recognize what our money language is, what our relationship with currency is then we’re going to know how that’s going to show up in conversations and where we might self-sabotage or etc.  And we’ll also just be aware of it to hear it showing up in the conversation to say, “Oh, is this my language I’m speaking or is this theirs?”

Andrea:  Hmm.  How do you know?

Liz Dederer:  So with the acronym TEMP, I try to make it really simple for people to listen.  I used to teach, you know, and explain the eight languages of money so people could hear that.  And I’m like, “Well, it’s too much.  It’s too much, put a _____.”  We cannot remember our own names at times.  So, I try to make it really simple, just listen for the hard and the soft currency.  Hard currency is time and money and soft currency is energy and people. So, if someone’s using filling words a lot like “This is gonna be so exciting, I can’t wait.”  “This is gonna be great, really looking forward to playing.”  Those are total soft currency person. 

Energy people, if something fun is going on, if there’s people involved; they’ll want to be there, right?  And if someone says, “Well, what time and what are we going to get out of it?”  “What exactly is going on?”  And more precision based language, time, money then they’re going to be a harder currency person and you’ll just want to speak in more detail with them.  But if you start speaking in significant detail with a soft currency person, you’ve likely lost them.  If you’re in the fun zone with a hard currency person, they’re likely not respecting you for being an expert and authority because you sound wishy-washy.

Andrea:  Oh that’s so true.

Liz Dederer:  Right?

Andrea:  I see it in my own family.  Some of us are one way, and some of us are another, yeah.  So, do you have maybe like a couple things that you look for immediately to kind of gauge if somebody is really more of a hard currency or a soft currency kind of person?

Liz Dederer:  Yeah, I mean, in our “sales conversations,” we call them service conversations once you go through the training.  But if I say service conversations you’re going to be like, “What, is their washing machine broken?  What’s going on?”  So, in a sales calls, in a service conversations, you know, I’m talking to business owners, I’m talking to entrepreneurs, I’m talking to coaches, consultants and salespeople; so one of the questions we ask obviously is, you know, what are your numbers?  What was your revenue over the past 12 months or what were your sales over the past 12 months?  And I’ll hear right away if they’re hard or soft currency the way that they answer it.

Andrea:  Sure.

Liz Dederer:  So, if they, you know, come to the table and they have no clue about their numbers or they give me some really roundabout kind of, you know, dodgy answer, definitely it’s a soft currency person.

Andrea:  Hmm.

Liz Dederer:  Hard currency person, like I literally had this answer in a call and they said, “I’m not exactly sure what my numbers are.”  So, I think soft currency right away.  And then they continued, they said, “I haven’t updated my reports and we haven’t run the numbers for the business this week, but as of last week my numbers were dah, dah, dah, dah,” and x y z sense.  And I’m like, “Holy crow, they weren’t confident in their numbers because they hadn’t been updated for that week, so they didn’t want to give me the numbers.”  And I was like, “Wow, you’re really a hard currency.”  “What’s going on?”  That’s great.  That’s good to know.

Andrea:  Sure, sure.  OK, I love that.  I always love it when people have ways that they read people to know where they’re at because, like you said, any conversation where you’re attempting to get somebody to cooperate or to purchase something, it’s still a sales conversation.  It’s some sort of its influence of some kind.  And so, meeting people where they’re at is so vitally important, but yet it’s really hard to do.  I love your hard versus soft currency model that you’re using, and it seems simple enough that people could really grasp onto that and really make something of that, you know, just listening to this conversation.

Liz Dederer:  Yeah.  I did it in a real estate investors’ conference I was keynoting and I had two gentlemen volunteer to do a role play.  And the way that we worked the role play was just these guys hadn’t met.  So, I said, “Just network in front of these thousands of people, please, #nopressure.”

Andrea:  Wow!

Liz Dederer:  So that’s it.  They were just networking and it was great.  I mean it, it was definitely a divinely guided conversation because it’s like you always take a risk when you do something like that, but it worked out really, really well.  

So, one guy was an investor and the other guy was a lawyer and the lawyer was saying, “Oh, you know, I’ve got this client.  He was looking to sell his house.  He’s an artist.  He’s lived in it for 30 years, but I think it was death or divorce or something, he has to get rid of it, but he’s done all these really intricate, cool things to the house but we do need to get it on the market, you know, sooner rather than later.” And then the investors said, “Do you know the value of the house and when is he looking to list it?”  And you could instantly see the lawyer just completely deflated.  

And the audience, it was interesting too, the women in the audience gasped because they were like, “No, you just killed it.  You didn’t speak his language.”  And the men in the audience like, “Doo, doo, doo, doo.”  No idea of what’s going on.  That was interesting.  But this isn’t a man-woman thing and it was just a very interesting thing to notice. But what the women noticed was that the investor did not speak the lawyer’s language.  One was very hard currency, one was very soft currency and all that needed to be done.  

You don’t have to change who you are.  You don’t have to completely change your language, you just have to validate and give them just a little sticky note that says “I hear you and this is how he could have done it.”

So, the lawyer was saying, you know, the artist and all this cool stuff, etc., etc.  All that the investor needed to say was, “Wow, your client sounds really, really fascinating.  Do you know the value of the house or when he wants to put it on the market?”  That’s it, one bridge line.

Andrea:  Brilliant.  I love it.  Alright, Liz, let’s talk service.  How in the world is selling actually service?

Liz Dederer:  Ha ha, great question.  So, the answer, I mean, what are you doing when you’re selling, selling, selling, right?  If you’re just like, “I’m in it for the kill, I’m in it for the money,” then you’re in sales, right?  You’re in it for yourself.  Sales energy is about yourself, “I need to sell this.”  Service energy is about the other person.  And to take it even more _____, sales energy is fear based and service energy is love and abundance based. We’re operating in the line of sales, you’re thinking about yourself, you’re thinking about fear, and you’re thinking about your numbers and there’s an element of fear and scarcity going on, “I need to make my goal.”  “I don’t have enough in the bank,” or whatever it is.  “I need to move more widgets.”  I need to, you know, etc.

When you’re thinking through the lens of service, you’re not thinking about yourself.  I tell my students all the time, lovingly, “Your business ain’t got nothing to do with you.  It’s all about the other person.”  

The purpose of a business is to create a customer. So, service is all about being available and helping the other person.  It doesn’t mean that you can’t exchange hard currency.  It doesn’t mean that money doesn’t get brought into the equation.  It doesn’t mean that we’re all paupers on the street.  It means that you’re thinking in terms of what is in the highest and best interest for all parties involved.

Andrea:  Right?

Liz Dederer:  That’s service.  And you can’t give and give and give and at some point you’re going to have to say, “We need to set an official play date so I can really take this to the next level to help you.”

Andrea:  Hmm.  How do you know what that boundary line is?  Maybe, it’s partly like you were talking about the assessment that you do and how people kind of fall someplace on this spectrum between sort of really soft and really hard currency.   How does one determine when it’s time, like how much to give before they go ahead and ask for the sale?

Liz Dederer:  So, in a service-based business where you’re selling a service, it comes down to really knowing and owning your zone of absolute brilliance, your zone of expertise, and how you do your work, right?  You have to be really, really clear on your deliverable.  And the reason I say that is because there are things that you can do to get a client ready to become a really good client.  And that’s the service part of it.  

We adopt the mindset; we teach in Sales School for Entrepreneurs, we adopt the mindset early and often that they’re already a client. And the goal is you want to make sure that they’re really great client by the time they actually become a client, so whatever you’ve got to do to help them get to that point.  And then there is a point where you say, “This is what we do in Sales School.”  “This is what we do in a strategic planning day when we map out your five points to profit.”  So, you have a strong grasp on who you’re serving and what that looks like and how you’re priced, etc.  That happens in this container.

So, if you’re ready for that, it sounds like you’re ready for that, we can definitely talk about that but that is the next step in me being able to be of service to you is you got to come play in Sales School or you need to set up, you know, a strategic planning day.  

I struggle with the word boundaries because I’m like all soft currency, like water on concrete who just go everywhere.  So, I love the word, one of my mentors, over the years, gave me this word to use instead, which is container.

Andrea:  I really like that.

Liz Dederer:   Yeah, and Sales School is my container where I get to just fire hose and just love on and drip on the students and give them everything.  So, it’s a really healthy, happy container space for me to play in and I know what goes on in there and I know what I can give to people on the outside.  And I also know with anybody there is going to be a point where I can’t give them any more.  They have to come.  You know, I can only splash you with water so much outside the pool, at some point you’re going to have to just jump in.

Andrea:  Hmm, another good analogy.  OK, so there are people out there like you, like me who sort of come from this mindset of service, and this is maybe, you know, prior to getting through all.  I guess, I’m thinking about on the front end before they have really figured out what their container is and all that.  They want to help.  They see lots of opportunities to offer people advice, their expertise and all that sort of thing.  And yet, they maybe start to feel resentment because they’re thinking to themselves, I could have charged for that.

What do you do to help somebody see that, you know, to help somebody get over their resentment toward the people that they actually really do want to serve?  I remember there being such a contradiction that just really robbed with me and I wasn’t sure how to handle that.  What would you tell me back, I don’t know, a couple of years ago before I started to kind of figure that out?

Liz Dederer:  Well, that’s how my company was born is because I was doing exactly that.  I was giving it all away.  I actually have a video on my website,, on the entrepreneurs’ page where I talk about how I was the busiest brokest entrepreneur because I was having great conversations and I was giving it all away and people were like, “Oh my God, you’re amazing!”  And I’m like, “Gee, thanks!”  And then they’d leave and I’m like, “But uh, uh, but uh, I got to eat.”


Andrea:  Yeah.

Liz Dederer:   So, that’s how all of my systems and processes were born organically is because I had to protect myself from myself from giving it all away, because what you’re actually doing is a disservice to the other person.  You’re giving them a Band-Aid solution for a bleed and you haven’t fully identified why they’re bleeding.

Andrea:  Yes, so good.

Liz Dederer:  Yeah, and you know, I had to create ways to protect myself from myself because I knew, you know, it felt really good to do the energy exchange and to get the validation and they’re like, “You’re really smart.”  And I’m like, “Oh my God, thank you.”  Because I needed that in my life at the time, so that was my dominant currency is that I needed to be fed validation and energy and it’s not wrong.  

It really built me in a lot of ways and I know a lot of other people go through this too, like “Who am I?”  “What am I doing?”  “Am I really good at this thing,” and all of that. So, the validation, there is nothing wrong and you build your validation bank and at some point you need to start building the money bank.  And that’s where it’s just kind of having a lens to say, “Well, let me pull back for a minute.”  

I’ll suggest people to consider that the expert asks questions, the amateur answers.  So, when you’re having these conversations, you’re going to get to points over time having the same conversations with different people where you’re going to say, I need to ask more questions to understand what’s going on rather than just jump to the gun with a solution.

Andrea:  Why do you suppose that’s the case?  Why do you suppose the amateur jumps to answering questions?  It’s so true, like I totally see it.  Why is that?

Liz Dederer:  Validation?  We want to be proven that we’re right.  We don’t know that we are yet, so we’re looking to build that evidence base, “Am I really good at this?  Can I really do this?  Can I really solve this problem?  Is my salad any good?”  Whatever it is.

Andrea:  Yeah.  That makes a lot of sense.

Liz Dederer:  It’s feeding the soft currency side of things, building the relationships, having the conversations with people, getting the energy exchange, getting information in exchange for validation in return.  You know, it’s working for validation, not cash.  And then there does come a point where I’m like, “I’ve had this conversation before, I know how this is going to end and I also know I can help them.”

Andrea:  Yeah.  I think like you were talking about the Band-Aid on and that doesn’t really stop the bleeding.  I think that’s something that I had to see that for myself in order to get over that hump because when I realized that, when I was helping people for free or for very, very little money and giving a lot of way, I realized that they weren’t taking it as seriously.  They weren’t valuing it and truly doing something with it as much as people started to do once I started actually, you know, charging money.

Liz Dederer:  Well, I’ll offer the lens that they were valuing it as much as you were.

Andrea:  Yeah, absolutely.

Liz Dederer:  That’s in the amateur energy and it’s not bad.  We all have to start somewhere.  No one in social media with a thousand followers, you start with nobody.  Nobody starts in business with all these customers, you start with nobody.  Amateur is not a negative.  It just alliterative to answers, which is why I use that word because the amateur answers, the experts ask questions, you know.

Andrea:  Yeah.

Liz Dederer:  We don’t necessarily understand and appreciate the importance of the energy exchange of validation because it’s non quantifiable.  It’s not visible and there’s not like an actual calculation for it, so we don’t see it.  And we are in business for money, right?  We all have to eat.  It’s the resource, the tool, the evidence that we require in our modern day society.  

But with the energy exchange, it’s still valuable.  It’s so necessary so that when that time comes and you’re like, dress rehearsal is over, you’re totally standing as a confident and authoritative expert versus an empty suit.

Andrea:  Yes.  I really, really appreciate that distinction and I wonder if that, you know, sense of resentment when it starts to come up, if that might be an indication that it’s time to flip.

Liz Dederer:  Yes, yes.  That’s a great way to look at it.  That’s definitely the moment where you can start to step into why am I not owning my expertise or my favorite question is what if?  What if I did that conversation differently?  What if I showed up more in my expert zone versus amateur zone?  What if I started referring to myself as an expert?

Andrea:  So good.

Liz Dederer:  Who’s going to challenge you on that, like who’s going to challenge you on the fact that you’re an expert?

Andrea:  It’s such a hard thing to get over though.  I mean, it really is, and I think you’re absolutely right that the amateur really does need to have that validation, but you’re right.  There comes a point when it’s just, “Maybe, I really need to do this.  Maybe this really is my thing.”

Liz Dederer:  Uh-hmm.  I can stand in absolute confidence and go to toe-to-toe with anyone that I am hands down the best at sales.  I am an expert at sales for everyone, absolutely not.  I am the best at sales for the people I invested sales for.  That’s how you stand and own your expert energy.  You’re not _____ best across the world who ever lived ever.  That’s ego, right?  Expertise says I’m the best at what I specifically do for those that I specifically do it for.  I am an expert in that.

Andrea:  OK, so when you’re doing the Sales School for Entrepreneurs, are you helping people who are amateurs or people who are experts or people who are trying to get over that hump?  How did the people know whether or not they belong in that program?

Liz Dederer:  I’m helping everyone across the board.  I’ve got experts in there who just aren’t necessarily using their voice.  They aren’t necessarily speaking their value yet.  They’re still in sales energy, fear energy because they haven’t been taught or given permission that it’s OK to serve. 

Teaching amateurs for sure, who just had a great conversation with a woman yesterday who’s going to join our conversation creation challenge, which is a free Facebook group to help drum up more appointments on your calendar. And she’s at a really stage of infancy in her business, which is so exciting and she’s just so dripping and ready to learn that I was like, “Please come into this container, we’ll get your calendar booked, we’ll bump up your revenue and then when you’re ready you come play in Sales School.”  

And I was like, “I don’t wanna lose you because you’re an amateur and it comes across and you’ve got so much potential.”

Andrea:  Hmm, cool.

Liz Dederer:  Well, what we don’t work with are people who are just in it for sales, just in it for the money, just in it for kill, don’t have integrity, are not good at what they do, that doesn’t work.  The best people that we work with are those that really, really want to do good work in the world.  They want to help other people.  We can help them.  They’re great at what they do.  They want to be even better at what they do.  And they’re spending so much time getting better at what they do that they’re not spending any time doing it with clients or having conversations about it.  They’re just geeking out in their zone.  Those are the people I want to help because they’re really mad passionate about what they do.  That to me is sexy as hell.

Andrea:  Alright, so the Sales School for Entrepreneurs is it like a program with a certain end date or what is the basic structure of it?

Liz Dederer:  So, we do six weeks kind of cohorts.  We’ve got six week cohorts that run where it’s live training.  And we’re in the pilot mode.  It’ll launch officially in mid 2020.  So, right now, it’s the six week cohorts and then we have teaching Tuesdays and follow-up Fridays. 

To just kind of put this out there, overtime, it will be, you know, your sales don’t go away.  So, I don’t believe your training should either, so we will build in an extended membership component to it and it will likely look like some sort of lifetime membership. I’m still working out the details, but I’m just so crazy passionate about this and the students who are in are getting great results.  But it’s, “We’re gonna get in, we’re going to retrain your brain on how you think about sales, how you have the conversation.”  “You’re gonna get the scripts, the mindset, the words.”  “It’s all in this container and then I’m gonna support you on our follow-up Fridays,” which are kind of the students have been calling them, you know, office hours, just kind of open coaching calls where playing your sales questions to the call.  And I just coach you right on the spot.  

And I’ve literally had a student bring an in process sales situation to the table.  We repositioned her thinking around it and this was on a Friday, and by Tuesday she had doubled her rate with this client who was already in process and she closed it and it was done from Friday to Tuesday.

Andrea:  Awesome!  So, listener, if you’re wanting to get results like that, if you are thinking to yourself, Liz, sounds amazing, I would really like to work with her then follow the next step.  Liz, what’s the next step?

Liz Dederer:  The next step is go to a and we have a waitlist in between sessions and that will trigger our team to reach out to you and have an actual conversation with a real person to see what’s going on, where are you in business, how can we meet you where you are, and support you the best.  It might look like the conversation creation challenge.  It might be some of our other free resources that we keep behind the scenes to get you going.  It might look like jumping in early to the next, you know, cohort, but that’s kicking off.

But we’re just so mad passionate about helping people make more money because I know what it’s like to be the really busy broke entrepreneur and it’s painful, especially when you’re really good at something.  And I just don’t want people to feel like that.

Andrea:  Hmm.  And Liz, if you had one thing that you could leave the audience with, the listener with, what sort of tip or a piece of advice would you have for somebody who really does want to have a voice of influence?

Liz Dederer:  I would say to them, again the expert asks questions and the amateur answers and a voice of influence does not have to look like complete sentences.  You can be crazy impactful by getting someone to think differently and that’s through the process of asking more questions and you can completely demonstrate your authority, expertise, genius influence by shifting the way someone’s thinking through really expert, intelligent questions.

Andrea:  Hmm, so good.  Alright, thank you so much, Liz, for joining us on the Voice of Influence podcast and sharing your voice of influence.  And listener if you have interest and any of this at all, please come to the  We’re going to have the show notes available for you there with links to what Liz said and talked about, or go directly to her Sales School for Entrepreneurs, is that right?

Liz Dederer:  Yep,

Andrea:  Either one is just fine.  So, I know that this conversation is going to make a real difference in some people’s lives.  And so thank you so much, Liz.

Liz Dederer:  I’m so excited.  Thank you for having me!

How to Manage Your Reputation in Times of Crisis with Bill Coletti

Episode 103

Bill Coletti is the CEO & Founder of Kith, a reputation management, crisis communications and professional development expert, keynote speaker, Wall Street Journal Risk & Compliance panelist, and best-selling author of Critical Moments: The New Mindset of Reputation Management.

Bill has more than 25 years of global experience managing high-stakes crises, issues management, and media relations challenges for both Fortune 500 companies and winning global political campaigns.

In this episode, we discuss what reputation management is and what it looks like when he helps companies achieve it, the four A’s of reputation management, some of the main mistakes companies make when they attempt to manage their reputation or they enter a reputation crisis, the role transparency plays in managing a reputation crisis, the three common reactions to a reputation crisis, how to help employees at every level the actions needed to obtain an organization’s desire reputation, and more!

Mentioned in this episode:

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Bill Coletti Voice of Influence Podcast Andrea Joy Wenburg


Hey, hey!  It’s Andrea and welcome to the Voice of Influence podcast.  Today we have with us Bill Coletti who is a reputation management, crisis communications and professional development expert, keynote speaker, Wall Street Journal, Risk & Compliance panelist, and best-selling author of Critical Moments: The New Mindset of Reputation Management.


This is going to be interesting, folks.  He has more than 25 years of global experience managing high-stakes crises, issues management, and media relations challenges for both fortune 500 companies and winning global political campaigns, which is interesting.  Bill is the CEO and founder of Kith.


Andrea:  Bill, welcome to the Voice of Influence podcast.


Bill Coletti:  Andrea, it is my pleasure to be here and I’m looking forward to a great conversation.


Andrea:  Yeah.  OK, so what is Reputation Management and what does it look like when you’re actually helping companies or individuals achieve it?


Bill Coletti:  So, the beginning part of what we do at Kith is primarily crisis communications and crisis response.  A company finds themselves misaligned with public expectations.  And so think of United Airlines relative to the gentleman that they dragged off the plane or a credit card company or a bank that’s had a data breach, or a healthcare provider that is in the midst of litigation or some sort of lawsuit that’s there.


So, it’s a company that has somehow found themselves in the public eye and they’re misaligned with what the people expected them to do.  The pivot to that is reputation management is that how do you control and how do you manage this very, very intangible asset of a corporate reputation.  And we’ve introduced this concept of the 4As to allow corporations actually the ability to manage that.


So, we come in the door typically through crisis when companies find themselves misaligned and then we continue the relationship in this construct of, well, a “we don’t want to have to ever go through that again and how do we build a reservoir of goodwill,” or “We want to avoid that overall and never would sort of want to experience that again, but never for the first time.”  And “How do we use reputation management as a means to sort of grow the benefit of the doubt if something would to happen to us?”

Andrea:  Hmm.  So, you just mentioned your 4As, would you like to kind of go into that a little bit?


Bill Coletti:  Yeah.  So, there’s this concept that a lot of people may be familiar with in marketing called the 4Ps of marketing, it’s Price, Product, Place, Promotion.  It’s a pretty, you know, 1960s generation of thinking.  And so, I was sitting with a client in New York, we had just finished a crisis engagement.  They were through it and we’re now in the process of recovery after this crisis.  They had been subject to, you know, pretty withering media coverage for about 10 days and then we sort of found a solution and move forward.


And I was sitting with the CEO and the CEO said, “OK, I’ve heard you talk about reputation management before.  What do you mean?  What are you talking about?”   And so I tried to explain the concepts behind how we can try to get ahead of these issues that may impact our company moving forward.


And I was explaining it before I had developed the 4As and he said, “Oh, you mean like the 4Ps of marketing, price, product, place promotion,” because prior to that there was no such thing.  What it created was a structure for companies actually to assign resources as well as headcount to solve a marketing problem.  So you had someone responsible for price, for product, for placement and promotion.


And so the 4As that came out of that conversation, when I realized that most people think about the 4Ps, was to articulate this concept of what are the 4As.  And what I came up with is the structure of it begins with awareness.  Companies have to be aware of who they are, aware of their marketplace and to have a sense of sort of self-awareness much like we would to talk about in a human development context.


So, the first level is Awareness.  Can we pull it off?  How do we think about ourselves?  The second step is this notion of Assessment, which is asking others, both, asking your employees internally, asking stakeholders externally, asking your customers, asking regulators, and asking others that influenced your corporation.  So the first step is very much personal self-awareness, looking inside your company.  The second step is asking and having ongoing assessment of how we do and where do we stand in the context of reputation.


Then the third A is Authority.  And with authority is, is that once you’re self-aware and understand what your corporation has the capacity to do, you then understand what the public and your stakeholders expect of you.  You can then get authority and give yourself permission, the company permission to actually begin the process of developing reputation management initiatives.


And that authority certainly comes from senior leadership buy-in; it comes from asset allocation budget in order to execute it and then probably headcount in order to do that.  And so you need the authority from the organization to do it because too often CEOs and leaders that I work with sort of think about this as, “Oh yeah, yeah, that’s nice.  Let’s just write a bigger check to the United Way or let’s just write a bigger check to some organization.”


And so this notion of authority is you got to get buy-in from your leadership, but you also have to then make sure that you have more than buy-in, but actually budget and resources and whatnot.  And then in the model there is a hard blue line on top of those three things.  So from awareness, assessment, to authority and that hard blue line is to stop you from going to the final, the fourth A, which is Action.


Because too often consultants, PR firms, and myself 10 years ago would immediately run to action and say, “Well, you need to do this that’s the other thing.”  “You need to have a big sustainability program, you need to be able to talk about all the great things you’re doing for your employees.”  But if you’ve not gone through that journey and you jumped to action, and that’s why I put that a blue line separating the third step in the fourth step, is that the action is foolish.  It’s foolhardy.


And so, Andrea, I’m sure in the work that you do with your clients is that you’ve got folks and individuals that want to just immediately jump to action and don’t want to do the assessment.  They don’t want to be self-aware and they don’t want to give themselves permission to actually change.  And so, I think that that notion of don’t immediately jump to action, but let’s go through a little bit of a journey in order to turn the corner sort of resonate.  So, it works in a human context, but it also works in a corporate context.


Andrea:  Hmm, definitely.  There’s always a need for truly looking for the actual problem that’s there and finding the real solution before moving forward.  So, you said that one of the things that leaders tend to do is write a big check right away instead of really taking care of this in a sustainable kind of way.  What would be one of the biggest mistakes that you see leaders making sort of immediately when a crisis comes up?


Bill Coletti:  Yeah.  So two separate things, there’s in the crisis when the crisis comes up is one way a leader shows up.  And then the second way the leader shows up is actually how do they sort of develop reputation management.  And so the writing a big check is in the context of reputation management.  One of the biggest mistakes that I see companies make in a reputation management context is that this is easy, that you can get away with a tactic or a set of tactics and that could be write a big check or have an employee townhome meeting or, you know, do something that is good for the LBGTQ community or something like that.  It’s not one off, because people form opinions based on constant interaction with corporations over a long time.


So, the greatest challenge that I see companies take is that they’re looking for the silver bullet, the one thing that can kind of bring about that change from a reputation standpoint.  In a crisis, I think what I see, and it’s almost the polar opposite, where people tried to be too thoughtful for too long in a crisis while Rome is burning and stakeholders, the media and others are frustrated, you have to fill the vacuum with information as fast as you can.  So, there’s actually a polar opposite sort of in crisis.  You have a set of behaviors and then reputation management.  You have a set of behaviors and they’re almost at opposite ends of the perspective.


Andrea:  I know that one of the things that you talked about as seven levers that companies need to manage or to grow their reputations and that first one is transparency.  When it comes to that moment of crisis, some things, you know, are not going as planned.  There’s that misalignment with what people expect.  Maybe a lot of people inside or outside of the company do not understand what’s really going on, how much transparency is necessary on the front end at the very beginning to fill that vacuum?


Bill Coletti:  Yeah.  You know, transparency is directly related to authenticity and these are all sort of jargony buzzwords that we all sort of toss around that’s there.  And so if transparency in a crisis, it’s critical.  And transparency relates to authenticity.  So, for a preventable risk, something that has happened to accompany that there simply should be a zero tolerance support.


So, a meat company, a producer of ground beef or any meat and there are metal shavings in the ground beef, there should be zero tolerance for that.  That is absolutely preventable with the right amount of resources and the right amount of technology that can be avoided.  When that happens, the transparency comes in.  You simply have to apologize, fix it, and get back to normal as fast as you can.  And that’s where transparency comes in, is that “We’re sorry we made a mistake.”  “Here’s what happened.”  “Here’s what we’re doing to fix it and here’s how we’re going to get back to normal to try to earn your trust.”  And so that is very transparent.


That was not the typical response probably 10 to 20 years ago.  That was not the typical response.  Typical response was, “Let’s hope nobody finds out and sort of bury our head a little bit and we’ll just sort of fix the problem in a small scale way.”  “We’ll recall the product and move forward.”  I think the risk of getting kind of caught, if you will, is greater than the risk of transparency.  I think in a reputation context to people that are transparent; they gravitate to companies that are transparent, that are good to do business with, that are honest and open partners.


And so that’s the context of transparency.  It’s not oddly cathartic where every thought and feeling you have is broadcast on social media.  That’s not what I mean.  That’s kind of weird.  We all have kind of friends like that on Facebook.  That’s not what I’m talking about, but I’m talking about that companies do business in a way that is open and fair dealing and people are comforted by that.  While they might not be interested in it, they’re at least comforted by it.


Andrea:  I’m thinking of some situations that I’ve seen before where maybe a leader, I’m just taking this little step further, where there might be a leadership change at the top and people are wondering what’s going on or why, how much of that information, and it could be in a crisis situation, but how much of that information should people know, you know, employees or the public depending on how involved the public is with a particular leader.  Sometimes leaders have a very charismatic presence, so people are drawn to them and want to stick by them and that sort of thing.  How does a company deal with that sort of, I don’t know that attention, I guess, between how much do we share and how much do we not?


Bill Coletti:  Sure, and this is hypothetical, is it a sudden transition or is it a planned transition?


Andrea:  Probably sudden, yeah.


Bill Coletti:  Yeah, sudden.  So, I think we’re acutely seeing that in the context of MeToo.  I think we’ve seen a number of men particularly in leadership roles that are now no longer in leadership roles.  So it has been very, very sudden and these have been, you know, popular people, popular certainly within their small subset of their company.  But some people we’ve seen, you know, have been popular in a pop culture context.  The old adage and the old line that we’ve all seen a hundred times is that, you know, “Mr. X has decided to spend more time with his family.”  And that’s almost become kind of code for, “There’s something going on.  We don’t want to tell you about.”


And so I think that there are legal tensions.  We can’t call somebody out that said, “You know, Mr. X is no longer here because of these following transgressions.”  There’s disparaging clauses and there are all kinds of negotiated contracts that are there.  I think companies don’t really care or individuals, they’re curious about why this happened.  But I think what they really need to hear is from the new leader that said “What happened, happened,” but here transparently is how we are going to get better moving forward.”


So, sort of the People Magazine view of “Oh my gosh, what happened, give me the inside scoop?”  We’re all interested in that.  We’re all curious about it.  But I think scratching that itch is not very necessary.  I think the transparency comes in about the path forward and acknowledging that we’re in a situation of change, acknowledging it’s a change that we didn’t want to be in but it is a place that we’re going to get through and that’s where the transparency comes in.  It’s less about the voyeuristic, you know, who shot John or what happened in the events.  That open up to a litigation and legal risk, which is really unnecessary, and it’s frankly unfair to someone who’s going through a pretty bad, difficult situation to begin with.


Andrea:  OK, so you’ve been in the room with a number of people who are in the middle of crisis and a team dynamics.  You see these team dynamics sort of at play.  What is it like for you to walk into a room and try to assess where everybody’s at or how to meet people where they’re at, what are those team dynamics like?  What do you see when you move into a crisis situation with the leadership team?


Bill Coletti:  Yeah, it’s a great question, terrific question.  So, typical engagement starts with someone from the company where their head of communications to CEO, board member of general council calls and has an initial conversation and they say, “Here’s where we are and my ears are wide open from that moment forward.”  And that usually one person, maybe two people on the call and they’re all sort of sharing their perspectives.  From then, I’m really sort of taking mental notes of how is this information getting flowed to me.  What’s missing?  What are people hiding?  What do they not want to tell?


And it’s usually in that first call, we’ve not really been engaged but we’re pretty close to being engaged because a lot of our business comes from referrals, where people find themselves in crisis.  They do an initial call to make sure that I’m legit and then it moves to the next meeting, which is more than likely means, I jump on a plane in that afternoon and the next morning, we all gathered together and meet as a team.


There is a handful of different leadership responsibilities when I walk in.  So, there’s typically somebody from legal, typically somebody from operations, someone who actually does the work of whatever the enterprise does, someone from communications and then an executive leader.  And all four of those career choices, if you decide to be a lawyer or if you decide to do business or in business operations and, actually sort of do the work versus communications versus executive.


So, I have a gross general perception of those types of four archetypes just based on the career choices that I’ve made is that, you know, the communicators typically are looking for the silver lining and are looking for sort of the positive constructs that are there.  I think the general council are looking at the worst case scenario, you know, “What could go wrong?”  I think the people in operations are like, “What are you worried about, this is really normal.”  “Something broke.  We’re going to fix it and, we’re going to get back to business.”  The big wild card is the CEO, the leadership team that’s there and it really depends on their leadership archetype.  You know, who are they, where do they come from?


I believe in the adage that the crucible of crisis doesn’t develop your leadership, it reveals it.  And so I think when we see ourselves in situations, I really, really, really quickly try to size up the CEO.  I’ve recently used, I know you’re a fan of sort of the Sally Hogshead stuff and there’s a Gallup’s StrengthFinders, while we certainly don’t have time to do any sort of, you know, an assessment in a real time situation like that is that I do try to use some sort of paradigm archetype to quickly sort people because it just sort of helps me interact with them.

Because what I did earlier in my career was I would just sort of walk in and say “I’m in charge, here’s what we’re doing, step 1, step 2, step 3.”  And that will work in a fire.  You know, if you’re in a fire, you don’t really care about the personality of the firefighter, you just want to be told what to do and how to get out safely and you want them to fight the fire.  But if it’s smoldering or not actively burning, if you will, that’s when it’s really beneficial.  And that’s where I found great benefit of sort of understanding the dynamics of the individuals in the room.


But there are times where you just got to go in and say, “Here’s what we’re going to do and we’ll deal with the casualties kind of afterwards.”  It’s there.  I don’t know if that directly answered your question, but as it develops, I try to look at some sort of personality traits or some sort of paradigm to help sort people because that’s really, really valuable to let me empathize.  But also, let me sort of, you know, lead with passion and cajole people into doing things that they might not necessarily want to do.


Andrea:  Hmm.  And I really think that when you have a voice of influence, you are trying to meet people where they are, not just trying to bring them to where you are.  And so that’s sounds to me like sort of the epitome of that, like trying to figure out where are they and how can I meet them there.  That seems very, very important.


Bill Coletti:  It is, but it’s time-bound.  And I would ask you as you’re imagining situations like that and the people that you serve and you’re trying to help them, it’s usually in a committee meeting as they are planning the next event and it’s a little bit slower paced as opposed to something like this.  So, I’ve got to cheat the process.  I’ve got to short circuit things in order to do that.  I’m glad to hear you say yes.  That it is different than if I’m meeting with my team to perform our quarterly task or an annual, you know, major goal that we have versus, you know, “We’ve got to get back to a reporter by 4 o’clock and I don’t even have any idea what happened.”  Those are two different paradigms.


Andrea:  Hmm, definitely.  Have you always been good in a crisis?  How did you know that this was, you know, your thing?


Bill Coletti:  Yeah.  I don’t know about always.  I always try to improve and get better at it.  I think I have had a leadership trait and I’ve always used that and from elementary and middle school and manifested itself in student government and things like that.  I sail and I enjoy sailing and they say that sailing is, you know, hours of boredom with moments of stark terror.  And I tried to stay calm in those situations, so I don’t know about always.  I think the stakes are a little bit different when you’re in sixth grade versus now.  But I don’t recall having big shifts or swings of panic or concern and my dad is amazing 95 years old and still alive.


You know, I’ve watched him and he has a little bit of a higher drama panic meter than I do.  So, it has been really nice to watch that and try to do the opposite of it.  Not in a disparaging way, but just try to craft myself and to craft the way I show up in a little bit of a different way than the way I’ve seen it.  So, I manifest with him in our sailing that we did as a family.


Andrea:  Sure.  I think there’s a little bit of that some people just kind of tend to shut down in a crisis, others really kind of dial up.  It’s almost like the spidey senses turn on and so I was just kind of curious, I assume that that’s kind of how it goes for you.


Bill Coletti:  Well, I would add in so typical is that third is just panic.  One is that spidey sense is awesome.  I want people in the room that are intuitive see things and have centers of influence where they can learn really well.  So, there’s the shutdown, which is, “Oh my God, this is the worst thing ever.”  And we never hear from them again, the spidey sense folks in the middle love that analogy.  But there are also folks that just chicken a little and are freaking out in every little thing and those two extremes have very little use.  And there are subcategories underneath that.  But I think you hit on something with those two and then we add the third.  But I think those are the three general ways I see people show up.


Andrea:  Yeah, yeah.  What foundational things do you think that companies should do or provide to really ensure that whatever the reputation is that they’re trying to establish, that it actually reaches the frontline employee in service or sales.  The people that are actually, you know, face to face with customers, how do you hope that reach all the way down?


Bill Coletti:  Yeah, so a clear and simple articulation of mission and values.  What do we stand for as a company?  And that is most personified by the voice of the CEO.  And so, I think getting CEO voice right and then once you get it and you think you got it right repeat it over and over and over again so that that line employee simply gets it.  But more importantly, the manager of that line employee really, really gets it.  And that people are empowered for reputation management standpoint to make smart decisions not simply follow the rules that are there.


And so, there’s a famous marine corps general named, Krulak, and Krulak articulated the concept of the strategic corporal.  And basically what that is, is that his theory was that the frontline of the marines at the actual front have more impact on American foreign policy than any policy or strategy decision that’s made.  That frontline person shows up like a jerk that is going to have more impact on what we do.


So, Krulak’s law, pushing that down into the organization and the concept of the strategic corporal is, it’s one thing for the counter clerk at McDonald’s, which is the equivalent of, you know, the fighting marine on the grunt, if you will, on the very front line.  What you need is, yes, frontline is important, but what you really need is that strategic corporal or that store manager for them to really get it.  That’s what really, really critical.


And I don’t want to disparage the frontline because I think we’ve all been there and in that early first jobs that we’ve had, but I think the way that that gets pushed down is mission and values articulated by the leadership, by the CEO specifically, but then for that strategic corporal, that person at the second round, if you will, having them have it dialed in is sort of the best way to push it down to the organization.  It’s not a memo, a webinar, or a podcast or anything like that.  It is the embodiment of that in the individuals that are the strategic corporal at the frontline.


Andrea:  Great!  Thank you so much, Bill.  How can the listener find you?  Where should they go to find your book, Critical Moments?


Bill Coletti:  Awesome!  Well, is the website of our firm.  I’m really active on LinkedIn.  I try to publish some content weekly about crisis and reputation management on LinkedIn.  So, those are two really good places and then I’m just kind of old fashioned email,  So, our website is the great portal to find us.  LinkedIn is a great resource and I read emails still.


Andrea:  Great!  And we will certainly put all of that in the show notes.  Any last words that you would want to share with leaders who are wanting to have a voice of influence in time of crisis?


Bill Coletti:  I think to kind of really do what you suggest, learn who you are as an individual and play your strengths.   Not everyone has to be good in a crisis because we need players in the B team, the second round.  And I don’t mean that B is less than A, but I think the important thing is that when you show up in a crisis, understand what your strengths are and understand how you react.  I think the simplest, best advice I give folks that find themselves in corporations to do this is read the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times and just say, “If that had happened to us, how would we react?”


So, if companies or if individuals do that and maybe a brown bag lunch type of thing and say, “Hey guys, if this had happened to us, here’s an article.”  “If this had happened to us, what would we do?”  Simple best actionable advice that’s there after that, get to know yourself and know how you’re going to show up because that notion of the crucible of crisis doesn’t develop your leadership, it reveals it.  And so you want to like what you see when it gets revealed.


Andrea:  Great!  Thank you so much for sharing your voice of influence with our listeners.


Bill Coletti:  Thank you very much!

How to Unite Your Team With An Anthem

Episode 102

It should be a goal of every corporate leader to get their employees to buy into the company’s mission and brand. Yet, the further you get down the line, the more difficult it becomes to do that. You end up with people who don’t feel like they have a purpose within the organization and then they’re there just for the paycheck.

In this episode, I explain how you can help your employees feel like they have a purpose and a voice within your organization by creating and utilizing a team anthem specifically for your customer service team. I also explain what a team anthem is, the three reasons we utilize team anthems with our clients, how to create your team anthem, and more!

Mentioned in this episode:

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Voice of Influence Andrea Joy Wenburg


Hey, hey!  It’s Andrea and welcome to the Voice of Influence podcast.  One of the things that we often talk to people about is brand awareness and the opportunity that people on, sometimes, the frontlines or throughout the company have to be able to truly represent and embody their brand.

That is something that leaders usually want.  They want everybody in the company to be on board and buy into the mission, the vision, and the values of the company.  And yet, it’s very easy, the further you get down the line in terms of seniority to end up with people who feel less than excited about the brand, less than committed to the company and the company’s success where it might just feel like a job.  It just feels like a job to them that they want to maintain to get paycheck, which is a legitimate reason to have a job.

But there’s something significantly missing when there are people in your company who work at your job just to have a job, something significantly missing for them and for you.

One of the most important things for us to remember when you are a leader is that the people around you want to know that they have a purpose.  They want to know that their voice matters.  If their voice doesn’t matter within the company or with your customers then it’s just a job.  However, if they find purpose and meaning and believe that their voice really does matter then they’re going to have a different level of investment into the success of the mission and vision and values of the company.

One of the things that we do is work with individuals on their own voice of influence, so helping people to really believe that their voice does matter to find their authentic voice so that they can make a difference.  So that their advice can be _____, so that their expertise can be accepted and utilized, and so that their leadership can be followed.

When people are searching for their voice of influence, one of the tools that we utilize is the Fascinate Assessment in order to be able to help people kind of understand how the world sees them, how they are perceived by others.  It is a fairly simple assessment, which is what I love about it because I love the really in depth stuff but at scale.  In depth is very difficult to apply and utilize fully.

The Fascinate Assessment has just enough meat on the bones that it can really make a significant impact.  But it’s also simple enough that people can take it real quick and then have some results right away and come up with what they call a personal brand anthem, something that would help them to remember what their purpose is.  And so this is an assessment that we use and I love the terminology, the anthem.

So, we have applied this idea of having an anthem to the importance of having one as a team.  A personal anthem would be based on your personal purpose.  The things that you’re particularly good at or what you bring to the table that is significant and that others need to know about how other people really see you when you’re at your best, but what about the team as a whole?

A lot of times companies have, you know, values and mission statements and things are super important to the DNA of the company and you want to maintain that throughout every bit of the company.  But what about teams?  You know, sometimes a team needs to have their own sense of identity.  Why does our team in particular matter?

And it’s interesting, but customer service can tend to feel like it sort of everybody wants to be important.  Everybody wants the customer experience to be good, but at the same time it has historically been sort of these are the people that are taking care of the hard stuff and they’re dealing with the hard conversations.  They’re just cleaning up the messes and that sort of thing.

The problem with that is that if you are hiring people to participate in customer service and you want them to do a good job, then you’re trying to hire people that care.  You’re trying to hire people that would be good with people and that sort of thing.  Those are all very important things.

But if they don’t have a personal connection to the purpose, to the vision, to the mission of the company, if they don’t see how they fit in as a team, as a customer service team that matters to the bottom line, that matters to the leadership of the company, if they don’t feel like they really matter, then whether they mean to or not, whether you mean to or not, they’re going to end up feeling as though they don’t really matter.

I’ve spoken with a number of managers or customer service teams or call centers who feel as though the bigger company and the leadership of the company doesn’t respect the fact that their frontline customer service people need to understand what’s going on in the company.

So when there is a strategic initiative that starts or when marketing is going to take a turn or a new product is going to come into play, many times the customer service team is the last one to know about these changes, which is unfortunate because they’re often the one place that customers actually have contact with the company itself.

One of the very first or most important voices of your company is your customer service team.  And if they don’t sense that from you, if they’re not getting that sense or they’re not truly connected to the bigger purpose, mission, vision of the company then it becomes more difficult for them to really truly embody it and represent your company well.

So, today we’re going to talk a little bit about creating a team anthem for your customer service team.  Why we do this?  Why is this a piece of what we help companies to do and how can you do it for yourself?  So we’re going to start here with an anthem.

So an anthem, let’s think about this in terms of a national anthem.  So the United States National Anthem, the Star-Spangled Banner is played on a regular basis at ball games and sporting events and political gatherings and all kinds of places that is played on a regular basis.  Why is that and what is it about an anthem that is so important?

Well, we got three things here.  So first of all, an anthem is really, really important for providing perspective.  When an anthem is played before a competition, there is a sense of we are all together under this anthem, under this one nation and we are a part of this bigger story.

There is perspective to be gained when we take a step back and say, “Wait a second, this is what we’re all about.  This is where we came from.  This is where we’re headed, this is what we stand for,” that sort of thing.  So, having perspective and understanding that in the moment of the fight, in the moment of that point of a competition where things get really intense prior to that you’ve said that moment is important.  But overall we’re on the same team.  And when we can say that, then those little moments though they might be intense and people might fight really hard to come out the winner.  That’s great.

But bringing that sense of perspective allows people to remember that they’re really a part of something bigger than themselves.  And this is not just about me and winning this competition, but who we are as a people and where we come from is really important.  And that we don’t have to compete on that in particular.  The anthem reminds athletes who and what they’re actually representing.  This is about something bigger than ourselves.

So, when we offer people an anthem, when they have an anthem to rally around, then that helps them to gain a perspective about what we’re all about, where we come from and the fact that this is about a bigger story, this is about more than me, “I am not the only piece of this puzzle that matters, but I am a piece of the puzzle that does matter.”

And that brings us to point number two.  A good anthem calls out our identity.  Who do we say that we are as a people, as a company, as a nation, who do we say that we are?  In the United States National Anthem, the Star-Spangled Banner, at the very end you hear a very clear “This is who we are.  We are the land of the free, so we are free and we are a home of the brave.”

So, this is where you can really find a place when you are brave.  You are brave and you are free and that piece of identity at the end of the national anthem, every time it is sung, every time a whole huge crowd or every time that we hear “The land of the free and the home of the brave” and that is belted out at the end and we all rally around that sound, those words.  It’s an amazing opportunity for people to f to be reminded of their identity and who we are.  This is important.  I am important.  I can be brave and I am free.

Then finally number three an anthem provides, I don’t know if you’d call it motivation or really a sense of purpose.  So perspective and identity and purpose, they all sort of come together.  They come together to help people to feel like they know, “OK this is what we’re all about.  This is where we come from, this is what we’re all about and this is what I’m here to provide.  This is how I show up.  I show up as brave, I show up as free, I show up with respect that sort of thing.

So when a company adapts this idea of having an anthem, a good anthem is going to provide those three things; it’s perspective, a sense of identity, and a very clear purpose.  This is where we come from.  This is who we say we are and this is what we say we’re all about an anthem, for even a team like a customer service team is going to bring all those three things to bear.  It is going to make sure that those three things are hit on so that the team can rally around this anthem and have that sense of identity and perspective and purpose.

But what happens when there’s an anthem and there is a sense of discrepancy between what the anthem says and what people are seeing in their company or in their country.  When they see an anthem, when they’re hearing an anthem and they hear these words like respectful invitation or, you know, freedom and bravery and these values or these words that really call out something really beautiful and important and purposeful.  And then they look at the company or they look at the country and they say, “But that’s not what I’m seeing here.  I’m seeing a discrepancy between who we say that we are and what we’re actually doing.”

You’ve probably been quite aware of some of the controversial ways that the anthem in particular of the United States National Anthem has been used to discuss this and bring up conversation about the discrepancy that athletes are seeing between the anthem itself and what they’re seeing in the way that it plays out for equality.  And the way that some of these people have chosen to address this or to bring this discrepancy to light is to kneel during the anthem instead of stand, which is an interesting way to do it.

There are lots of different perspectives on this and having had grandparents or relatives that have served in the military almost giving their lives or giving their lives for the country, I can understand the depth of intense feelings that people have around this issue.  And yet I think it’s important that we always look at, especially for if you’re going to have a voice of influence, you going to be able to take perspective.  You got to be able to look at the way that other people are seeing the world as well.

So, why would somebody kneel during the national anthem?  Is it possible that they actually do respect the national anthem and they respect the many ways that people have contributed or sacrificed for the freedoms in the country so much that they see that there’s a need to do it even better.  They see discrepancies between that freedom that we proclaim in the national anthem that people have fought for and what they’re actually seeing in real life.  And this is a way that they are choosing to bring this to light.

So the point for a company is that there are going to be times that even if you do create an anthem or if you have a set of values that you say, you know, on a big scale mission, vision, values for the company.  And those get down to the people who are on those front lines that you get down to the customer service folks and they look around and they say, “Yeah, but I’m not seeing that here and I’m not seeing that here.”

How would you like them to handle the discrepancies that they see?  Do they have an opportunity to share their voice, to help make the communication or the anthem that of the company actually get everybody aligned underneath of it so that it’s not saying something that’s not true about your company because if values aren’t aspirational, I don’t know what they are.

Obviously, they’re not going to be perfect in a sense an anthem should be calling out what’s already present, the strengths that are already there in your company or in your customer service team or in you as an individual.  But if people are seeing discrepancies, they should see discrepancies.  What should they do with those discrepancies?  What do you want them to do about it?  Do they have the opportunity to really voice their concerns and make a difference?  Does their voice matter?

So, as you’re thinking about an anthem and giving people an anthem, it’s not something that you actually create for other people.  Instead, it works so much better if a team gets together to create their own anthem because then they do have a voice.  When you do have that company mission, vision, values and then try to get it to filter out through the whole company; different sites, different divisions, different teams, it’s good to have all that but it’s even better when a team can come underneath of that and in alignment with what you’ve already created be able to get even more specific about who they are as a team and who they are as an individual.

When they do that, you’re going to find that the people, the individuals have a clear sense of what they bring to the table, their own sense of perspective, identity and purpose and that they see how that connects with their teams sense of perspective, identity and purpose and then they see how their team fits into the strategic mission, vision, and values of the company then things feel more aligned.

People don’t see as many discrepancies or when they do, they have a better sense of what to do with those discrepancies when they come up.  So as for the technical pieces of an anthem besides this general sense of perspective, identity and purpose, how do you do that?  What process can you go through to take your people through this opportunity to find an anthem for your team?

There are different ways that you can do this.  There are different people that have different systems that give you one word or give you a set of values or give you whatever.  There are lots of different ways that you could do this.  And the basic concept is that you want them to be very, very clear on the perspective, identity and purpose.

The way that we do it with companies when we do a voice of influence program for like a customer service team or a sales team is we go in and we identify the strengths of the team itself.  People take the fascinate assessment and we give people the opportunity to create their own anthem and then from there, their own anthem in the Fascinate Assessment is like an adjective and a noun.  It’s what you do best and how you do it.

So for example, empowering expression is one of the pieces of my personal anthem.  So when I walk into a room, I’m thinking to myself, “This is what I bring to the table.   I bring empowering expression.  This is the perspective that I have. This is where I come from.  I know in my own mind and heart just the background of why that’s important to me and what I’ve done to be able to get to the point where I can actually help people with that.  I know that’s my identity.  This is who I am, this is what I provide.  But it’s also my purpose.”

I can help people by helping them be able to express themselves.  And when I have that as my main mission, when that becomes the goal then most other things tend to fall into place because I’m very, very focused on what I can bring to the table.  I’m very, very focused on my anthem.

When it comes to with voice of influence, and our anthem is Voice of Influence, what we have chosen to do is to take that same model, the adjective and the noun and create four or five different adjectives, noun phrases that would describe different pieces of who we say that we are and what we’re all about.  And by doing that then we use a one sentence to describe that to make it very clear and then we use a question to ask, “Are we really doing that?  How does this actually play out? Is this a thing that we can actually do?  Are we doing it well?”

And so that is the basic format of the team anthem that we help teams create.  You can do that on your own or if you need help with that, we could certainly help.  But that is so important for people to be able to come together to create this together.  And once you have an anthem, you can utilize the anthem to create a system of checks and balances to create a system of accountability if you’d like to incorporate it into your personal reviews, personal reviews for the person.

If culture and tribe and getting everybody together to be aligned with that mission, vision, and values of your company is important to you then spending time on an anthem, spending time on giving people a voice, helping people to find their own voice and to be able to connect it to the voice of your company is so worth it.  Because in the end you’re going to get more buy-in and you’re going to get more engagement.

When people really feel like they understand the perspective of what this company is about, where they came from, what your company says that they are, who they are and who they are as a team within the company and then their purpose.  When they know that your purpose and their purpose are connected, they’re going to be motivated to be able to do more and really truly embody the brand of your company.

If you’d like any more information about creating an anthem, you can find more information on our show notes at and folks that means that next time it will be Episode 100 for the Voice of Influence podcast and we are celebrating here on our team.  We’re very excited about Episode 100.  So in that episode, I’m going to be back again to share with you what we have distilled over the past two years, two plus years of interviews and working with clients, working with individuals on their voice of influence.  What are the six main elements of a Voice of Influence?  Why are they so important?

Clarity around these things changes the game.  When you are wanting to a difference, you need to know the six elements for yourself and for helping your team know these six elements for themselves.  If you’re looking for emerging leaders to come up and come up the ranks in your company, this episode is for you.  You’re going to want to hear it.  We’re excited to share it with you next time and until then, until Episode 100.  Go and find an anthem for your team and go make your voice matter more.